#!/bin/env bash # Compile latest Nvidia drivers on a Debian-based Linux # Copyright (C) 2019 Pekka Helenius # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ############################################################################## # Check if we're using bash or sh to run the script. If bash, OK. # If another one, ask user to run the script with bash. BASH_CHECK=$(ps | grep `echo $$` | awk '{ print $4 }') if [ $BASH_CHECK != "bash" ]; then echo " Please run this script using bash (/usr/bin/bash). " exit 1 fi ######################################################## # Just a title & author for this script, used in initialization SCRIPT_TITLE="\e[1mNvidia drivers package builder & installer\e[0m" SCRIPT_AUTHOR="Pekka Helenius (~Fincer), 2019" ######################################################## BUILD_MAINDIR=${PWD}/debian_nvidia ######################################################## _pkgname="nvidia" arch="x86_64" pkgver=430.14 files=( "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/n/nvidia-graphics-drivers-418/nvidia-graphics-drivers-418_418.56-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz" "http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-${arch}/${pkgver}/NVIDIA-Linux-${arch}-${pkgver}.run" ) ################### pkgver_major=$(printf '%s' ${pkgver} | grep -oE "^[0-9]+[^.]") pkgdir="nvidia-graphics-drivers-${pkgver_major}_${pkgver}" typeset -A library_fixes ################### # From time to time, bundled library version numbers change # in Nvidia driver packages. Update library version if needed # # Left side: old library version # Right side: new library version # library_fixes=( [libnvidia-egl-wayland.so.1.0.2]='libnvidia-egl-wayland.so.1.0.3' ) ################### # These are defined build dependencies in debian/control file nvidia_builddeps=( 'dpkg-dev' 'xz-utils' 'dkms' 'libwayland-client0' 'libwayland-server0' 'libxext6' 'quilt' 'po-debconf' 'execstack' 'dh-modaliases' 'xserver-xorg-dev' 'libglvnd-dev' ) ################### # These packages are required by the compiled Nvidia packages nvidia_required_packages=( # Required by libnvidia-gl 'libwayland-client0' 'libwayland-server0' # Required by libnvidia, libnvidia-decode & libnvidia-fbc1 'libx11-6' # Required by libnvidia, libnvidia-decode, libnvidia-fbc1 & libnvidia-ifr1 'libxext6' # Required by libnvidia-fbc1 & libnvidia-ifr1 'libgl1' # Required by xserver-xorg-video-nvidia 'xserver-xorg-core' 'xorg-video-abi-23' # Required by nvidia-compute-utils 'adduser' ) ################### # Nvidia packages. THIS ORDER IS MANDATORY, DO NOT CHANGE! nvidia_install_packages=( # Similar than 'nvidia-dkms' package on Arch Linux "nvidia-kernel-source-${pkgver_major}" # Nvidia DKMS "nvidia-kernel-common-${pkgver_major}" "nvidia-dkms-${pkgver_major}" # Similar than 'nvidia-utils' package on Arch Linux "libnvidia-common-${pkgver_major}" "libnvidia-gl-${pkgver_major}" "libnvidia-cfg1-${pkgver_major}" "xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-${pkgver_major}" "libnvidia-compute-${pkgver_major}" "libnvidia-decode-${pkgver_major}" "libnvidia-encode-${pkgver_major}" "libnvidia-fbc1-${pkgver_major}" "libnvidia-ifr1-${pkgver_major}" "nvidia-compute-utils-${pkgver_major}" "nvidia-utils-${pkgver_major}" ) ######################################################## pkgver_sed=$(printf '%s' ${pkgver} | sed 's/\./\\\./') i=0 for f in ${files[@]}; do file_basename=$(printf '%s' ${f} | awk -F / '{print $NF}') filebases[$i]=${file_basename} let i++ done oldver=$(printf '%s' ${filebases[0]} | grep -oE "[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{2}" | head -1) oldver_major=$(printf '%s' ${filebases[0]} | grep -oE "[0-9]{3}" | head -1) oldver_sed=$(printf '%s' ${oldver} | sed 's/\./\\\./') ######################################################## # http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/snipplets/print_horizontal_line#a_line_across_the_entire_width_of_the_terminal function INFO_SEP() { printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' - ; } ########################################################### echo -e "\n${SCRIPT_TITLE}\n" ######################################################## echo -e "Selected driver version:\t${pkgver}\n" INFO_SEP ######################################################## mkdir -p ${BUILD_MAINDIR} if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then cd ${BUILD_MAINDIR} WORKDIR=${PWD} else echo -e "Error: couldn't create Nvidia build directory. Aborting\n" exit 1 fi ######################################################## # If the script is interrupted (Ctrl+C/SIGINT), do the following function Nvidia_intCleanup() { rm -rf ${WORKDIR}/{${pkgdir} } # Allow interruption of the script at any time (Ctrl + C) trap "Nvidia_intCleanup && exit 0" INT # Error event #trap "Nvidia_intCleanup && exit 1" ERR # Remove old build files Nvidia_intCleanup ########################################################### COMMANDS=( apt dpkg grep sudo wc wget ) function checkCommands() { if [[ $(which --help 2>/dev/null) ]] && [[ $(echo --help 2>/dev/null) ]]; then local a=0 for command in ${@}; do if [[ ! $(which $command 2>/dev/null) ]]; then local COMMANDS_NOTFOUND[$a]=${command} let a++ fi done if [[ -n $COMMANDS_NOTFOUND ]]; then echo -e "\nError! The following commands could not be found: ${COMMANDS_NOTFOUND[*]}\nAborting\n" exit 1 fi else exit 1 fi } checkCommands "${COMMANDS[*]}" ######################################################## # General function for question responses function questionresponse() { local response=${1} read -r -p "" response if [[ $(echo $response | sed 's/ //g') =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]]; then echo "" return 0 else return 1 fi } ######################################################## # Premilinary check for already compiled packages if [[ $(ls ${WORKDIR}/*.deb 2>/dev/null | wc -l) -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nWarning: previously compiled deb archives found on the main build directory '${WORKDIR}'.\nDelete them and continue? [Y/n]" questionresponse fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "Cancelling.\n" exit 1 else rm -rfv ${WORKDIR}/*.{deb,buildinfo,changes} 2>/dev/null fi ######################################################## # Premilinary check to see whether Nvidia card is present if [[ ! $(lspci | grep -oiE "vga.*nvidia") ]]; then echo -e "\nWarning: Nvidia card could not be detected on your system. Continue anyway? [Y/n]" questionresponse fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "Cancelling.\n" exit 1 fi ######################################################## # Auto-install question echo -e "\nAuto-install Nvidia drivers after compilation? [Y/n]" questionresponse if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ $(echo $(sudo -vn &>/dev/null)$?) -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "NVIDIA driver installation requires root permissions. Please provide your sudo password now.\n" sudo -v fi if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then AUTOINSTALL= else exit 1 fi else AUTOINSTALL= fi fi ######################################################## function pkg_installcheck() { RETURNVALUE=$(echo $(dpkg -s "${1}" &>/dev/null)$?) return $RETURNVALUE } ######################################################## # Check and install package related dependencies if they are missing function pkgdependencies() { # Generate a list of missing dependencies local a=0 for p in ${@}; do if [[ $(pkg_installcheck ${p}) -ne 0 ]]; then validlist[$a]=${p} let a++ fi done if [[ -n ${validlist[*]} ]]; then echo -e "The following build time dependencies are missing. In order to continue, you must install them:\n$(for i in ${validlist[@]}; do echo ${i}; done)\n" if [[ ${UID} -ne 0 ]] && [[ $(echo $(sudo -vn &>/dev/null)$?) -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "For that, sudo password is required. Please provide it now.\n" sudo -v if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "Error: couldn't continue due to lacking permissions. Aborting\n" exit 1 fi fi fi # Install missing dependencies, be informative local b=0 for pkgdep in ${validlist[@]}; do echo -e "$(( $b + 1 ))/$(( ${#validlist[*]} )) - Installing ${_pkgname} dependency ${pkgdep}" sudo apt install -y ${pkgdep} &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then let b++ else echo -e "\nError occured while installing ${pkgdep}. Aborting.\n" exit 1 fi done } ######################################################## function download_files() { mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/${pkgdir} i=0 for f in ${files[@]}; do if [[ ! -f ${WORKDIR}/${pkgdir}/${filebases[$i]} ]]; then echo ${f} echo -e "\nDownloading ${filebases[$i]}" wget ${f} -o /dev/null --show-progress -O "${WORKDIR}/${pkgdir}/${filebases[$i]}" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]];then echo -e "Error: couldn't retrieve file ${filebases[$i]}. Aborting\n" exit 1 fi fi let i++ done } ######################################################## function prepare_deb_sources() { # Extract debian control files cd ${WORKDIR}/${pkgdir}/ tar xf ${filebases[0]} if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then function fix_library_versions() { for oldlib in ${!library_fixes[@]}; do # sed-friendly name local oldlib_sed=$(printf '%s' ${oldlib} | sed 's/\./\\\./g') for lib in ${library_fixes[$oldlib]}; do # sed-friendly name local lib_sed=$(printf '%s' ${lib} | sed 's/\./\\\./g') # Files which have old library files mentioned local i=0 for oldlib_file in $(grep -rl "${oldlib}" debian/ | tr '\n' ' '); do local oldlib_files[$i]=${oldlib_file} let i++ done for targetfile in ${oldlib_files[@]}; do sed -i "s/${oldlib_sed}/${lib_sed}/g" ${targetfile} done done done } function rename_deb_files() { # Remove this suffix sed -i 's/\-no\-compat32//' debian/rules.defs # Tell that Nvidia .run file is at our build root, not in amd64 subfolder sed -i 's|sh \$\*\/\${NVIDIA_FILENAME_\$\*}|sh \${NVIDIA_FILENAME_\$\*}|' debian/rules ############ # TODO Individual fix for strange version number present in debian control files # Remove when not needed! sed -i "s/384/${pkgver_major}/g" debian/control sed -i "s/384/${pkgver_major}/g" debian/templates/control.in ############ local IFS=$'\n' for n in $(ls debian/ -w 1); do # IMPORTANT! KEEP THIS IF STATEMENT ORDER BELOW!! # Do this for every file in debian subfolder regardless of their name if [[ -f debian/${n} ]]; then # Keep this order. It is important! sed -i "s/${oldver_sed}/${pkgver_sed}/g" debian/${n} sed -i "s/${oldver_major}/${pkgver_major}/g" debian/${n} fi if [[ $(printf '%s' ${n} | grep ${oldver_major}) ]]; then local n_new=$(printf '%s' ${n} | sed "s/${oldver_major}/${pkgver_major}/") mv debian/${n} debian/${n_new} if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "Error: couldn't rename file debian/${n}. Aborting\n" exit 1 fi fi done unset IFS } fix_library_versions rename_deb_files else echo -e "Error: couldn't extract Nvidia Debian archive. Aborting\n" exit 1 fi } ######################################################## function compile_nvidia() { cd ${WORKDIR}/${pkgdir}/ DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="strip noddebs" dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/compiled_deb for p in ${nvidia_install_packages[*]}; do mv ${WORKDIR}/${p}*.deb ${WORKDIR}/compiled_deb/ done if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "Compiled deb packages moved into '${WORKDIR}/compiled_deb/'. Install these to enable Nvidia support.\nAdditionally, you may need Vulkan loader package 'libvulkan1', too.\n" else echo -e "Error: couldn't move deb packages into '${WORKDIR}/compiled_deb/'. Aborting\n" exit 1 fi mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/compiled_other for a in ${WORKDIR}/*; do if [[ -f ${a} ]]; then mv ${a} ${WORKDIR}/compiled_other/ fi done if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "Other files moved into '${WORKDIR}/compiled_other/' \n" else echo -e "Error: couldn't move other files into '${WORKDIR}/compiled_other/'. Aborting\n" exit 1 fi else echo -e "Error: couldn't compile Nvidia package bundle. Aborting\n" exit 1 fi } ######################################################## function install_nvidia() { for syspkg in ${nvidia_required_packages[@]}; do if [[ $(echo $(dpkg -s ${syspkg} &>/dev/null)$?) -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "Installing missing dependency ${syspkg}\n" sudo apt install -y ${syspkg} if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "Error: couldn't install dependency ${syspkg}. Aborting\n" exit 1 fi fi done cd ${WORKDIR}/compiled_deb for pkg in ${nvidia_install_packages[@]}; do local oldpkg=$(printf '%s' ${pkg} | sed 's/\-[0-9]*$//') local oldpkg_check=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep ${oldpkg} | awk '{print $1}') if [[ $(echo ${oldpkg_check} | wc -w) -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ ! ${oldpkg_check} =~ ^*${pkgver_major}$ ]]; then echo -e "Removing old ${oldpkg}\n" sudo apt purge --remove -y "${oldpkg}*" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "Error: couldn't uninstall ${oldpkg}. Aborting\n" exit 1 fi fi fi echo -e "Installing ${pkg}\n" sudo dpkg -i ${pkg}*.deb if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "Warning: couldn't install ${pkg}\n" fi done } function install_vulkan() { # Vulkan loader if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then local syspkg=libvulkan1 if [[ $(echo $(dpkg -s ${syspkg} &>/dev/null)$?) -ne 0 ]]; then sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y ${syspkg} fi fi } ######################################################## pkgdependencies ${nvidia_builddeps[*]} && \ download_files && \ prepare_deb_sources && \ compile_nvidia if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && [[ -v AUTOINSTALL ]]; then install_nvidia && \ install_vulkan fi # If any buildtime deps were installed, inform the user if [[ -n ${validlist[*]} ]]; then echo -e "The following buildtime dependencies were installed, and they may not be required anymore:\n\n\ $(for h in ${validlist[*]}; do echo ${h}; done)\n" fi