######################################################## # Common properties pkg_name="meson" pkg_license="apache" pkg_maintainer="${USER} <${USER}@unknown>" pkg_section="devel" pkg_priority="optional" pkg_arch="all" pkg_commondesc="high-productivity build system" pkg_longdesc=" Meson is a build system designed to increase programmer\n\ productivity. It does this by providing a fast, simple and easy to\n\ use interface for modern software development tools and practices. " pkg_giturl="https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson" pkg_homeurl="http://mesonbuild.com" pkg_gitbranch=${git_branch_meson} git_commithash=${git_commithash_meson} pkg_gitver="git describe --long | sed 's/\-[a-z].*//; s/\-/\./; s/[a-z]//g'" pkg_installfile="./debian/install" pkg_controlfile="./debian/control" pkg_rulesfile="./debian/rules" ######################################################## # Debian rules file section pkg_debrules="\ #!/usr/bin/make -f # Original script by Jussi Pakkanen export MESON_PRINT_TEST_OUTPUT=1 export QT_SELECT=qt5 export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 %: dh \$@ --with python3 --buildsystem=pybuild override_dh_auto_configure: override_dh_auto_build: override_dh_auto_test: override_dh_clean: dh_clean rm -f *.pyc rm -rf __pycache__ rm -rf mesonbuild/__pycache__ rm -rf mesonbuild/*/__pycache__ rm -rf work\ area rm -rf install\ dir/* rm -f meson-test-run.txt meson-test-run.xml rm -rf meson.egg-info rm -rf build rm -rf .pybuild override_dh_install: # Helper script to autogenerate cross files. python3 setup.py install --root=\$\$(pwd)/debian/meson --prefix=/usr --install-layout=deb --install-lib=/usr/share/meson --install-scripts=/usr/share/meson rm -rf \$\$(pwd)/debian/meson/usr/share/meson/mesonbuild/__pycache__ rm -rf \$\$(pwd)/debian/meson/usr/share/meson/mesonbuild/*/__pycache__ rm \$\$(pwd)/debian/meson/usr/bin/meson ln -s ../share/meson/meson \$\$(pwd)/debian/meson/usr/bin/meson " ######################################################## # Debian install file section pkg_debinstall="empty" ######################################################## # Debian control file subfields # Debian control file Overrides section pkg_overrides=( empty ) # Debian control file Suggests section pkg_suggests=( empty ) # Debian control file Conflicts section pkg_conflicts=( empty ) # Debian control file Breaks section pkg_breaks=( empty ) # Debian control file Replaces section pkg_replaces=( empty ) # Debian control file Provides section pkg_provides=( empty ) ############################ # Build time dependencies pkg_deps_build=( 'python3 (>= 3.5)' 'dh-python' 'python3-setuptools' 'ninja-build (>= 1.6)' ) # Runtime dependencies pkg_deps_runtime=( 'ninja-build (>=1.6)' 'python3' ) # Extra fields for Debian control file Source (start) section pkg_extra_1=( 'X-Python3-Version: >= 3.5' ) # Extra fields for Debian control file Package (end) section pkg_extra_2=( empty ) ############################ # Deb builder execution field # Do not build either debug symbols or doc files pkg_debbuilder="DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=\"strip nodocs noddebs nocheck\" dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc -d" ######################################################## # Contents of Debian control file # This is a necessary variable setting for array loops below IFS=$'\n' pkg_debcontrol="\ Source: ${pkg_name} Section: ${pkg_section} Priority: ${pkg_priority} Maintainer: ${pkg_maintainer} Build-Depends: debhelper (>=9), $(if [[ ${pkg_deps_build[0]} != "empty" ]]; then \ for w in ${pkg_deps_build[@]}; do printf '%s, ' ${w}; done; fi) Standards-Version: 4.1.3 Homepage: ${pkg_homeurl} $(if [[ ${pkg_extra_1[0]} != "empty" ]]; then for w in ${pkg_extra_1[@]}; do echo ${w}; done ; fi) Package: ${pkg_name} Architecture: ${pkg_arch} Depends: \${shlibs:Depends}, \${misc:Depends}, $(if [[ ${pkg_deps_runtime[0]} != "empty" ]]; then \ for w in ${pkg_deps_runtime[@]}; do printf '%s, ' ${w}; done; fi) Description: ${pkg_commondesc} $(echo -e ${pkg_longdesc} | sed 's/^/ /g; s/\n/\n /g') $(if [[ ${pkg_extra_2[0]} != "empty" ]]; then for w in ${pkg_extra_2[@]}; do echo ${w}; done ; fi) $(if [[ ${pkg_suggests[0]} != "empty" ]]; then echo "Suggests: $(echo ${_kg_suggests[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')"; fi) $(if [[ ${pkg_conflicts[0]} != "empty" ]]; then echo "Conflicts: $(echo ${pkg_overrides[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')"; fi) $(if [[ ${pkg_breaks[0]} != "empty" ]]; then echo "Breaks: $(echo ${pkg_overrides[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')"; fi) $(if [[ ${pkg_replaces[0]} != "empty" ]]; then echo "Replaces: $(echo ${pkg_overrides[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')"; fi) $(if [[ ${pkg_provides[0]} != "empty" ]]; then echo "Provides: $(echo ${pkg_overrides[*]} | sed 's/\s/, /g')"; fi) " unset IFS