- #This is a draft file for english translation for QNapi program. It doesn't follow any specific standard but does include just all human-readable strings extracted from QNapi source code.
- #This file is meant to be used as a base file for final & correctly formatted en.po file.
- #Feel free to edit the file in need.
- ################################################################################
- #gui/src/main.cpp
- if(QMessageBox::question(0, QObject::tr("First Run"),
- QObject::tr("This is the first launch of the program QNapi. Do you want to "
- "configure it now?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No )
- if(QMessageBox::question(0, "QNapi", "Invalid language code!\n"
- "Do you want to download the subtitles in the default language?",
- qDebug() << "\nQNapi: deleting temporary files...";
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/src/qnapi.cpp
- errorMsg = QString("Unsupported download engine: %1.").arg(engine);
- errorMsg = "No subtitles found!";
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/src/qnapiapp.cpp
- getAction = new QAction(tr("Download subtitles"), 0);
- scanAction = new QAction(tr("Scan directories"), 0);
- convertAction = new QAction(tr("Convert subtitles"), 0);
- napiGetAction = new QAction(tr("Download subtitles"), 0);
- napiCreateUserAction = new QAction(tr("Create an account"), 0);
- osGetAction = new QAction(tr("Download subtitles"), 0);
- osAddAction = new QAction(tr("Upload subtitles"), 0);
- osCreateUserAction = new QAction(tr("Create an account"), 0);
- napisy24GetAction = new QAction(tr("Download subtitles"), 0);
- napisy24CreateUserAction = new QAction(tr("Create an account"), 0);
- settingsAction = new QAction(tr("Settings"), 0);
- aboutAction = new QAction(tr("About"), 0);
- quitAction = new QAction(tr("Quit"), 0);
- tr("Select one or more video files to download subtitles for"),
- ################################################################################
- #gui/src/qnapicli.cpp
- printCli(QString("Invalid language code: %1").arg(p));
- printCli("File not found!");
- printCli("Path to the program p7zip is incorrect! Check your settings..");
- printCli("Can not write to the temporary directory! Check your settings.");
- printCli(QString("Error: ") + napi.error());
- printCli(QString(QString(" * Downloading subtitles for '%1'")).arg(QFileInfo(movie).fileName()));
- printCli(QString(" No permission to write to the directory '%1'!").arg(QFileInfo(movie).path()));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Calculating checksums...")));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Searching subtitles [%1] (%2)...").arg(lang, e)));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Searching alternative subtitles [%1] (%2)...").arg(langBackup, e)));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Searching subtitles [%1] (%2)...").arg(lang, e)));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Searching alternative subtitles [%1] (%2)...").arg(langBackup, e)));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Subtitles not found!")));
- printCli(QString(" 0)\tDo not download subtitle for this video"));
- printCli(" Found subtitles:");
- std::cout << " Select subtitles to download: ";
- printCli(" You must enter a number!");
- printCli(" Enter a number from the list!");
- printCli(QString(QString(" Downloading subtitles...")));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Unable to download subtitles!")));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Unpacking subtitles...")));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Failed to unpack subtitles!")));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Post-processing subtitles...")));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Adjusting subtitles...")));
- printCli(QString(QString(" Could not adjust subtitles!")));
- printCli(QString("QNapi %1, %2\nQt version: %3\n")
- printCli(QString("QNapi is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2.\n"));
- printCli(QString("Syntax: %1 [options] [list of files]").arg(QFileInfo(arguments().at(0)).fileName()));
- printCli(QString("Available options:"));
- printCli(QString(" -c, --console Download subtitles with console"));
- printCli(QString(" -q, --quiet Download subtitles quietly without showing"));
- printCli(QString(" any messages or windows (implies -d)\n"));
- printCli(QString(" -s, --show-list Show a list of subtitles (works only with -c)"));
- printCli(QString(" -d, --dont-show-list Do not show a list of subtitles (works only with -c)\n"));
- printCli(QString(" -l, --lang Preferred subtitle language"));
- printCli(QString(" -lb,--lang-backup Alternative subtitle language\n"));
- printCli(QString(" -o, --options Show program options (only GUI)\n"));
- printCli(QString(" -h, --help Show help text"));
- printCli(QString(" -hl,--help-languages List of available subtitle languages\n"));
- printCli(QString("List of languages recognized by QNapi, including corresponding"));
- printCli(QString("two-letter language codes:\n"));
- printCli(QString("\nCurrent default subtitle language: %1 (%2)")
- printCli(QString("No alternative subtitle language has been set"));
- printCli(QString("Current alternative subtitle language: %1 (%2)")
- ################################################################################
- #/libqnapi/src/qnapilanguage.cpp
- names << tr("Albanian");
- names << tr("English");
- names << tr("Arabic");
- names << tr("Bulgarian");
- names << tr("Chinese");
- names << tr("Croatian");
- names << tr("Czech");
- names << tr("Danish");
- names << tr("Estonian");
- names << tr("Finnish");
- names << tr("French");
- names << tr("Galician");
- names << tr("Greek");
- names << tr("Hebrew");
- names << tr("Spanish");
- names << tr("Dutch");
- names << tr("Indonesian");
- names << tr("Japanese");
- names << tr("Korean");
- names << tr("Macedonian");
- names << tr("German");
- names << tr("Norwegian");
- names << tr("Occitan");
- names << tr("Persian (farsi)");
- names << tr("Polish");
- names << tr("Portuguese");
- names << tr("Portuguese-BR");
- names << tr("Russian");
- names << tr("Romanian");
- names << tr("Serbian");
- names << tr("Slovenian");
- names << tr("Swedish");
- names << tr("Slovak");
- names << tr("Turkish");
- names << tr("Vietnamese");
- names << tr("Hungarian");
- names << tr("Italian");
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/src/qnapiopendialog.cpp
- setNameFilter(tr("Videos (%1);;All files (*.*)").arg(GlobalConfig().movieExtensionsFilter()));
- setNameFilter(tr("Subtitles (%1);;All files (*.*)").arg(GlobalConfig().subtitleExtensionsFilter()));
- << QString(QDir::homePath() + "/Videos") << QString(QDir::homePath() + "/videos")
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/src/forms/frmlistsubtitles.cpp
- ui.lbSelectSubtitles->setText(QString( "Select the subtitle which you want to"
- " adjust to the video file<br><br><b>%1</b>")
- QMessageBox::warning( this,
- "No subtitle selected",
- "You need to select a subtitle from the list!");
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/src/forms/frmconvert.cpp
- QNapiOpenDialog openSubtitle(this, tr("Choose a subtitles file"),
- ui.lbDetectedFormatValue->setText(tr("incorrect"));
- ui.cbTargetExtension->setItemText(0, tr("Default (%1)").arg(targetDefaultExt));
- QNapiOpenDialog openMovie(this, tr("Select a video file"),
- QNapiOpenDialog openMovie(this, tr("Select a video file"),
- QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Subtitles converted"),
- tr("Changed subtitles format from '%1' to '%2'").arg(srcFormat, targetFormat));
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("An error occured while converting strings"),
- tr("Could not change subtitle format!"));
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/src/forms/frmabout.cpp
- ui.lbQtVersion->setText(QString("Qt version: ") + qVersion());
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/src/forms/frmoptions.cpp
- ui.cbLangBackup->addItem("None", QVariant(""));
- QString path7z = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Specify the path for 7z executable"),
- QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid path"),
- tr("Defined path to 7z executable is invalid. If you can not "
- "locate 7z executable, try installing p7zip-full package."));
- QString tmpDir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
- tr("Specify temporary directory"),
- QMessageBox::warning(this,
- "Warning",
- "At least one subtitle engine must remain active!");
- QString("%1 subtitle engine info").arg(engineName),
- ui.cbSubExtension->setItemText(0, tr("Default"));
- ui.cbSubExtension->setItemText(0, tr("Default (%1)").arg(targetDefaultExt));
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/src/forms/frmprogress.cpp
- QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Can not find p7zip!"),
- tr("The path to the program p7zip is incorrect!"));
- QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Invalid temporary directory!"),
- tr("Unable to write to the temporary directory! Check your settings."));
- QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("No files!"),
- tr("Can't download subtitles as no movie files specified!"));
- ? QString(tr("QNapi - downloading subtitle (%1/%2)")).arg(lastCurrent + 1).arg(lastAll)
- : QString(tr("QNapi - downloading subtitle..."));
- QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Critical error!"), getThread.criticalMessage);
- tr("Do you want to cancel subtitles downloading?"),
- ui.lbAction->setText(tr("Finishing the tasks..."));
- emit criticalError(tr("Error: ") + napi->error());
- emit actionChange(tr("Checking permissions of the video directory..."));
- emit criticalError(tr("No permission to write to the directory '%1'!").arg(QFileInfo(queue[i]).path()));
- emit actionChange(tr("Calculating checksum of the file..."));
- emit actionChange(tr("Searching subtitles [%1] (%2)...").arg(language, e));
- emit actionChange(tr("Searching alternative subtitles [%1] (%2)...").arg(languageBackup, e));
- emit actionChange(tr("Searching subtitles [%1] (%2)...").arg(language, e));
- emit actionChange(tr("Searching alternative subtitles [%1] (%2)...").arg(languageBackup, e));
- emit actionChange(tr("Downloading subtitles file..."));
- emit actionChange(tr("Unpacking subtitles file..."));
- emit actionChange(tr("Post-processing subtitles..."));
- emit actionChange(tr("Adjusting subtitles..."));
- emit criticalError(tr("Could not adjust subtitles!"));
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/src/forms/frmscan.cpp
- QNapiOpenDialog openDialog(this, tr("Select the folder to scan"),
- ui.pbScan->setText(tr("Cancel"));
- ui.lbAction->setText(tr("Scanning directories..."));
- ui.lbAction->setText(tr("Interrupting directory scanning..."));
- ui.lbAction->setText(QString("Scanning directory <b>%1</b>..").arg(dirName));
- ui.pbScan->setText("Scan");
- ui.lbAction->setText(tr((ui.lwMovies->count() > 0)
- ? "Select the videos you wish to download subtitles for."
- : "No video files found."));
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/src/forms/frmsummary.cpp
- ui.lbSuccess->setText(tr("Subtitles downloaded for %1 %2")
- .arg(goodCount).arg(tr(goodCount > 1 ? "files" : "file")));
- ui.lbFail->setText(tr("Could not download subtitles for %1 %2")
- .arg(badCount).arg(tr(badCount > 1 ? "files" : "file")));
- ################################################################################
- #/libqnapi/src/engines/qnapiprojektengine.cpp
- return "Fetching from <b>www.napiprojekt.pl</b>";
- ################################################################################
- #/libqnapi/src/engines/qnapisy24engine.cpp
- return "Fetching from <b>www.napisy24.pl</b><br />";
- ################################################################################
- #/libqnapi/src/engines/qopensubtitlesengine.cpp
- return "Fetching from <b>www.opensubtitles.org</b>";
- ################################################################################
- #/libqnapi/src/subconvert/subtitleconverter.cpp
- QString ad = QString("QNapi has downloaded and processed the subtitles|");
- ################################################################################
- #/libqnapi/src/qsubmatcher.cpp
- QString newName = constructSubtitlePath(targetMoviefilePath, targetSubtitlesFileInfo.suffix(), "_copy");
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/ui/frmabout.ui
- ####################
- #<property name="windowTitle">
- <string>QNapi - About</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbAbout">
- <string><html><head/><body><p>QNapi is a program for automatic downloading and matching subtitles for movies. </p><p>The program is distributed under the GNU General Public License version second or later.</p><p><a href="http://qnapi.github.io"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://qnapi.github.io</span></a></p><p>I thank all those who in any way supported the development of the project.</p></body></html></string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbQtVersion">
- <string>Qt version: x.y.z</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbUseNP"
- <string>The program uses www.napiprojekt.pl subtitle database</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbUseOS">
- <string>The program uses www.opensubtitles.org subtitle database</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbUseNP24">
- <string>The program uses www.napisy24.pl subtitle database</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbClose">
- <string>Close</string>
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/ui/frmconvert.ui
- ####################
- #<property name="windowTitle">
- <string>Convert subtitles</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbSrcSubFile">
- <string>Source subtitle file:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbDetectedFormat">
- <string>Detected format:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbTargetFormat">
- <string>Target subtitle format:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbMovieFPS">
- <string>Video framerate (FPS):</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbMovieFPSSelect">
- <string>Detected video framerate (FPS)</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbTargetExtension">
- <string>File extension for target subtitle file:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbTargetExtension">
- <string>Default</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbChangeFPS">
- <string>Change FPS (frames/second) of subtitle</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbFrom">
- <string>from</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbTo">
- <string>to</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbTargetMovieFPSSelect">
- <string>Detect framerate for file</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbDelaySubtitles">
- <string>Shift subtitles</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="sbDelayOffset">
- <string> </string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="sbDelayOffset">
- <string> seconds</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbTargetFileName">
- <string>Target subtitle file name:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbConvert">
- <string>Convert</string>
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/ui/frmlistsubtitles.ui
- ####################
- #<property name="windowTitle">
- <string>QNapi - Select subtitles from the list</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbSelectSubtitles">
- <string><html><head/><body><p>Select the subtitle which you want to adjust to the video file</p><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">film.avi</span></p></body></html></string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbDownload">
- <string>Download subtitle</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbDontDownload">
- <string>Do not download the subtitles for this video</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbGreenHint">
- <string>Subtitles <b>likely matching</b> with your video highlighted with green.</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbRedHint">
- <string>Subtitles <b>likely not matching</b> with your video highlighted with red.</string>
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/ui/frmoptions.ui
- ####################
- #<property name="windowTitle">
- <string>QNapi - Settings</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QWidget" name="tabGeneral">
- <string>Main</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbNoBackup">
- <string>Do not create a copy of existing subtitles. Overwrite them without question.</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbLang">
- <string>Preferred subtitle language:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbShowDockIcon">
- <string>Show icon in the system tray (requires application restart)</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbChangePermissions">
- <string>Subtitle file permissions: </string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbLangBackup">
- <string>Alternative subtitle language:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbTmpPath">
- <string>Path to temporary directory:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lb7zPath">
- <string>Path to 7z executable:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbQuietBatch">
- <string>Do not show any windows while retrieving subtitles in command-line</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbQuietBatch">
- <string>Silent batch mode</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QWidget" name="tabDownloadEngines">
- <string>Download engines</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbAvailableEngines">
- <string>Available engines to download subtitles from:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbDownloadPolicy">
- <string>Subtitle download policy:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbDownloadPolicy">
- <string>Always show a list of available subtitles</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbDownloadPolicy">
- <string>Show a list of available subtitles only if needed</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbDownloadPolicy">
- <string>Always obtain first matching subtitles and never show a list</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbMoveUp">
- <string>Move up</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbSearchPolicy">
- <string>Search subtitles:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbMoveDown">
- <string>Move down </string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbEngineInfo">
- <string>Information</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbEngineConf">
- <string>Configure</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbSearchPolicy">
- <string>Stop the search after finding a matching subtitle (faster)</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbSearchPolicy">
- <string>Search all available subtitles (slower)</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbSearchPolicy">
- <string>Find all subtitles, also in alternative language (slowest)</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QWidget" name="tabPostProcessing">
- <string>Subtitle processing</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QGroupBox" name="gbPpEnable">
- <string>Turn on processing for downloaded subtitles</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbEncoding">
- <string>Character encoding:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbEncodingMethod">
- <string>Keep the original</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbEncodingMethod">
- <string>Convert (settings below)</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbEncodingMethod">
- <string>Replace accented characters with their ASCII equivalents</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbConvertFrom">
- <string>From:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbConvert">
- <string>to:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbShowAllEncodings">
- <string>Show all available character encodings</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbSubFormat">
- <string>Subtitle format:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbSubFormat">
- <string>Keep the original</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbSubExtension">
- <string>Subtitle extension:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QComboBox" name="cbSubExtension">
- <string>Default</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbSkipConvertAds">
- <string>Do not add information about QNapi while converting between formats</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbAutoDetectEncoding">
- <string>Attempt to automatically detect encoding</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbRemoveLines">
- <string>Remove subtitle lines that contain the following words:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbRestoreDefaults">
- <string>Restore defaults</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbCancel">
- <string>Cancel</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbSave">
- <string>Save</string>
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/ui/frmprogress.ui
- ####################
- #<property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>QNapi - downloading subtitle...</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbAction" >
- <string>Downloading the subtitle...</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbCancel" >
- <string>Cancel</string>
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/ui/frmscan.ui
- ####################
- #<property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>QNapi - Directory scanning and subtitle matching</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbDirectory" >
- <string>Select directory to search for video files:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbScan" >
- <string>Scan</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbFilter" >
- <string>Filter file extensions:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbSkip" >
- <string>Skip files whose names contain:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbSkipIfSubtitlesExists" >
- <string>Skip video files which already have subtitles</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbMovies" >
- <string>Found video files:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbSelectAll" >
- <string>Select all</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbUnselectAll" >
- <string>Uncheck all</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbInvertSelection" >
- <string>Invert selection</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbCancel" >
- <string>Cancel</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbGet" >
- <string>Download subtitles</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QCheckBox" name="cbFollowSymLinks" >
- <string>Follow symbolic links</string>
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/ui/frmsummary.ui
- ####################
- #<property name="windowTitle">
- <string>QNapi - the result of matching strings</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbSuccess">
- <string>Downloading subtitles for 5 video files</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbFail">
- <string>Could not find the subtitles for 3 video files</string>
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/ui/napiprojekt/frmnapiprojektconfig.ui
- ####################
- #<property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>NapiProjekt - configuration</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbPass" >
- <string>Password:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbRegister" >
- <string>Create an account</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbCancel" >
- <string>Cancel</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbSave" >
- <string>Save</string>
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/ui/napisy24/frmnapisy24config.ui
- ####################
- #<property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>Napisy24 - configuration</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbPass" >
- <string>Password:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbRegister" >
- <string>Create an account</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbCancel" >
- <string>Cancel</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbSave" >
- <string>Save</string>
- ################################################################################
- #/gui/ui/opensubtitles/frmopensubtitlesconfig.ui
- ####################
- #<property name="windowTitle" >
- <string>OpenSubtitles - configuration</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QLabel" name="lbPass" >
- <string>Password:</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbRegister" >
- <string>Create an account</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbCancel" >
- <string>Cancel</string>
- ####################
- #<widget class="QPushButton" name="pbSave" >
- <string>Save</string>