@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ wineCheck
# If the script is interrupted (Ctrl+C/SIGINT), do the following
function DXVK_intCleanup( ) {
rm -rf ${ DXVKROOT } /{ dxvk-git,meson,glslang}
rm -rf ${ DXVKROOT } /../compiled_deb/" ${ datedir } "
@ -81,14 +83,18 @@ trap "DXVK_intCleanup" INT
# http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/snipplets/print_horizontal_line#a_line_across_the_entire_width_of_the_terminal
function INFO_SEP( ) { printf '%*s\n' " ${ COLUMNS :- $( tput cols) } " '' | tr ' ' - ; }
# Universal core dependencies
# Universal core dependencies for package compilation
_coredeps = ( 'dh-make' 'make' 'gcc' 'build-essential' 'fakeroot' )
# Update package databases
# Check existence of necessary commands
# Check and install core dependencies
function customReqs( ) {
if [ [ -v updateoverride ] ] ; then
@ -106,10 +112,8 @@ function customReqs() {
for coredep in ${ _coredeps [@] } ; do
local coredep = $( printf ${ coredep } | sed 's/\+/\\\+/g' )
if [ [ $( apt version ${ coredep } | wc -w) -eq 0 ] ] ; then
echo -e " Installing core dependency $( printf ${ coredep } | sed 's/\\//g' ) .\n "
echo -e " Installing core dependency ${ coredep } .\n "
sudo apt install -y ${ coredep }
if [ [ $? -ne 0 ] ] ; then
echo -e " Could not install ${ coredep } . Aborting.\n "
@ -124,12 +128,16 @@ customReqs
# Check do we need to compile the package
# given as input for this function
function pkgcompilecheck( ) {
local pkg = $( printf ${ 1 } | sed 's/\+/\\\+/g' )
local pkg = ${ 1 }
local install_function = ${ 2 }
if [ [ $( dpkg --get-selections | awk '{print $1}' | grep -wE " ^ ${ pkg } $" | wc -l ) -eq 0 ] ] || [ [ -v updateoverride ] ] ; then
${ 2 }
if [ [ $( apt version ${ coredep } | wc -w ) -eq 0 ] ] || [ [ -v updateoverride ] ] ; then
${ install_function }
@ -140,13 +148,17 @@ function preparepackage() {
echo -e " Starting compilation (& installation) of ${ 1 } \n "
# Set local variables
local a = 0
local _pkgname = ${ 1 }
local _pkgdeps = ${ 2 }
local _pkgurl = ${ 3 }
local _pkgver = ${ 4 }
# Optional variable for runtime dependencies array
if [ [ -n ${ 5 } ] ] ; then local _pkgdeps_runtime = ${ 5 } ; fi
# Check and install package related dependencies if they are missing
function pkgdependencies( ) {
for pkgdep in ${ @ } ; do
@ -166,6 +178,9 @@ function preparepackage() {
# Get git-based version in order to rename the package main folder
# This is required by deb builder. It retrieves the version number
# from that folder name
function pkgversion( ) {
if [ [ -n " ${ _pkgver } " ] ] && [ [ " ${ _pkgver } " = ~ ^git ] ] ; then
@ -178,17 +193,30 @@ function preparepackage() {
function pkgfoldername( ) {
# Remove old build directory, if present
rm -rf ${ _pkgname }
# Create a new build directory, access it and download git sources there
mkdir ${ _pkgname }
cd ${ _pkgname }
echo -e " Retrieving source code of ${ _pkgname } from $( printf ${ _pkgurl } | sed 's/^.*\/\///; s/\/.*//' ) \n "
git clone ${ _pkgurl } ${ _pkgname }
pkgversion && \
mv ${ _pkgname } ${ _pkgname } -${ _pkgver }
cd ${ _pkgname } -${ _pkgver }
# If sources could be downloaded, rename the folder properly for deb builder
# Access the folder after which package specific debianbuild function will be run
# That function is defined inside package specific install_main function below
if [ [ $? -eq 0 ] ] ; then
pkgversion && \
mv ${ _pkgname } ${ _pkgname } -${ _pkgver }
cd ${ _pkgname } -${ _pkgver }
echo -e " Error while downloading source of ${ _pkgname } package. Aborting\n "
exit 1
# Execute above functions
pkgdependencies " ${ _pkgdeps [*] } " && \
if [ [ -v _pkgdeps_runtime ] ] ; then pkgdependencies " ${ _pkgdeps_runtime [*] } " ; fi
@ -199,10 +227,15 @@ function preparepackage() {
# Required by DXVK package
function meson_install_main( ) {
# Package name
local pkgname = "meson"
# Build time dependencies
local pkgdeps_build = (
@ -210,102 +243,54 @@ function meson_install_main() {
# Git source location
local pkgurl = "https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson"
# Parsed version number from git source files
local pkgver_git = "git describe --long | sed 's/\-[a-z].*//; s/\-/\./; s/[a-z]//g'"
local pkgurl = "https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson"
# Location of Debian compilation instructions archive
local pkgurl_debian = "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/meson/meson_0.45.1-2.debian.tar.xz"
function meson_debianbuild( ) {
# Download predefined Meson debian rules archive
# Extract it, and finally delete the archive
wget ${ pkgurl_debian } -O debian.tar.xz
tar xf debian.tar.xz && rm debian.tar.xz
local sedversion = $( printf '%s' $( pwd | sed -e 's/.*\-//' -e 's/\./\\\./g' ) )
# Get sed compatible Meson version string
local meson_version = $( printf '%s' $( pwd | sed -e 's/.*\-//' -e 's/\./\\\./g' ) )
# Do not perform checks
# Do not perform any tests or checks during compilation process
sed -ir '/nocheck/d' debian/control
sed -ir '/\.\/run_tests\.py/d' debian/rules
# Downgrade debhelper version requirement for Debian compatilibity
sed -ir 's/debhelper (>= 11)/debhelper (>= 10)/' debian/control
sed -ir " s/0\.45\.1-2/ ${ sedversion } / " debian/changelog
# Correct & update package version number + debian rules
sed -ir " s/0\.45\.1-2/ ${ meson_version } / " debian/changelog
# Delete the following strings from debian/rules file
# They are deprecated
sed -ir '/rm \$\$(pwd)\/debian\/meson\/usr\/bin\/mesontest/d' debian/rules
sed -ir '/rm \$\$(pwd)\/debian\/meson\/usr\/bin\/mesonconf/d' debian/rules
sed -ir '/rm \$\$(pwd)\/debian\/meson\/usr\/bin\/mesonintrospect/d' debian/rules
sed -ir '/rm \$\$(pwd)\/debian\/meson\/usr\/bin\/wraptool/d' debian/rules
sed -ir '/rm \-rf \$\$(pwd)\/debian\/meson\/usr\/lib\/python3/d' debian/rules
#sed -ir "s/0\.45\.1-2/${sedversion}/" debian/files
#sed -ir "s/0\.45\.1-2/${sedversion}/" debian/meson/DEBIAN/control
# Remove deprecated, downloaded patch files
rm -r debian/patches
# Compile the package and actually install it. It is required by DXVK
# Remove irrelevant sample files
rm -r debian/*.{ ex,EX}
# Start deb builder. Do not build either debug symbols or doc files
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS = "strip nodocs noddebs" dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc
# Once compiled, install and store the compiled deb archive
# We do not make installation optional because this is a core dependency for DXVK
if [ [ $? -eq 0 ] ] ; then
rm -rf ../*.{ changes,buildinfo,tar.xz} && \
sudo dpkg -i ../${ pkgname } *.deb && \
@ -319,6 +304,7 @@ DISABLED
# Execute above functions
preparepackage " ${ pkgname } " " ${ pkgdeps_build [*] } " " ${ pkgurl } " " ${ pkgver_git } " && \
@ -326,23 +312,43 @@ DISABLED
# Required by DXVK package
function glslang_install_main( ) {
# Package name
local pkgname = "glslang"
# Build time dependencies
local pkgdeps_build = ( 'cmake' 'python2.7' )
# Git source location
local pkgurl = "https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glslang"
# Parsed version number from git source files
local pkgver_git = "git describe --long | sed 's/\-[a-z].*//; s/\-/\./; s/[a-z]//g'"
function glslang_debianbuild( ) {
# Compile the package and actually install it. It is required by DXVK
# Create debian subdirectory
dh_make --createorig -s -y
sed -ie " s/^Build-Depends:.* $/Build-Depends: debhelper (>=10), $( echo ${ _coredeps [*] } | sed 's/\s/, /g' ) , $( echo ${ pkgdeps_build [*] } | sed 's/\s/, /g' ) /g " debian/control
# Set Build dependencies into debian/control file
sed -ie " s/^Build-Depends:.* $/Build-Depends: debhelper (>=10), $( echo ${ _coredeps [*] } | \
sed 's/\s/, /g' ) , $( echo ${ pkgdeps_build [*] } | sed 's/\s/, /g' ) /g" debian/control
# Skip running override_dh_usrlocal while executing deb builder
printf 'override_dh_usrlocal:' | tee -a debian/rules
# Remove irrelevant sample files
rm -r debian/*.{ ex,EX}
# Start deb builder. Do not build either debug symbols or doc files
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS = "strip nodocs noddebs" dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc
# Once compiled, install and store the compiled deb archive
# We do not make installation optional because this is a core dependency for DXVK
if [ [ $? -eq 0 ] ] ; then
rm -rf ../*.{ changes,buildinfo,tar.xz} && \
sudo dpkg -i ../${ pkgname } *.deb && \
@ -356,6 +362,7 @@ function glslang_install_main() {
# Execute above functions
preparepackage " ${ pkgname } " " ${ pkgdeps_build [*] } " " ${ pkgurl } " " ${ pkgver_git } " && \
@ -363,10 +370,14 @@ function glslang_install_main() {
function dxvk_install_main( ) {
# Package name
local pkgname = "dxvk-git"
# Build time dependencies
local pkgdeps_build = (
@ -378,12 +389,16 @@ function dxvk_install_main() {
# Runtime dependencies
local pkgdeps_runtime = ( 'wine' 'winetricks' )
local pkgver_git = "git describe --long | sed 's/\-[a-z].*//; s/\-/\./; s/[a-z]//g'"
# Git source location
local pkgurl = "https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk"
# Parsed version number from git source files
local pkgver_git = "git describe --long | sed 's/\-[a-z].*//; s/\-/\./; s/[a-z]//g'"
# Use posix alternates for MinGW binaries
function dxvk_posixpkgs( ) {
local packages = (
@ -400,19 +415,29 @@ function dxvk_install_main() {
# Debian-specific compilation & installation rules
function dxvk_debianbuild( ) {
local dxvx_relative_builddir = "debian/source/dxvk-master"
# Create debian subdirectory
dh_make --createorig -s -y
sed -ie " s/^Build-Depends:.* $/Build-Depends: debhelper (>=10), $( echo ${ _coredeps [*] } | sed 's/\s/, /g' ) , $( echo ${ pkgdeps_build [*] } | sed 's/\s/, /g' ) /g " debian/control
# Set Build dependencies into debian/control file
sed -ie " s/^Build-Depends:.* $/Build-Depends: debhelper (>=10), $( echo ${ _coredeps [*] } | \
sed 's/\s/, /g' ) , $( echo ${ pkgdeps_build [*] } | sed 's/\s/, /g' ) /g" debian/control
# Set Runtime dependencies into debian/control file
sed -ie " s/^Depends:.* $/Depends: $( echo ${ pkgdeps_runtime } | sed 's/\s/, /g' ) /g " debian/control
# Tell deb builder to bundle these files
printf " ${ dxvx_relative_builddir } /setup_dxvk.verb usr/share/dxvk/ " > debian/install
printf " \n ${ dxvx_relative_builddir } /bin/* usr/bin/ " >> debian/install
rm debian/*.{ ex,EX}
# Remove irrelevant sample files
rm -r debian/*.{ ex,EX}
# Overwrite debian/rules file with the following contents
cat << 'DXVK-D EBIANRULES' > debian/rules
#!/usr/bin/make -f
@ -423,6 +448,7 @@ override_dh_auto_configure:
# Start DXVK compilation
bash ./package-release.sh master debian/source/ --no-package
if [ [ $? -ne 0 ] ] ; then
@ -430,23 +456,23 @@ DXVK-DEBIANRULES
exit 1
sed -ir '/dxvk64_dir/d' ${ dxvx_relative_builddir } /setup_dxvk.verb
# Make a proper executable script for setup_dxvk.verb file
mkdir -p ${ dxvx_relative_builddir } /bin
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nwinetricks --force /usr/share/dxvk/setup_dxvk.verb" \
> " ${ dxvx_relative_builddir } /bin/setup_dxvk "
chmod +x " ${ dxvx_relative_builddir } /bin/setup_dxvk "
# Tell deb builder to install DXVK x32 & x64 subfolders
for arch in 64 32; do
mkdir -p ${ dxvx_relative_builddir } /x${ arch }
printf " \n ${ dxvx_relative_builddir } /x ${ arch } /* usr/share/dxvk/x ${ arch } / " >> debian/install
# Start deb builder. Do not build either debug symbols or doc files
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS = "strip nodocs noddebs" dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b --source-option= --include-binaries
# Once compiled, possibly install and store the compiled deb archive
if [ [ $? -eq 0 ] ] ; then
if [ [ ! -v NO_INSTALL ] ] ; then
@ -463,6 +489,7 @@ DXVK-DEBIANRULES
# Execute above functions
preparepackage " ${ pkgname } " " ${ pkgdeps_build [*] } " " ${ pkgurl } " " ${ pkgver_git } " " ${ pkgdeps_runtime [*] } " && \
dxvk_posixpkgs && \
@ -474,4 +501,3 @@ DXVK-DEBIANRULES
pkgcompilecheck meson meson_install_main
pkgcompilecheck glslang glslang_install_main