Various compilation scripts & patches for Linux programs.
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8 years ago
  1. --- a/python/
  2. +++ a/python/
  3. @@ -1098,19 +1098,21 @@
  4. pid_exists = False
  5. print "Registered PID: %d (%s)" % (pid, 'Present' if pid_exists else 'Missing')
  6. self.registeredPid = pids
  7. + self._mgr.Destroy()
  8. + self.POLDie()
  9. - if(playonlinux.GetSettings("DONT_ASK_BEFORE_CLOSING") == "TRUE" or self.registeredPid == [] or wx.YES == wx.MessageBox(_('Are you sure you want to close all {0} windows?').format(os.environ["APPLICATION_TITLE"]).decode("utf-8","replace"),os.environ["APPLICATION_TITLE"], style=wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION)):
  10. - self.SizeToSave = self.GetSize();
  11. - self.PositionToSave = self.GetPosition();
  12. +# if(playonlinux.GetSettings("DONT_ASK_BEFORE_CLOSING") == "TRUE" or self.registeredPid == [] or wx.YES == wx.MessageBox(_('Are you sure you want to close all {0} windows?').format(os.environ["APPLICATION_TITLE"]).decode("utf-8","replace"),os.environ["APPLICATION_TITLE"], style=wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION)):
  13. +# self.SizeToSave = self.GetSize();
  14. +# self.PositionToSave = self.GetPosition();
  15. # Save size and position
  16. - playonlinux.SetSettings("MAINWINDOW_WIDTH",str(self.SizeToSave[0]))
  17. - playonlinux.SetSettings("MAINWINDOW_HEIGHT",str(self.SizeToSave[1]-Variables.windows_add_playonmac*56))
  18. - playonlinux.SetSettings("MAINWINDOW_X",str(self.PositionToSave[0]))
  19. - playonlinux.SetSettings("MAINWINDOW_Y",str(self.PositionToSave[1]))
  20. +# playonlinux.SetSettings("MAINWINDOW_WIDTH",str(self.SizeToSave[0]))
  21. +# playonlinux.SetSettings("MAINWINDOW_HEIGHT",str(self.SizeToSave[1]-Variables.windows_add_playonmac*56))
  22. +# playonlinux.SetSettings("MAINWINDOW_X",str(self.PositionToSave[0]))
  23. +# playonlinux.SetSettings("MAINWINDOW_Y",str(self.PositionToSave[1]))
  24. - self._mgr.Destroy()
  25. +# self._mgr.Destroy()
  26. - self.POLDie()
  27. +# self.POLDie()
  28. return None
  29. def About(self, event):
  30. @@ -1271,7 +1273,7 @@
  31. self.singleCheck("", package="gettext") # gettext-base on Debian
  32. self.singleCheck("icotool", package="icoutils")
  33. self.singleCheck("wrestool", package="icoutils")
  34. - self.singleCheck("wine", package="Wine")
  35. +# self.singleCheck("wine", package="Wine")
  36. self.singleCheck("unzip", package="InfoZIP")
  37. self.singleCheck("7z", package="P7ZIP full") # p7zip-full on Debian
  38. if(os.environ["POL_OS"] == "FreeBSD"):