Simple Apache/HTTPD log parser for administrative analysis
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

402 lines
13 KiB

#!/bin/env python
# Simple Apache log parser
# Copyright (C) 2020 Pekka Helenius
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# TODO prev_host: instead of comparing to previous entry, check if such IP has been seen in XXX seconds
# store IP values for temporary list for XXX seconds, and check list values
import argparse
import os
import re
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from apachelogs import LogParser
out_fields_list = ['log_file_name', 'http_status', 'remote_host', 'country', 'time', 'time_diff', 'user_agent', 'http_request']
out_timeformat = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"
dayformat = "%d-%m-%Y"
ot = '"' + re.sub(r'%', '%%', out_timeformat) + '"'
geotool = "geoiplookup"
geodb = "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat"
# Log format as defined in Apache/HTTPD configuration file (LogFormat directive)
in_log_syntax = "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\" \"%{cache-status}e\""
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argparser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', help = 'Apache log file directory.', nargs = '?', dest = 'log_dir', required = True)
argparser.add_argument('-f', '--files', help = 'Apache log files. Regular expressions supported.', nargs = '+', dest = 'log_file', required = True)
argparser.add_argument('-s', '--logsyntax', help = 'Apache log files syntax, defined as "LogFormat" directive in Apache configuration.', nargs = '?', dest = 'log_syntax')
argparser.add_argument('-c', '--statuscodes', help = 'Print only these status codes. Regular expressions supported.', nargs = '+', dest = 'status_code')
argparser.add_argument('-cf', '--countryfilter', help = 'Include only these countries. Negative match (exclude): "\!Country"', nargs = '+', dest = 'country')
argparser.add_argument('-ot', '--outtimeformat', help = 'Output time format.\nDefault: ' + ot, nargs = '?', dest = 'out_timeformat')
argparser.add_argument('-of', '--outfields', help = 'Output fields.\nDefault: ' + ', '.join(out_fields_list), nargs = '+', dest = 'out_field')
argparser.add_argument('-ng', '--nogeo', help = 'Skip country check with external "geoiplookup" tool.', action='store_true', dest = 'no_geo')
argparser.add_argument('-dl', '--daylower', help = 'Do not check log entries older than this day.\nDay syntax: 31-12-2020', nargs = '?', dest = 'day_lower')
argparser.add_argument('-du', '--dayupper', help = 'Do not check log entries newer than this day.\nDay syntax: 31-12-2020', nargs = '?', dest = 'day_upper')
argparser.add_argument('-sb', '--sortby', help = 'Sort by an output field.', nargs = '?', dest = 'sortby_field')
argparser.add_argument('-sbr', '--sortbyreverse', help = 'Sort by an output field, reverse order.', nargs = '?', dest = 'sortby_field_reverse')
argparser.add_argument('-st', '--stats', help = 'Show short statistics at the end.', action='store_true', dest = 'show_count')
argparser.add_argument('-np', '--noprogress', help = 'Do not show progress information.', action='store_true', dest = 'no_progress')
args = argparser.parse_args()
if args.status_code is None:
status_filter = False
skip_line_1 = False
status_filter = True
skip_line_1 = True
status_codes = args.status_code
http_valid_codes = [
code_statuses = []
for status_input in status_codes:
init_status = False
status_append = status_input
status_appended = False
for status_valid in http_valid_codes:
if, status_valid):
status_append = status_valid
init_status = True
status_appended = True
code_statuses.append((status_append, init_status))
init_status = False
if not status_appended:
code_statuses.append((status_append, init_status))
error_msg = ""
for vl in code_statuses:
status, init_status = vl
if not init_status:
error_msg += "Invalid status code '" + status + "' supplied\n"
if error_msg != "":
raise Exception("\n" + error_msg)
if is None:
country_filter = False
skip_line_2 = False
country_filter = True
countries_filter_list =
skip_line_2 = True
if args.out_timeformat is not None:
out_timeformat = args.out_timeformat
if args.out_field is not None:
out_fields_list = args.out_field
if args.day_lower is not None:
day_lower = datetime.strptime(args.day_lower, dayformat)
day_lower = None
if args.day_upper is not None:
day_upper = datetime.strptime(args.day_upper, dayformat)
day_upper = None
if args.log_syntax is None:
log_syntax = in_log_syntax
log_syntax = args.log_syntax
log_dir = args.log_dir
files = args.log_file
no_progress = args.no_progress
files_tmp = []
parser = LogParser(log_syntax)
for file_regex in files:
for file in os.listdir(log_dir):
fullpath = log_dir + file
if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
if, file):
files = files_tmp
def fileCheck(file, flag, env=None):
if env is None:
filepath = file
for path in os.environ[env].split(os.pathsep):
filepath = os.path.join(path, file)
if os.path.isfile(filepath):
if os.access(filepath, eval(flag)):
return True
return False
# TODO Really exclude, when no additional args are passed to either of both
if args.sortby_field is not None and args.sortby_field_reverse is not None:
raise Exception("Use either normal or reverse sorting.")
sortby_field = None
if args.sortby_field is not None:
sortby_field = args.sortby_field
reverse_order = False
elif args.sortby_field_reverse is not None:
sortby_field = args.sortby_field_reverse
reverse_order = True
i = 0
country_seen = False
prev_host = ""
host_country = ""
log_entries = []
for file in files:
if not no_progress:
print("Processing file: " + file)
with open(log_dir + file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if not no_progress:
print("Processing log entry: " + str(i), end = "\r")
if i != 0 and not (skip_line_1 or skip_line_2):
prev_host = entry_remote_host
prev_host_time = entry_time
entry = parser.parse(line)
entry_time = entry.request_time.replace(tzinfo=None)
# TODO Handle situations where date_upper & date_lower are equal
if day_upper is not None and day_lower is not None:
if day_lower > day_upper:
raise Exception("Earlier day can't be later than later day")
if day_upper is not None:
if day_upper >
raise Exception("Day can't be in the future")
if day_lower is not None:
if day_lower >
raise Exception("Day can't be in the future")
if day_lower is not None:
if entry_time <= day_lower: continue
if day_upper is not None:
if entry_time >= day_upper: continue
entry_remote_host = entry.remote_host
entry_http_status = entry.final_status
entry_user_agent = entry.headers_in["User-Agent"]
# In case where request has newline or other similar chars. Tell Python interpreter to escape them
entry_http_request = str(entry.request_line).encode('unicode_escape').decode()
if status_filter:
for status in code_statuses:
num, num_ok = status
status = int(num)
if status != entry_http_status:
skip_line_1 = True
skip_line_1 = False
if not args.no_geo and fileCheck(geotool, "os.X_OK", "PATH") and fileCheck(geodb, "os.R_OK"):
if prev_host == entry.remote_host:
country_seen = True
country_seen = False
if not country_seen:
host_country = subprocess.check_output([geotool, entry_remote_host]).rstrip().decode()
host_country = re.sub(r"^.*, (.*)", r'\1', host_country)
if"Address not found", host_country):
host_country = "Unknown"
if country_filter:
for country in countries_filter_list:
if country[1] == "!":
country = country[2:]
if country.lower() == host_country.lower():
skip_line_2 = True
skip_line_2 = False
elif country.lower() != host_country.lower():
skip_line_2 = True
skip_line_2 = False
skip_line_2 = False
if skip_line_1 or skip_line_2:
i += 1
time_diff = str("NEW_CONN")
if prev_host == entry_remote_host:
time_diff = ( entry_time - prev_host_time ).total_seconds()
if time_diff > 0:
time_diff = "+" + str(time_diff)
if i == 0:
time_diff = float(0.0)
# TODO: Optimize stri generation logic, avoid generating multiple times since it's really not necessary
out_fields = [
('log_file_name', file, '{:s}' ),
('http_status', entry_http_status, '{:3s}' ),
('remote_host', entry_remote_host, '{:15s}'),
('country', host_country, '{:20s}'),
('time', entry_time, '{:8s}' ),
('time_diff', time_diff, '{:8s}' ),
('user_agent', entry_user_agent, '{:s}' ),
('http_request', entry_http_request, '{:s}' )
stri = ""
printargs = []
t = 0
while t <= len(out_fields_list) - 1:
for out_field in out_fields:
entry, data, striformat = out_field
if args.no_geo and entry == "country":
if out_fields_list[t] == entry:
stri += "\t" + striformat
t += 1
i += 1
if sortby_field is not None:
sort_field_found = False
d = 0
for field in out_fields_list:
if field == sortby_field:
sort_field_index = d
sort_field_found = True
d += 1
if sort_field_found:
log_entries.sort(key = lambda log_entries: log_entries[sort_field_index], reverse=reverse_order)
if not no_progress:
for entry in log_entries:
c = 0
entry_tmp = []
while c <= len(entry) - 1:
c += 1
if args.show_count:
print(("\n" +
"Processed files: {:s}\n" +
"Processed log entries: {:d}\n" +
"Matched log entries: {:d}\n").format(
', '.join(files),