Various compilation scripts & patches for Linux programs.
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  1. # Maintainer: Pekka Helenius <fincer89 [at] hotmail [dot] com>
  2. pkgname=kbd-fi-nbsp
  3. _pkgname=kbd
  4. pkgver=1
  5. _pkgver=2.0.4
  6. pkgrel=1
  7. pkgdesc="Finnish keyboard layout without non-breaking space"
  8. arch=('any')
  9. url=""
  10. license=('GPL')
  11. depends=('kbd')
  12. makedepends=('gzip' 'patch')
  13. source=(
  14. "${_pkgname}/${_pkgname}-${_pkgver}.tar.xz"
  15. "patch_fi-nbsp-removal_kbd.patch"
  16. )
  17. md5sums=('c1635a5a83b63aca7f97a3eab39ebaa6'
  18. 'c060f9a6ead46950671f9324dabb24a4')
  19. prepare() {
  20. cd "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${_pkgver}"
  21. patch -Np1 -i ../patch_fi-nbsp-removal_kbd.patch
  22. }
  23. package() {
  24. gzip "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${_pkgver}"/data/keymaps/i386/qwerty/
  25. mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/
  26. install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/${_pkgname}-${_pkgver}"/data/keymaps/i386/qwerty/ "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/
  27. msg2 '
  28. Usage (systemd-dependent Linux systems):
  29. TTYs:
  30. 1) Run "sudo localectl set-keymap fi_nbsp"
  31. Settings are stored in /etc/vconsole.conf
  32. 2) Re-login and confirm changes by issuing "localectl" without arguments
  33. -------------
  34. X11:
  35. 1) Prefer "Finnish (classic)" layout in your DE settings
  36. 2) Add
  37. Alternative A) - Set classical layout:
  38. setxkbmap -layout "fi(fi)"
  39. Alternative B) - Override current keycode settings:
  40. xmodmap -e "keycode 65 = space space space space space space space"
  41. in your ~/.xinitrc file (single X desktop) or in your ~./.bashrc file (recommended).
  42. (Use different shell startup file if your shell env is not Bash)
  43. Using ~./.bashrc instead of ~/.xinitrc is recommended if you use multiple desktops and prefer
  44. launching them directly e.g. by issuing commands like "startkde" or "openbox-session".
  45. In addition, if you use "nvidia-xrun" on Nvidia Optimus laptop, use ~./.bashrc file.
  46. '
  47. }