- ########################################################
- # Common properties
- pkg_name="glslang"
- pkg_license="bsd"
- pkg_maintainer="${USER} <${USER}@unknown>"
- pkg_section="devel"
- pkg_priority="optional"
- pkg_arch="all"
- pkg_commondesc="Khronos OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator."
- pkg_longdesc="
- Khronos reference front-end for GLSL and ESSL, and sample SPIR-V generator
- "
- pkg_giturl="${git_source_glslang_debian}"
- pkg_homeurl="https://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/tools/Reference-Compiler/"
- pkg_gitbranch=${git_branch_glslang}
- git_commithash=${git_commithash_glslang}
- pkg_gitver="git describe --long | sed 's/\-[a-z].*//; s/\-/\./; s/[a-z]//g'"
- pkg_installfile="./debian/install"
- pkg_controlfile="./debian/control"
- pkg_rulesfile="./debian/rules"
- pkg_compatfile="./debian/compat"
- ########################################################
- # Debian compatibility flag
- pkg_debcompat="12"
- ########################################################
- # Debian rules file section
- pkg_debrules="\
- #!/usr/bin/make -f
- %:
- dh \$@
- override_dh_usrlocal:
- override_dh_auto_configure:
- mkdir obj-x86_64-linux-gnu
- cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && cmake .. \
- "
- ########################################################
- # Debian install file section
- pkg_debinstall="empty"
- ########################################################
- # Debian control file subfields
- # Debian control file Overrides section
- pkg_overrides=(
- empty
- )
- # Debian control file Suggests section
- pkg_suggests=(
- empty
- )
- # Debian control file Conflicts section
- pkg_conflicts=(
- empty
- )
- # Debian control file Breaks section
- pkg_breaks=(
- empty
- )
- # Debian control file Replaces section
- pkg_replaces=(
- empty
- )
- # Debian control file Provides section
- pkg_provides=(
- empty
- )
- ############################
- # Build time dependencies
- pkg_deps_build=(
- #${_coredeps[*]}
- 'cmake'
- 'python3'
- )
- # Runtime dependencies
- pkg_deps_runtime=(
- empty
- )
- # Extra fields for Debian control file Source (start) section
- pkg_extra_1=(
- empty
- )
- # Extra fields for Debian control file Package (end) section
- pkg_extra_2=(
- empty
- )
- ########################################################
- # Deb builder execution field
- # Do not build either debug symbols
- pkg_debbuilder="DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=\"strip nodocs noddebs\" dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc -d"
- ########################################################
- # Contents of Debian control file
- # This is a necessary variable setting for array loops below
- IFS=$'\n'
- pkg_debcontrol="\
- Source: ${pkg_name}
- Section: ${pkg_section}
- Priority: ${pkg_priority}
- Maintainer: ${pkg_maintainer}
- Build-Depends: debhelper (>=9), $(if [[ ${pkg_deps_build[0]} != "empty" ]]; then \
- for w in ${pkg_deps_build[@]}; do printf '%s, ' ${w}; done; fi)
- Standards-Version: 4.1.3
- Homepage: ${pkg_homeurl}
- $(if [[ ${pkg_extra_1[0]} != "empty" ]]; then for w in ${pkg_extra_1[@]}; do echo ${w}; done ; fi)
- Package: ${pkg_name}
- Architecture: ${pkg_arch}
- Depends: \${shlibs:Depends}, \${misc:Depends}, $(if [[ ${pkg_deps_runtime[0]} != "empty" ]]; then \
- for w in ${pkg_deps_runtime[@]}; do printf '%s, ' ${w}; done; fi)
- Description: ${pkg_commondesc}
- $(echo -e ${pkg_longdesc} | sed 's/^/ /g; s/\n/\n /g')
- $(if [[ ${pkg_extra_2[0]} != "empty" ]]; then for w in ${pkg_extra_2[@]}; do echo ${w}; done ; fi)
- $(if [[ ${pkg_suggests[0]} != "empty" ]]; then echo "Suggests: $(echo ${_kg_suggests[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')"; fi)
- $(if [[ ${pkg_conflicts[0]} != "empty" ]]; then echo "Conflicts: $(echo ${pkg_overrides[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')"; fi)
- $(if [[ ${pkg_breaks[0]} != "empty" ]]; then echo "Breaks: $(echo ${pkg_overrides[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')"; fi)
- $(if [[ ${pkg_replaces[0]} != "empty" ]]; then echo "Replaces: $(echo ${pkg_overrides[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')"; fi)
- $(if [[ ${pkg_provides[0]} != "empty" ]]; then echo "Provides: $(echo ${pkg_overrides[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')"; fi)
- "
- unset IFS