Instructions to set up a basic LAMP+SSH server environment
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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These exercises are a part of Linux servers (ICT4TN021, spring 2018) // Linux-palvelimet (ICT4TN021, kevät 2018) school course organized as a part of Information Technology studies in Haaga-Helia university of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland. Course lecturer Tero Karvinen has defined the original assignment descriptions in Finnish presented in these exercises in English. Answers and translations have been written by Pekka Helenius (me, ~ Fincer).

NOTE: These instructions rely on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 LTS which has PHP version 7.0.

It's just the beginning...
