#!/usr/bin/python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 3rd attempt # 15th Feb 2012, 09:38AM # http://eayd.in # http://github.com/eaydin/cr2fits ### This script is redistributable in anyway. ### But it includes netpbmfile.py which is NOT written by M. Emre Aydin. ### It has its own copyright and it has been stated in the source code. ### BUT, there's nothing to worry about usage, laws etc. ### Enjoy. sourceweb = "http://github.com/eaydin/cr2fits" version = "1.0.3" try : from copy import deepcopy import numpy, pyfits, subprocess, sys, re, datetime, math except : print("ERROR : Missing some libraries!") print("Check if you have the following :\n\tnumpy\n\tpyfits\n\tdcraw") print("For details : %s" % sourceweb) raise SystemExit ### --- NETPBMFILE SOURCE CODE --- ### # Copyright (c) 2011, Christoph Gohlke # Copyright (c) 2011, The Regents of the University of California # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of any # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. __all__ = ['NetpbmFile'] class NetpbmFile(object): """Read and write Netpbm PAM, PBM, PGM, PPM, files.""" _types = {b'P1': b'BLACKANDWHITE', b'P2': b'GRAYSCALE', b'P3': b'RGB', b'P4': b'BLACKANDWHITE', b'P5': b'GRAYSCALE', b'P6': b'RGB', b'P7 332': b'RGB', b'P7': b'RGB_ALPHA'} def __init__(self, arg=None, **kwargs): """Initialize instance from filename, open file, or numpy array.""" for attr in ('header', 'magicnum', 'width', 'height', 'maxval', 'depth', 'tupltypes', '_filename', '_fileid', '_data'): setattr(self, attr, None) if arg is None: self._fromdata([], **kwargs) elif isinstance(arg, basestring): self._fileid = open(arg, 'rb') self._filename = arg self._fromfile(self._fileid, **kwargs) elif hasattr(arg, 'seek'): self._fromfile(arg, **kwargs) self._fileid = arg else: self._fromdata(arg, **kwargs) def asarray(self, copy=True, cache=False, **kwargs): """Return image data from file as numpy array.""" data = self._data if data is None: data = self._read_data(self._fileid, **kwargs) if cache: self._data = data else: return data return deepcopy(data) if copy else data def write(self, arg, **kwargs): """Write instance to file.""" if hasattr(arg, 'seek'): self._tofile(arg, **kwargs) else: with open(arg, 'wb') as fid: self._tofile(fid, **kwargs) def close(self): """Close open file. Future asarray calls might fail.""" if self._filename and self._fileid: self._fileid.close() self._fileid = None def __del__(self): self.close() def _fromfile(self, fileid): """Initialize instance from open file.""" fileid.seek(0) data = fileid.read(4096) if (len(data) < 7) or not (b'0' < data[1:2] < b'8'): raise ValueError("Not a Netpbm file:\n%s" % data[:32]) try: self._read_pam_header(data) except Exception: try: self._read_pnm_header(data) except Exception: raise ValueError("Not a Netpbm file:\n%s" % data[:32]) def _read_pam_header(self, data): """Read PAM header and initialize instance.""" regroups = re.search( b"(^P7[\n\r]+(?:(?:[\n\r]+)|(?:#.*)|" b"(HEIGHT\s+\d+)|(WIDTH\s+\d+)|(DEPTH\s+\d+)|(MAXVAL\s+\d+)|" b"(?:TUPLTYPE\s+\w+))*ENDHDR\n)", data).groups() self.header = regroups[0] self.magicnum = b'P7' for group in regroups[1:]: key, value = group.split() setattr(self, unicode(key).lower(), int(value)) matches = re.findall(b"(TUPLTYPE\s+\w+)", self.header) self.tupltypes = [s.split(None, 1)[1] for s in matches] def _read_pnm_header(self, data): """Read PNM header and initialize instance.""" bpm = data[1:2] in b"14" regroups = re.search(b"".join(( b"(^(P[123456]|P7 332)\s+(?:#.*[\r\n])*", b"\s*(\d+)\s+(?:#.*[\r\n])*", b"\s*(\d+)\s+(?:#.*[\r\n])*" * (not bpm), b"\s*(\d+)\s(?:\s*#.*[\r\n]\s)*)")), data).groups() + (1, ) * bpm self.header = regroups[0] self.magicnum = regroups[1] self.width = int(regroups[2]) self.height = int(regroups[3]) self.maxval = int(regroups[4]) self.depth = 3 if self.magicnum in b"P3P6P7 332" else 1 self.tupltypes = [self._types[self.magicnum]] def _read_data(self, fileid, byteorder='>'): """Return image data from open file as numpy array.""" fileid.seek(len(self.header)) data = fileid.read() dtype = 'u1' if self.maxval < 256 else byteorder + 'u2' depth = 1 if self.magicnum == b"P7 332" else self.depth shape = [-1, self.height, self.width, depth] size = numpy.prod(shape[1:]) if self.magicnum in b"P1P2P3": data = numpy.array(data.split(None, size)[:size], dtype) data = data.reshape(shape) elif self.maxval == 1: shape[2] = int(math.ceil(self.width / 8)) data = numpy.frombuffer(data, dtype).reshape(shape) data = numpy.unpackbits(data, axis=-2)[:, :, :self.width, :] else: data = numpy.frombuffer(data, dtype) data = data[:size * (data.size // size)].reshape(shape) if data.shape[0] < 2: data = data.reshape(data.shape[1:]) if data.shape[-1] < 2: data = data.reshape(data.shape[:-1]) if self.magicnum == b"P7 332": rgb332 = numpy.array(list(numpy.ndindex(8, 8, 4)), numpy.uint8) rgb332 *= [36, 36, 85] data = numpy.take(rgb332, data, axis=0) return data def _fromdata(self, data, maxval=None): """Initialize instance from numpy array.""" data = numpy.array(data, ndmin=2, copy=True) if data.dtype.kind not in "uib": raise ValueError("not an integer type: %s" % data.dtype) if data.dtype.kind == 'i' and numpy.min(data) < 0: raise ValueError("data out of range: %i" % numpy.min(data)) if maxval is None: maxval = numpy.max(data) maxval = 255 if maxval < 256 else 65535 if maxval < 0 or maxval > 65535: raise ValueError("data out of range: %i" % maxval) data = data.astype('u1' if maxval < 256 else '>u2') self._data = data if data.ndim > 2 and data.shape[-1] in (3, 4): self.depth = data.shape[-1] self.width = data.shape[-2] self.height = data.shape[-3] self.magicnum = b'P7' if self.depth == 4 else b'P6' else: self.depth = 1 self.width = data.shape[-1] self.height = data.shape[-2] self.magicnum = b'P5' if maxval > 1 else b'P4' self.maxval = maxval self.tupltypes = [self._types[self.magicnum]] self.header = self._header() def _tofile(self, fileid, pam=False): """Write Netbm file.""" fileid.seek(0) fileid.write(self._header(pam)) data = self.asarray(copy=False) if self.maxval == 1: data = numpy.packbits(data, axis=-1) data.tofile(fileid) def _header(self, pam=False): """Return file header as byte string.""" if pam or self.magicnum == b'P7': header = "\n".join(("P7", "HEIGHT %i" % self.height, "WIDTH %i" % self.width, "DEPTH %i" % self.depth, "MAXVAL %i" % self.maxval, "\n".join("TUPLTYPE %s" % unicode(i) for i in self.tupltypes), "ENDHDR\n")) elif self.maxval == 1: header = "P4 %i %i\n" % (self.width, self.height) elif self.depth == 1: header = "P5 %i %i %i\n" % (self.width, self.height, self.maxval) else: header = "P6 %i %i %i\n" % (self.width, self.height, self.maxval) if sys.version_info[0] > 2: header = bytes(header, 'ascii') return header def __str__(self): """Return information about instance.""" return unicode(self.header) if sys.version_info[0] > 2: basestring = str unicode = lambda x: str(x, 'ascii') ### --- END OF NETPBMFILE SOURCE CODE --- ### ### CR2FITS SOURCE CODE ### try : cr2FileName = sys.argv[1] colorInput = int(sys.argv[2]) # 0=R 1=G 2=B except : print("ERROR : You probably don't know how to use it?") print("./cr2fits.py ") print("The can take 3 values:0,1,2 for R,G,B respectively.") print("Example :\n\t$ ./cr2fits.py myimage.cr2 1") print("The above example will create 2 outputs.") print("\tmyimage.ppm : The PPM, which you can delete.") print("\tmyimage-G.fits : The FITS image in the Green channel, which is the purpose!") print("For details : http://github.com/eaydin/cr2fits") print("Version : %s" % version) raise SystemExit colors = {0:"Red",1:"Green",2:"Blue"} colorState = any([True for i in colors.keys() if i == colorInput]) if colorState == False : print("ERROR : Color value can be set as 0:Red, 1:Green, 2:Blue.") raise SystemExit print("Reading file %s...") % cr2FileName try : #Converting the CR2 to PPM p = subprocess.Popen(["dcraw","-6","-j","-W",cr2FileName]).communicate()[0] #Getting the EXIF of CR2 with dcraw p = subprocess.Popen(["dcraw","-i","-v",cr2FileName],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) cr2header = p.communicate()[0] #Catching the Timestamp m = re.search('(?<=Timestamp:).*',cr2header) date1=m.group(0).split() months = { 'Jan' : 1, 'Feb' : 2, 'Mar' : 3, 'Apr' : 4, 'May' : 5, 'Jun' : 6, 'Jul' : 7, 'Aug' : 8, 'Sep' : 9, 'Oct' : 10, 'Nov' : 11, 'Dec' : 12 } date = datetime.datetime(int(date1[4]),months[date1[1]],int(date1[2]),int(date1[3].split(':')[0]),int(date1[3].split(':')[1]),int(date1[3].split(':')[2])) date ='{0:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(date) #Catching the Shutter Speed m = re.search('(?<=Shutter:).*(?=sec)',cr2header) shutter = m.group(0).strip() #Catching the Aperture m = re.search('(?<=Aperture: f/).*',cr2header) aperture = m.group(0).strip() #Catching the ISO Speed m = re.search('(?<=ISO speed:).*',cr2header) iso = m.group(0).strip() #Catching the Focal length m = re.search('(?<=Focal length: ).*(?=mm)',cr2header) focal = m.group(0).strip() #Catching the Original Filename of the cr2 m = re.search('(?<=Filename:).*',cr2header) original_file = m.group(0).strip() #Catching the Camera Type m = re.search('(?<=Camera:).*',cr2header) camera = m.group(0).strip() except : print("ERROR : Something went wrong with dcraw. Do you even have dcraw?") raise SystemExit print("Reading the PPM output...") try : #Reading the PPM ppm_name = cr2FileName.split('.')[0] + '.ppm' im_ppm = NetpbmFile(ppm_name).asarray() except : print("ERROR : Something went wrong while reading the PPM file.") raise SystemExit print("Extracting %s color channels... (may take a while)" % colors[colorInput]) try : #Extracting the Green Channel Only im_green = numpy.zeros((im_ppm.shape[0],im_ppm.shape[1]),dtype=numpy.uint16) for row in xrange(0,im_ppm.shape[0]) : for col in xrange(0,im_ppm.shape[1]) : im_green[row,col] = im_ppm[row,col][colorInput] except : print("ERROR : Something went wrong while extracting color channels.") raise SystemExit print("Creating the FITS file...") try : #Creating the FITS File hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(im_green) hdu.header.set('OBSTIME',date) hdu.header.set('EXPTIME',shutter) hdu.header.set('APERTUR',aperture) hdu.header.set('ISO',iso) hdu.header.set('FOCAL',focal) hdu.header.set('ORIGIN',original_file) hdu.header.set('FILTER',colors[colorInput]) hdu.header.set('CAMERA',camera) hdu.header.add_comment('FITS File Created with cr2fits.py available at %s'%(sourceweb)) hdu.header.add_comment('cr2fits.py version %s'%(version)) hdu.header.add_comment('EXPTIME is in seconds.') hdu.header.add_comment('APERTUR is the ratio as in f/APERTUR') hdu.header.add_comment('FOCAL is in mm') except : print("ERROR : Something went wrong while creating the FITS file.") raise SystemExit print("Writing the FITS file...") try : hdu.writeto(cr2FileName.split('.')[0]+"-"+colors[colorInput][0]+'.fits') except : print("ERROR : Something went wrong while writing the FITS file. Maybe it already exists?") raise SystemExit print("Conversion successful!")