@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ function preparepackage() {
if [ [ $( apt version ${ pkgdep } | wc -w) -eq 0 ] ] ; then
echo -e " Installing ${ _pkgname } dependency ${ pkgdep } ( $(( $a + 1 )) / $(( ${# * } + 1 )) )\n. "
echo -e " Installing ${ _pkgname } dependency ${ pkgdep } ( $(( $a + 1 )) / $(( ${# * } + 1 )) ). \n "
sudo apt install -y ${ pkgdep } & > /dev/null
if [ [ $? -eq 0 ] ] ; then
let a++
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ function meson_install_main() {
rm -r debian/*.{ ex,EX}
# Start deb builder. Do not build either debug symbols or doc files
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS = "strip nodocs noddebs" dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS = "strip nodocs noddebs nocheck " dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc
# Once compiled, install and store the compiled deb archive
# We do not make installation optional because this is a core dependency for DXVK
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ function glslang_install_main() {
function glslang_debianbuild( ) {
# Create debian subdirectory
dh_make --createorig -s -y
dh_make --createorig -s -y -c bsd
# Set Build dependencies into debian/control file
sed -ie " s/^Build-Depends:.* $/Build-Depends: debhelper (>=10), $( echo ${ _coredeps [*] } | \
@ -411,17 +411,64 @@ function dxvk_install_main() {
for package in " ${ packages [@] } " ; do
local option = $( echo "" | sudo update-alternatives --config " ${ package } " | grep posix | sed 's@^[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\).*@\1@' )
echo " ${ option } " | sudo update-alternatives --config " ${ package } " & > /dev/null
if [ [ $? -ne 0 ] ] ; then
echo -e " Error occured while running 'update-alternatives' for ' ${ package } '. Aborting\n "
exit 1
function dxvk_custompatches( ) {
# Get our current directory, since we will change it during patching process below
# We want to go back here after having applied the patches
local CURDIR = ${ PWD }
# Check if the following folder exists, and proceed.
if [ [ -d ${ DXVKROOT } /../../dxvk_custom_patches ] ] ; then
cp -r ${ DXVKROOT } /../../dxvk_custom_patches/*.{ patch,diff} ${ DXVKROOT } /${ pkgname } /
local dxvk_builddir = $( ls ${ DXVKROOT } /${ pkgname } /)
# Expecting just one folder here. This method doesn't work with multiple dirs present
if [ [ $( echo ${ dxvk_builddir } | wc -l) -gt 1 ] ] ; then
echo "Error: Multiple dxvk build directories detected. Can't decide which one to use. Aborting\n"
exit 1
local dxvk_buildpath = $( readlink -f ${ dxvk_builddir } )
cd ${ dxvk_buildpath }
for pfile in ../*.{ patch,diff} ; do
if [ [ -f ${ pfile } ] ] ; then
echo -e " Applying DXVK patch: ${ pfile } \n "
patch -Np1 < ${ pfile }
if [ [ $? -ne 0 ] ] ; then
echo -e " Error occured while applying DXVK patch ' ${ pfile } '. Aborting\n "
cd ${ CURDIR }
exit 1
cd ${ CURDIR }
# Debian-specific compilation & installation rules
function dxvk_debianbuild( ) {
local dxvx_relative_builddir = "debian/source/dxvk-master"
# Create debian subdirectory
dh_make --createorig -s -y
# Create debian subdirectory, add supplied LICENSE file
dh_make --createorig -s -y -c custom --copyrightfile ../LICENSE
# Set Build dependencies into debian/control file
sed -ie " s/^Build-Depends:.* $/Build-Depends: debhelper (>=10), $( echo ${ _coredeps [*] } | \
@ -490,8 +537,13 @@ DXVK-DEBIANRULES
# Execute above functions
preparepackage " ${ pkgname } " " ${ pkgdeps_build [*] } " " ${ pkgurl } " " ${ pkgver_git } " " ${ pkgdeps_runtime [*] } " && \
# Do not check runtime dependencies as our check method expects exact package name in
# function 'preparepackage'. This does not apply to runtime dependency 'wine', which
# may be 'wine', 'wine-git', 'wine-staging-git' etc. in truth
preparepackage " ${ pkgname } " " ${ pkgdeps_build [*] } " " ${ pkgurl } " " ${ pkgver_git } " && \
dxvk_posixpkgs && \
dxvk_custompatches && \