# Clevo N950TP6 Various instructions for setting up (Arch) Linux OS on Clevo N950TP6 [Clevo website](https://www.clevo.com.tw) ![](https://www.clevo.com.tw/images/en/clevo/logo.png) ![img_1](images/linux-run/linux-run_3.jpg) ![img_2](images/general_5.jpg) ## Table of Contents ---------------- **WARNING** Be aware that Clevo N950TP6 has power issues _which may cause major data loss due to sudden and random shut downs_. This issue occurs if the laptop is directly connected to AC and battery is not used, at least. I have had multiple programs & documents opened and suffered many times from this issue. I don't know if this an OS specific issue. One thing I can say for sure: the issue has nothing to do with workload because it has happened when the computer is idle, too. The power adapter I use: ![](images/clevo-n950tp6_poweradapter.jpg) ---------------- ### Good to know - Laptop bought from [Clevo Computer](https://clevo-computer.com/) (old link: `http://clevo-systems.com/`, Clevo Systems). Fast shipping and candies included (Europe). Recommended! - Came with Windows 10 preinstalled on NVMe SSD (Samsung EVO 960) although I set `No OS` on their website. - If you had Windows 10 preinstalled, back it up - create a complete backup of your new NVMe SSD. Just in case. I used `dd` - You need Grub/Syslinux boot parameters `acpi_osi="!Windows 2015" acpi_osi=Linux` in order to access Linux desktop environment as recent Linux OSes tend to freeze on this laptop while loading DE. This rule applies to Live USB/CDs as well. - You need a recent Linux kernel (4.14 >) for this laptop - After proper configuration, everything works as expected. Recommended for Linux usage if you can deal with Nvidia Optimus - If you don't use UEFI (read: you use traditional HDD instead of fast NVMe SSD), you need to disable `UEFI boot` option in [UEFI/BIOS menu](images/bios/bios_4.jpg). You can re-enable it if you [decided to use UEFI boot](ssd_hdd_uefi/README.md) ---------------- ### [UEFI // SSD + HDD configuration, Linux installation](ssd_hdd_uefi/README.md) - **What? :** A sample configuration instructions for setting up UEFI and NVMe SSD + HDD on Clevo N950TP6 (Linux) ---------------- ### [CPU Thermal Control Configuration](cpu_thermal_control/README.md) - **What? :** Set a maximum temperature limit for your CPU (intel i7-8700) - [Files](cpu_thermal_control) - [PKGBUILD for Arch Linux](cpu_thermal_control/PKGBUILD) ---------------- ### [Keyboard Backlight & Color Support](keyboard_color_support/README.md) - **What? :** Control laptop keyboard backlight & colors, patched for Clevo N950 TP6 (tested and works!) - [Files](keyboard_color_support) - [clevo-xsm-wmi-dkms - PKGBUILD for Arch Linux](keyboard_color_support/clevo-xsm-wmi-dkms/PKGBUILD) - [clevo-xsm-wmi-util - PKGBUILD for Arch Linux](keyboard_color_support/clevo-xsm-wmi-util/PKGBUILD) ---------------- ### [Multi-monitor support](multimonitor_and_desktop/xf86-intel-multimonitor/README.md) - **What? :** Enable multi-monitor support for your Clevo N950TP6 laptop (Linux) - [Files](multimonitor_and_desktop/xf86-intel-multimonitor) - [xf86-intel-multimonitor - PKGBUILD for Arch Linux](multimonitor_and_desktop/xf86-intel-multimonitor/PKGBUILD) ---------------- ### [Laptop Images](images) - **What? :** Sample images of Clevo N950TP6 laptop - [BIOS/UEFI screens](images/bios) - [Linux images](images/linux-run) - [General laptop images (enclosure etc.)](images) - [Physical interfaces/connections](images/inputs) ---------------- ## Something missing? If you feel some relevant information is missing or not well explained, please open a new issue on [Github issue tracker](https://github.com/Fincer/clevo_n950tp6/issues). Thank you!