Various compilation scripts & patches for Linux programs.
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Various programs & patches for Linux programs.

Includes universal patch files and Arch Linux specific PKGBUILD scripts.

Packages included


Convert Canon CR2 RAW images to FITS images. FITS format is used in astronomical applications.

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Dual ISO image processing tool for Canon DSLR's with Magic Lantern firmware. Convert Dual ISO DNG raw images to editable format for further processing with Photoshop/Lightroom etc.

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Includes a patch file for Dolphin 16.12 (Plasma 5). The patch lets you autoplay all supported media formats (audio & video) in Dolphin file browser instead of clicking manually the play button every time you want preview a media file.

To use this feature, enable information panel in Dolphin (shortcut F11) and press a radio button on the right side.

Original patch code here:

NoWarTools - automatic video\audio preview hovering a file with phonon in dolphin kde file manager

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script + patch file.


Plasma 5 Dolphin service menu script for cr2fits package.

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Plasma 5 Dolphin service menu script for cr2hdr package.

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Plasma 5 Dolphin service menu script. Extract all readable strings from a file (binary files included). Useful for file analysis.

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Plasma 5 Dolphin service menu script. Show useful media information. Applies to all audio & video files.


  • media duration
  • audio & video bitrate
  • audio & video format
  • audio channels
  • video resolution
  • video framerate

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Plasma 5 Dolphin service menu script for converting various video & audio files from format to format.

Supported audio formats are: aac, ac3, mp3, ogg, opus, wav, wma Supported video formats are: avi, flv, m4v, mkv, mov, mp4, mpg, ogv, webm, wmv

This script can be used for multiple files at the same time but is developed for individual files only.

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Plasma 5 Dolphin service menu script for hacking and breaking PDF password protection. Allows you to edit read-only PDF files.

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Magic Lantern Raw file conversion tool for MLV files. Extract individual DNG frames from MLV files.

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Magic Lantern Raw file conversion tool for MLV files. Extract individual DNG frames from MLV files.

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Create virtual panorama tours using panorama images.

NOTE: The PKGBUILD script is outdated but can still be useful for some people.


Garden Gnome Software - Pano2VR

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Create virtual panorama tours using panorama images.


Kolor - Panotour

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Create virtual panorama tours using panorama images. Professional version with additional features.


Kolor - Panotour

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Create textured 3D models from multiple still images.


Agisoft - Photoscan

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Create textured 3D models from multiple still images. Professional version with additional features.


Agisoft - Photoscan

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script.


Patches for PlayOnLinux 4.2.10.

0001-remove-menuitems.patch = Remove Twitter, Facebook, Google+ menu items. Remove duplicate Run, Remove, Install menu items. Remove Donate menu item.

0002-add-shortcutitems.patch = Add an option to remove shortcuts from Desktop & .local/share/applications/ directory. While creating a shortcut, add it to both of these places instead of only Desktop. Create winexec bash script file for Wine, and link it to "Execute" field of each shortcut/.desktop file.

For details about Winexec bash script, see this AskUbuntu page.

0003-add-addremoveprograms.patch = Add Add/Remove programs menu shortcut for each program listed on PlayOnLinux program menu.

0004-change-wineversions.patch = Highlight unused Wine versions.

0005-add-optimussupport.patch = Doesn't work? Attempt to add Optimus/Optirun support for PlayOnLinux

0006-disable-updatenotification.patch = Disable pop-up update notification.

0007-disable-closingandwinemessage.patch = Disable confirmation for closing the program. Remove Wine dependency (so that user don't need to install Wine on their systems in order to use PlayOnLinux)

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script + patch files.


Patch qgifer codebase for Qt5 & the newest giflib. NOTE: Qgifer is a deprecated/abandoned program.

Homepage: - QGifer

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script + patch files.


Patches for Wine.

custompatch_glsl_shader.patch = GLSL shaders patch for Wine.

custompatch_msi-add-dummyactionthreads.patch = Add MSI dummy actions since Wine lacks a proper implementation of MSI custom action server. See details here

Basically, this patch helps you installing many useful programs on Wine which would otherwise be impossible.

custompatch_photoshop_getticks_input.c.patch = Photoshop brush patch for Wine. Details here

custompatch_photoshop_keepfocus_message.c.patch = Patch for keeping window focus while using Camera Raw plugin.

custompatch_photoshop_tooltip_win.c.patch = Patch for hovering Photoshop tooltip pop-ups.

FORMAT: Patch files.


ZSnes Nintendo SNES emulator for Linux. Netplay version.

FORMAT: Arch Linux PKGBUILD script + patch files.