####################################################################### ## SHORTCUT COMMAND 1 - TAKE A SCREENSHOT ## USE AS A GLOBAL SHORTCUT COMMAND FOR 'PRINT SCREEN' KEY IN PLASMA 5 ##Take a screenshot: Save an image to clipboard, DO NOT save in a file (can't be used with Kolourpaint, clipboard use only) import -window root -screen png:- | loliclip -bi image/png ##Take a screenshot: Save an image to clipboard and as a temporary file (can be used with Kolourpaint) import -window root -screen /tmp/screen.png | loliclip -bi image/png < /tmp/screen.png && notify-send Screenshot -i image-x-krita 'Screenshot saved to clipboard' ####################################################################### ## SHORTCUT COMMAND 2 - PASTE THE SCREENSHOT ## USE AS A GLOBAL SHORTCUT COMMAND FOR ALT+V KEY COMBINATION IN PLASMA 5 ##Paste the screenshot into a new Kolourpaint session. Put this as a custom global shortcut Alt+V bash -c "if [[ $(xclipshow |grep -c image/png) -eq 1 ]]; then kolourpaint /tmp/screen.png; fi" ####################################################################### ## You can find Plasma 5 shortcut settings in System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Custom Shortcuts ## Add the above commands as New Global Shortcuts, Command/URL