Android manifests to compile AOSP for Anbox
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <manifest>
  3. <remote name="anbox" fetch="" revision="anbox/o" />
  4. <!-- Remove a few projects we have replacements for -->
  5. <remove-project name="platform/bionic" />
  6. <remove-project name="platform/frameworks/base" />
  7. <remove-project name="platform/frameworks/native" />
  8. <remove-project name="platform/hardware/libhardware" />
  9. <remove-project name="platform/hardware/libhardware_legacy" />
  10. <remove-project name="platform/system/core" />
  11. <remove-project name="platform/system/netd" />
  12. <remove-project name="device/generic/x86" />
  13. <remove-project name="device/generic/x86_64" />
  14. <remove-project name="device/generic/goldfish" />
  15. <remove-project name="device/generic/goldfish-opengl" />
  16. <!-- These are all Android repositories we have modifications for -->
  17. <project path="bionic" name="platform_bionic" groups="pdk" remote="anbox" />
  18. <project path="frameworks/base" name="platform_frameworks_base" groups="pdk-cw-fs,pdk-fs" remote="anbox" />
  19. <project path="frameworks/native" name="platform_frameworks_native" groups="pdk" remote="anbox" />
  20. <project path="hardware/libhardware" name="platform_hardware_libhardware" groups="pdk" remote="anbox" />
  21. <project path="hardware/libhardware_legacy" name="platform_hardware_libhardware_legacy" groups="pdk" remote="anbox" />
  22. <project path="system/core" name="platform_system_core" groups="pdk" remote="anbox" />
  23. <project path="system/netd" name="platform_system_netd" groups="pdk" remote="anbox" />
  24. <!-- Our own components -->
  25. <project path="device/anbox" name="device_anbox" remote="anbox" revision="master" />
  26. <project path="anbox" name="anbox" remote="anbox" revision="master" />
  27. </manifest>