#!/bin/bash # Batch convert multiple Magic Lantern dual ISO image files on Linux # Copyright (C) 2017 Pekka Helenius # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # ############################################### # NOTE: This script REQUIRES a patched cr2hdr tool with '--dry-run' parameter support!! # Required patch file is provided in the same repository with this script #Brackets and quotation marks in variables prevent errors occuring if file paths with spaces is used. ################################################################################################ # File system check # We don't allow writing to SD card. #Sed is here to remove any trailing spaces and crap like blank lines INPUT_FILESYSTEM=$(df -h "${1}" | awk -F ' ' 'FNR> 1 {print $1}' | grep -i -E "/dev/sd?|/dev/hd?" | sed '/^\s*$/d' | wc -l) if [[ "${INPUT_FILESYSTEM}" -eq 0 ]]; then #if input file (first file printed in bash) filesystem does not start with /dev/sdX kdialog --error "Image(s) are in a SD Card. Please move them your local or external storage and try again." exit fi ################################################################################################ #We get the directory just from the first filename. Pwd should be easier, but bugged, so... INPUT_DIR=$(dirname "${1}") DIR_BASENAME=$(echo "${INPUT_DIR}" | rev | cut -d/ -f 1 | rev) echo "DEBUG: Input dir is $INPUT_DIR" mkdir -p "${INPUT_DIR}"/converted_dual_iso echo "DEBUG: 'converted_dual_iso' directory created" ############################################################################################ ####PROGRESSBAR STUFF - BEGIN LABELTEXT='Processing RAW images...' numargs=$# # Number of all files tics=100 # Percentage tics inc=0 # Current file number mltp=1000 # Percentage multiplier for bash dbusRef=$(kdialog --title "Dual ISO (folder: ${DIR_BASENAME})" --progressbar "$LABELTEXT" $tics) qdbus $dbusRef showCancelButton true ####PROGRESSBAR STUFF - END while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] && [[ $(qdbus $dbusRef wasCancelled) == "false" ]]; do INPUT="${1}" #Input file path, full path like: /home/myhome/IMG_4021.CR2 OLDFILE_CR2=$(basename "${INPUT}") #Output as IMG_4021.CR2 (for example) # Once we do this, it's very clear which kind of CR2 file we're talking about here. NEWFILE_CR2=$(basename "${INPUT}" | sed 's/\.\w*$/_dualiso.CR2/') # Converted Dual ISO file. NEWFILE_DNG=$(basename "${INPUT}" | sed 's/\.\w*$/_dualiso.DNG/') #If converted Dual ISO exists already, we skip the conversion process. This passes only if the file doesn't exist. if [[ ! -e "${INPUT_DIR}"/converted_dual_iso/"${NEWFILE_DNG}" ]]; then if [[ $(cr2hdr --dry-run "${INPUT}" | grep "Interlaced ISO detected" | wc -l) == 1 ]]; then # Test an input file for Dual ISO. echo "Interlaced ISO detected: ${OLDFILE_CR2}" #Rename detected dual ISO CR2 file with a proper prefix (so that we can distinguish Dual ISO images from "normal" CR2 files) mv "${INPUT_DIR}"/"${OLDFILE_CR2}" "${INPUT_DIR}"/"${NEWFILE_CR2}" #Input we will use from this point is the renamed file, so we set INPUT variable to point to the renamed file. INPUT="${INPUT_DIR}"/"${NEWFILE_CR2}" cr2hdr --process "${INPUT}" # Process a valid input file. mv "${INPUT_DIR}"/"${NEWFILE_DNG}" "${INPUT_DIR}"/converted_dual_iso/ # Move converted Dual ISO. # Add Subject=Dual-ISO tag for every Dual ISO CR2 file. echo "Writing new EXIF/XMP tag Subject: Dual ISO CR2" exiftool -xmp:subject='Dual ISO CR2' "${INPUT_DIR}"/"${NEWFILE_CR2}" -overwrite_original fi fi ############################################## ####PROGRESSBAR STUFF - BEGIN let inc++ #Percentage needs to be calculated like this due to bash rounding limitations... PERCENT_VALUE=$((($mltp*$tics)/(200*$numargs/$inc % 2 + $mltp*$numargs/$inc))) #Output: 20, 40, 59, 80, 100 etc. qdbus $dbusRef Set "" "value" $PERCENT_VALUE; qdbus $dbusRef setLabelText "$LABELTEXT ($inc/$numargs)"; ####PROGRESSBAR STUFF - END shift #Process next CR2/DNG file... done ############################################## #Close processing window if cancelled event has been triggered. ####PROGRESSBAR STUFF - BEGIN # If the process was cancelled, remove tmp file and exit the script. if [[ ! $(qdbus $dbusRef wasCancelled) == "false" ]]; then exit fi ############################################## #Close processing window if not cancelled and processing finished. qdbus $dbusRef close ####PROGRESSBAR STUFF - END ############################################## if [ $(pgrep -x 'cr2hdr' | wc -l) == 0 ]; then notify-send 'Dual ISO' -i image-x-krita 'Conversion done!' fi ############################################################################################ QUESTCOUNT=0 #Ask this question only once #Dual ISO (Subject only defined in converted Dual ISO DNG images) for i in $(find "${INPUT_DIR}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "*.DNG"); do if [[ ! -z $(echo -n $i) ]] && [[ $(exiftool $i |grep --max-count=1 "Subject" | sed -e 's/.*: //g') == *"Dual-ISO"* ]] ; then if [[ $QUESTCOUNT == 0 ]]; then QUESTION=$(kdialog --yesno "More Dual ISO files detected in '$(echo ${INPUT_DIR} | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev)' main folder. Do you want to move these files into 'converted_dual_iso' folder?";) echo $QUESTION MOVEALL=true let QUESTCOUNT++ else MOVEALL=false fi if [[ $MOVEALL == true ]]; then mv $i "${INPUT_DIR}"/converted_dual_iso/ echo "DEBUG: all detected Dual ISO images moved to 'converted_dual_iso' folder" fi fi done ############################################################################################ #If there are no files converted, we delete converted_dual_iso folder if [[ $(ls "${INPUT_DIR}"/converted_dual_iso | wc -l) == 0 ]]; then rm -Rf "${INPUT_DIR}"/converted_dual_iso echo "DEBUG: 'converted_dual_iso' empty, so deleted" fi exit