@ -230,12 +230,81 @@ for githash in ${githash_overrides[@]}; do
params = ( ${ datesuffix } ${ githash_overrides [@] } ${ gitbranch_overrides [@] } ${ args [@] } )
params = ( ${ datesuffix } ${ githash_overrides [@] } ${ gitbranch_overrides [@] } ${ args [@] } )
# General function for question responses
function questionresponse( ) {
local response = ${ 1 }
read -r -p "" response
if [ [ $( echo $response | sed 's/ //g' ) = ~ ^( [ yY] [ eE] [ sS] | [ yY] ) $ ] ] ; then
echo ""
return 0
return 1
function reqsCheck( ) {
local AVAIL_SPACE = $( df -h -B MB --output= avail . | sed '1d; s/[A-Z]*//g' )
local REC_SPACE = 8000
local MSG_SPACE = " \e[1mWARNING:\e[0m Not sufficient storage space\n\nYou will possibly run out of space while compiling software.\n \
The script strongly recommends ~\e [ 1m$(( ${ REC_SPACE } / 1000 )) GB\e [ 0m at least to compile software successfully but you have only\n \
\e [ 1m${ AVAIL_SPACE } MB\e [ 0m left on the filesystem the script is currently placed at.\n \n \
Be aware that the script process may fail because of this, especially while compiling Wine Staging.\n \n \
Do you really want to continue ? [ Y/n] "
local AVAIL_RAM = $( echo $(( $( grep -oP "(?<=^MemFree:).*[0-9]" /proc/meminfo | sed 's/ //g' ) / 1024 )) )
local REC_RAM = 4096
local MSG_RAM = " \e[1mWARNING:\e[0m Not sufficient RAM available\n\nCompilation processes will likely fail.\n \
The script strongly recommends ~\e [ 1m${ REC_RAM } MB\e [ 0m at least to compile software successfully but you have only\n \
\e [ 1m${ AVAIL_RAM } MB\e [ 0m left on the computer the script is currently placed at.\n \n \
Be aware that the script process may fail because of this, especially while compiling DXVK & D9VK.\n \n \
Do you really want to continue ? [ Y/n] "
function reqs_property( ) {
local avail_prop = " ${ 1 } "
local req_prop = " ${ 2 } "
local req_message = " ${ 3 } "
local req_installtargets = " ${ 4 } "
local i = 0
for req_installtarget in ${ req_installtargets } ; do
req_targetconditions[ $i ] = $( echo " [[ ! -v ${ req_installtarget } ]] || " )
let i++
local req_targetconditions = ( $( echo ${ req_targetconditions [@] } | sed 's/\(.*\) ||/\1 /' ) )
local fullcondition = "[[ " ${ avail_prop } " -lt " ${ req_prop } " ]] && $( echo ${ req_targetconditions [@] } ) "
if $( eval ${ fullcondition } ) ; then
echo -e " ${ req_message } "
if [ [ $? -ne 0 ] ] ; then
echo -e "Cancelling.\n"
exit 1
unset avail_prop req_prop req_installtarget req_targetconditions fullcondition
reqs_property " ${ AVAIL_SPACE } " " ${ REC_SPACE } " " ${ MSG_SPACE } " "NO_WINE"
reqs_property " ${ AVAIL_RAM } " " ${ REC_RAM } " " ${ MSG_RAM } " "NO_DXVK NO_D9VK"
function sudoQuestion( ) {
function sudoQuestion( ) {
sudo -k
sudo -k
echo -e "\e[1mINFO:\e[0m sudo password required\n\nThis script requires elevated permissions for package updates & installations. Please provide your sudo password for these script commands. Sudo permissions are not used for any other purposes.\n"
echo -e "\e[1mINFO:\e[0m sudo password required\n\nThis script requires elevated permissions for package updates & installations. Please provide your sudo password for these script commands. Sudo permissions are not used for any other purposes.\n"
@ -320,6 +389,7 @@ This script comes with GPU driver installation scripts for Debian-based Linux di
if [ [ ! -v NO_WINE ] ] || [ [ ! -v NO_DXVK ] ] || [ [ ! -v NO_D9VK ] ] ; then
if [ [ ! -v NO_WINE ] ] || [ [ ! -v NO_DXVK ] ] || [ [ ! -v NO_D9VK ] ] ; then
echo ""
echo ""