#!/bin/env bash # Wine/Wine Staging build script for Ubuntu & variants (amd64) # Copyright (C) 2018 Pekka Helenius # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ######################################################## # DO NOT RUN INDIVIDUALLY, ONLY VIA ../../updatewine.sh PARENT SCRIPT! ######################################################## # datedir variable supplied by ../updatewine_debian.sh script file datedir="${1}" ######################################################## # Staging patchsets. Default: all patchsets. # Applies only if Wine Staging is set to be compiled # Please see Wine Staging patchinstall.sh file for individual patchset names. staging_patchsets=(--all) ######################################################## # Parse input arguments i=0 for arg in ${@:2}; do args[$i]="${arg}" let i++ done # Must be a true array as defined above, not a single index list! #args="${@:2}" for check in ${args[@]}; do case ${check} in --no-staging) NO_STAGING= ;; --no-install) NO_INSTALL= ;; esac done ######################################################## function Wine_intCleanup() { cd .. rm -rf winebuild_${datedir} exit 0 } # Allow interruption of the script at any time (Ctrl + C) trap "Wine_intCleanup" INT ######################################################## # This is specifically for Debian # Must be done to install Wine buildtime dependencies on amd64 environment # if [[ $(dpkg --print-foreign-architectures | grep i386 | wc -l) -eq 0 ]]; then sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt update fi ######################################################## function getWine() { function cleanOldBuilds() { if [[ $(find . -type d -name "winebuild_*" | wc -l) -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "Removing old Wine build folders. This can take a while.\n" rm -rf ./winebuild_* fi } cleanOldBuilds mkdir winebuild_${datedir} cd winebuild_${datedir} WINEROOT="${PWD}" echo -e "Retrieving source code of Wine$(if [[ ! -v NO_STAGING ]]; then echo ' & Wine Staging' ; fi)\n" git clone git://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git if [[ ! -v NO_STAGING ]]; then git clone git://github.com/wine-staging/wine-staging.git WINEDIR_STAGING="${WINEROOT}/wine-staging" PKGNAME="wine-staging-git" else PKGNAME="wine-git" fi mkdir wine-{patches,32-build,32-install,64-build,64-install,package} cp -r ../../../wine_custom_patches/*.{patch,diff} wine-patches/ 2>/dev/null WINEDIR="${WINEROOT}/wine" WINEDIR_PATCHES="${WINEROOT}/wine-patches" WINEDIR_BUILD_32="${WINEROOT}/wine-32-build" WINEDIR_BUILD_64="${WINEROOT}/wine-64-build" WINEDIR_INSTALL_32="${WINEROOT}/wine-32-install" WINEDIR_INSTALL_64="${WINEROOT}/wine-64-install" WINEDIR_PACKAGE="${WINEROOT}/wine-package" } function getDebianFiles() { local debian_archive=wine_3.0-1ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz cd "${WINEDIR}" wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wine/${debian_archive} tar xvf ${debian_archive} rm ${debian_archive} } ######################################################## # Wine build dependency list on Debian wine_deps_build=( 'make' 'gcc-multilib' 'g++-multilib' 'libxml-simple-perl' 'libxml-parser-perl' 'libxml-libxml-perl' 'lzma' 'flex' 'bison' 'quilt' 'gettext' 'oss4-dev' 'sharutils' 'pkg-config' 'dctrl-tools' 'khronos-api' 'unicode-data' 'freebsd-glue' 'icoutils' 'librsvg2-bin' 'imagemagick' 'fontforge' 'libxi-dev:amd64' 'libxt-dev:amd64' 'libxmu-dev:amd64' 'libx11-dev:amd64' 'libxext-dev:amd64' 'libxfixes-dev:amd64' 'libxrandr-dev:amd64' 'libxcursor-dev:amd64' 'libxrender-dev:amd64' 'libxkbfile-dev:amd64' 'libxxf86vm-dev:amd64' 'libxxf86dga-dev:amd64' 'libxinerama-dev:amd64' 'libgl1-mesa-dev:amd64' 'libglu1-mesa-dev:amd64' 'libxcomposite-dev:amd64' 'libpng-dev:amd64' 'libssl-dev:amd64' 'libv4l-dev:amd64' 'libxml2-dev:amd64' 'libgsm1-dev:amd64' 'libjpeg-dev:amd64' 'libkrb5-dev:amd64' 'libtiff-dev:amd64' 'libsane-dev:amd64' 'libudev-dev:amd64' 'libpulse-dev:amd64' 'liblcms2-dev:amd64' 'libldap2-dev:amd64' 'libxslt1-dev:amd64' 'unixodbc-dev:amd64' 'libcups2-dev:amd64' 'libcapi20-dev:amd64' 'libopenal-dev:amd64' 'libdbus-1-dev:amd64' 'freeglut3-dev:amd64' 'libmpg123-dev:amd64' 'libasound2-dev:amd64' 'libgphoto2-dev:amd64' 'libosmesa6-dev:amd64' 'libpcap0.8-dev:amd64' 'libgnutls28-dev:amd64' 'libncurses5-dev:amd64' 'libgettextpo-dev:amd64' 'libfreetype6-dev:amd64' 'libfontconfig1-dev:amd64' 'libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev:amd64' 'ocl-icd-opencl-dev:amd64' 'libvulkan-dev:amd64' 'libxi-dev:i386' 'libxt-dev:i386' 'libxmu-dev:i386' 'libx11-dev:i386' 'libxext-dev:i386' 'libxfixes-dev:i386' 'libxrandr-dev:i386' 'libxcursor-dev:i386' 'libxrender-dev:i386' 'libxkbfile-dev:i386' 'libxxf86vm-dev:i386' 'libxxf86dga-dev:i386' 'libxinerama-dev:i386' 'libgl1-mesa-dev:i386' 'libglu1-mesa-dev:i386' 'libxcomposite-dev:i386' 'libpng-dev:i386' 'libssl-dev:i386' 'libv4l-dev:i386' 'libgsm1-dev:i386' 'libjpeg-dev:i386' 'libkrb5-dev:i386' 'libsane-dev:i386' 'libudev-dev:i386' 'libpulse-dev:i386' 'liblcms2-dev:i386' 'libldap2-dev:i386' 'unixodbc-dev:i386' 'libcapi20-dev:i386' 'libopenal-dev:i386' 'libdbus-1-dev:i386' 'freeglut3-dev:i386' 'libmpg123-dev:i386' 'libasound2-dev:i386' 'libgphoto2-dev:i386' 'libosmesa6-dev:i386' 'libpcap0.8-dev:i386' 'libncurses5-dev:i386' 'libgettextpo-dev:i386' 'libfreetype6-dev:i386' 'libfontconfig1-dev:i386' 'ocl-icd-opencl-dev:i386' 'libvulkan-dev:i386' ) # Excluded x86 packages since they conflict with their amd64 counterparts: # # libxslt1-dev:i386 # libxml2-dev:i386 # libicu-dev:i386 # libtiff-dev:i386 # libcups2-dev:i386 # libgnutls28-dev:i386 # libgstreamer1.0-dev:i386 # libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev:i386 ######################################################## # Wine runtime dependency list on Debian wine_deps_runtime=( 'libxcursor1:i386' 'libxrandr2:i386' 'libxi6:i386' 'libsm6:i386' 'libvulkan1:i386' 'libasound2:i386' 'libc6:i386' 'libfontconfig1:i386' 'libfreetype6:i386' 'libgcc1:i386' 'libglib2.0-0:i386' 'libgphoto2-6:i386' 'libgphoto2-port12:i386' 'liblcms2-2:i386' 'libldap-2.4-2:i386' 'libmpg123-0:i386' 'libncurses5:i386' 'libopenal1:i386' 'libpcap0.8:i386' 'libpulse0:i386' 'libtinfo5:i386' 'libudev1:i386' 'libx11-6:i386' 'libxext6:i386' 'libxml2:i386' 'ocl-icd-libopencl1:i386' 'zlib1g:i386' 'fontconfig:amd64' 'libxcursor1:amd64' 'libxrandr2:amd64' 'libxi6:amd64' 'gettext:amd64' 'libsm6:amd64' 'libvulkan1:amd64' 'libasound2:amd64' 'libc6:amd64' 'libfontconfig1:amd64' 'libfreetype6:amd64' 'libgcc1:amd64' 'libglib2.0-0:amd64' 'libgphoto2-6:amd64' 'libgphoto2-port12:amd64' 'liblcms2-2:amd64' 'libldap-2.4-2:amd64' 'libmpg123-0:amd64' 'libncurses5:amd64' 'libopenal1:amd64' 'libpcap0.8:amd64' 'libpulse0:amd64' 'libtinfo5:amd64' 'libudev1:amd64' 'libx11-6:amd64' 'libxext6:amd64' 'libxml2:amd64' 'ocl-icd-libopencl1:amd64' 'zlib1g:amd64' 'desktop-file-utils' 'libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0:amd64' 'libgstreamer1.0-0:amd64' ) # Exclude the following i386 runtime dependencies # because they conflict with their amd64 counterparts: # gettext:i386 ######################################################## # Wine dependencies: function WineDeps() { local a=0 local deps="${1}" local depsname=${2} echo -e "Installing Wine dependencies.\n" # Sudo password may be required.\n" # TODO should we install all at once, or go iterating the list, # giving better output for user. Iterative method is slower, though. # # sudo apt install -y ${deps[*]} # if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # echo -e "Error while installing Wine dependencies. Aborting\n" # exit 1 # fi function pkgdependencies() { for pkgdep in ${@}; do if [[ $(apt version ${pkgdep} | wc -w) -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "Installing ${depsname} dependency ${pkgdep} ($(($a + 1 )) / $((${#*} + 1)))\n." sudo apt install -y ${pkgdep} &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then let a++ else echo -e "\nError occured while installing ${pkgdep}. Aborting.\n" exit 1 fi fi done } pkgdependencies ${deps[*]} } ######################################################## # Wine staging override list # Wine Staging replaces and conflicts with these packages # Applies to debian/control file wine_over_pkgs=( 'wine' 'wine-development' 'wine64-development' 'wine1.6' 'wine1.6-i386' 'wine1.6-amd64' 'libwine:amd64' 'libwine:i386' 'wine-stable' 'wine32' 'wine64' ) ############################ # Suggest section in debian/control file wine_suggest_pkgs=( 'winbind' 'winetricks' 'fonts-wine' 'playonlinux' 'wine-binfmt' 'dosbox' ) ######################################################## # Feed the following data to Wine debian/control file function feedControlfile() { local MAINTAINER="$USER" sed -ie "s/^Build-Depends:.*$/Build-Depends: debhelper (>=11), $(echo ${wine_deps_build[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')/g" debian/control sed -ie "s/^Depends:.*$/Depends: $(echo ${wine_deps_runtime[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')/g" debian/control sed -ie "s/^Suggests:.*$/Suggests: $(echo ${wine_suggest_pkgs[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')/g" debian/control sed -ie "s/^Maintainer:.*$/Maintainer: ${MAINTAINER}/g" debian/control sed -ie "s/^Source:.*$/Source: ${PKGNAME}/g" debian/control sed -ie "s/^Package:.*$/Package: ${PKGNAME}/g" debian/control for ctrl_section in Conflicts Breaks Replaces Provides; do sed -ie "s/^${ctrl_section}:.*$/${ctrl_section}: $(echo ${wine_over_pkgs[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')/g" debian/control done } ######################################################## # Refresh Wine GIT function refreshWineGIT() { # Restore the wine tree to its git origin state, without wine-staging patches # (necessary for reapllying wine-staging patches in succedent builds, # otherwise the patches will fail to be reapplied) cd "${WINEDIR}" git reset --hard HEAD # Restore tracked files git clean -d -x -f # Delete untracked files if [[ ! -v NO_STAGING ]]; then # Change back to the wine upstream commit that this version of wine-staging is based on git checkout $(bash "${WINEDIR_STAGING}"/patches/patchinstall.sh --upstream-commit) fi } ######################################################## # Get Wine version tag function getWineVersion() { cd "${WINEDIR}" wine_version=$(git describe | sed 's/^[a-z]*-//; s/-[0-9]*-[a-z0-9]*$//') } ######################################################## # Apply patches function patchWineSource() { if [[ ! -v NO_STAGING ]]; then cd "${WINEDIR_STAGING}/patches" bash ./patchinstall.sh DESTDIR="${WINEDIR}" ${staging_patchsets[*]} fi cp -r ${WINEROOT}/../../../wine_custom_patches/* "${WINEDIR_PATCHES}/" if [[ $(find "${WINEDIR_PATCHES}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -regex ".*\.\(patch\|diff\)$") ]]; then cd "${WINEDIR}" for i in "${WINEDIR_PATCHES}"/*.patch; do patch -Np1 < $i done fi } ######################################################## # 64-bit build function wine64Build() { cd "${WINEDIR_BUILD_64}" "${WINEDIR}"/configure \ --with-x \ --with-gstreamer \ --enable-win64 \ --with-xattr \ --disable-mscoree \ --with-vulkan \ --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ make -j$(nproc --ignore 1) make -j$(nproc --ignore 1) prefix="${WINEDIR_INSTALL_64}/usr" \ libdir="${WINEDIR_INSTALL_64}/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" \ dlldir="${WINEDIR_INSTALL_64}/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wine" install } # 32-bit build function wine32Build() { # Gstreamer amd64 & i386 dev packages conflict on Ubuntu cd "${WINEDIR_BUILD_32}" "${WINEDIR}"/configure \ --with-x \ --with-gstreamer \ --with-xattr \ --disable-mscoree \ --with-vulkan \ --without-gstreamer \ --libdir=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ \ --with-wine64="${WINEDIR_BUILD_64}" \ --prefix=/usr make -j$(nproc --ignore 1) make -j$(nproc --ignore 1) prefix="${WINEDIR_INSTALL_32}/usr" \ libdir="${WINEDIR_INSTALL_32}/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/" \ dlldir="${WINEDIR_INSTALL_32}/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/wine" install } ######################################################## function mergeWineBuilds() { cp -r "${WINEDIR_INSTALL_64}"/* "${WINEDIR_PACKAGE}"/ cp -r "${WINEDIR_INSTALL_32}"/usr/bin/{wine,wine-preloader} "${WINEDIR_PACKAGE}"/usr/bin/ cp -r "${WINEDIR_INSTALL_32}"/usr/lib/* "${WINEDIR_PACKAGE}"/usr/lib/ } function buildDebianArchive() { cd "${WINEROOT}" mv "${WINEDIR_PACKAGE}" "${WINEROOT}/${PKGNAME}-${wine_version}" cd "${WINEROOT}/${PKGNAME}-${wine_version}" dh_make --createorig -s -y rm debian/*.{ex,EX} printf "usr/* /usr" > debian/install cat << 'DEBIANCONTROL' > debian/control Source: Section: otherosfs Priority: optional Maintainer: Build-Depends: Standards-Version: 4.1.2 Homepage: https://www.winehq.org Package: Architecture: any Depends: Suggests: Conflicts: Breaks: Replaces: Provides: Description: A compatibility layer for running Windows programs. Wine is an open source Microsoft Windows API implementation for POSIX-compliant operating systems, including Linux. Git version includes the latest updates available for Wine. DEBIANCONTROL feedControlfile DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="strip nodocs noddebs" dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc } function installDebianArchive() { cd "${WINEROOT}" # TODO Although the package name ends with 'amd64', this contains both 32 and 64 bit Wine versions echo -e "\nInstalling Wine.\n" # Please provide your sudo password. sudo dpkg -i ${PKGNAME}_${wine_version}-1_amd64.deb } function storeDebianArchive() { cd "${WINEROOT}" mv ${PKGNAME}_${wine_version}-1_amd64.deb ../../compiled_deb/"${datedir}" && \ echo -e "Compiled ${PKGNAME} is stored at '$(readlink -f ../../compiled_deb/"${datedir}")/'\n" rm -rf winebuild_${datedir} } function clearTree() { rm -rf "${WINEROOT}" } ######################################################## # Get Wine (& Wine-Staging) sources getWine # Install Wine dependencies WineDeps "${wine_deps_build[*]}" "Wine build time" WineDeps "${wine_deps_runtime[*]}" "Wine runtime" # Refresh & sync Wine (+ Wine Staging) git sources refreshWineGIT # Update Wine source files patchWineSource # Get Wine/Wine Staging version getWineVersion # Compile 64 & 32 bit Wine/Wine Staging wine64Build wine32Build # Bundle compiled Wine/Wine-Staging files mergeWineBuilds # Bundle and install Debian deb archive buildDebianArchive if [[ ! -v NO_INSTALL ]]; then installDebianArchive fi storeDebianArchive # Clear all temporary files clearTree