- #!/bin/sh -
- #
- # $OpenBSD: security,v 1.18 1997/03/17 20:17:57 gene Exp $
- # from: @(#)security 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/9/93
- #
- PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
- umask 077
- DIR=/tmp/_secure$$
- ERR=$DIR/_secure1
- TMP1=$DIR/_secure2
- TMP2=$DIR/_secure3
- TMP3=$DIR/_secure4
- LIST=$DIR/_secure5
- OUTPUT=$DIR/_secure6
- if ! mkdir $DIR ; then
- printf "tmp directory %s already exists, looks like:\n" $DIR
- ls -alF $DIR
- exit 1
- fi
- trap 'rm -rf $DIR' 0 1 15
- # Check the master password file syntax.
- MP=/etc/master.passwd
- awk -F: '{
- if ($0 ~ /^[ ]*$/) {
- printf("Line %d is a blank line.\n", NR);
- next;
- }
- if (NF != 10)
- printf("Line %d has the wrong number of fields.\n", NR);
- if ($1 ~ /^[+-]/)
- next;
- if ($1 == "")
- printf("Line %d has an empty login field.\n", NR);
- else if ($1 !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_-]*$/)
- printf("Login %s has non-alphanumeric characters.\n", $1);
- if (length($1) > 8)
- printf("Login %s has more than 8 characters.\n", $1);
- if ($2 == "")
- printf("Login %s has no password.\n", $1);
- if ((length($2) != 13 && ($10 ~ /.*sh$/ || $10 == "")) && ($2 !~ /^\$[0-9]+\$/) && system("if grep -q \"^"$1" \" /etc/skeykeys || test -d "$9"/.ssh -a ! -O "$9"/.ssh ; then exit 1 ; fi ; for i in .rhosts .shosts .klogin ; do test -s "$9"/$i -a ! -O "$9"/$i && exit 1 ; done ; exit 0") != 0)
- printf("Login %s is off but still has a valid shell.\n", $1);
- if ($3 == 0 && $1 != "root")
- printf("Login %s has a user id of 0.\n", $1);
- if ($3 < 0)
- printf("Login %s has a negative user id.\n", $1);
- if ($4 < 0)
- printf("Login %s has a negative group id.\n", $1);
- }' < $MP > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking the $MP file:\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- awk -F: '{ print $1 }' $MP | sort | uniq -d > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\n$MP has duplicate user names.\n"
- column $OUTPUT
- fi
- awk -F: '{ print $1 " " $3 }' $MP | sort -n +1 | tee $TMP1 |
- uniq -d -f 1 | awk '{ print $2 }' > $TMP2
- if [ -s $TMP2 ] ; then
- printf "\n$MP has duplicate user id's.\n"
- while read uid; do
- grep -w $uid $TMP1
- done < $TMP2 | column
- fi
- # Backup the master password file; a special case, the normal backup
- # mechanisms also print out file differences and we don't want to do
- # that because this file has encrypted passwords in it.
- if [ ! -d /var/backups ] ; then
- mkdir /var/backups
- chmod 755 /var/backups
- fi
- CUR=/var/backups/`basename $MP`.current
- BACK=/var/backups/`basename $MP`.backup
- if [ -s $CUR ] ; then
- if cmp -s $CUR $MP; then
- :
- else
- cp -p $CUR $BACK
- cp -p $MP $CUR
- chown root.wheel $CUR
- fi
- else
- cp -p $MP $CUR
- chown root.wheel $CUR
- fi
- # Check the group file syntax.
- GRP=/etc/group
- awk -F: '{
- if ($0 ~ /^[ ]*$/) {
- printf("Line %d is a blank line.\n", NR);
- next;
- }
- if ($1 ~ /^[+-].*$/)
- next;
- if (NF != 4)
- printf("Line %d has the wrong number of fields.\n", NR);
- if ($1 !~ /^[A-za-z0-9][A-za-z0-9_-]*$/)
- printf("Group %s has non-alphanumeric characters.\n", $1);
- if (length($1) > 8)
- printf("Group %s has more than 8 characters.\n", $1);
- if ($3 !~ /[0-9]*/)
- printf("Login %s has a negative group id.\n", $1);
- }' < $GRP > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking the $GRP file:\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- awk -F: '{ print $1 }' $GRP | sort | uniq -d > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\n$GRP has duplicate group names.\n"
- column $OUTPUT
- fi
- # Check for root paths, umask values in startup files.
- # The check for the root paths is problematical -- it's likely to fail
- # in other environments. Once the shells have been modified to warn
- # of '.' in the path, the path tests should go away.
- rhome=/root
- umaskset=no
- list="/etc/csh.cshrc /etc/csh.login ${rhome}/.cshrc ${rhome}/.login"
- for i in $list ; do
- if [ -s $i ] ; then
- if egrep umask $i > /dev/null ; then
- umaskset=yes
- fi
- egrep umask $i |
- awk '$2 % 100 < 20 \
- { print "Root umask is group writeable" }
- $2 % 10 < 2 \
- { print "Root umask is other writeable" }' >> $OUTPUT
- /bin/csh -f -s << end-of-csh > /dev/null 2>&1
- unset path
- source $i
- /bin/ls -ldgT \$path > $TMP1
- end-of-csh
- awk '{
- if ($10 ~ /^\.$/) {
- print "The root path includes .";
- next;
- }
- }
- $1 ~ /^d....w/ \
- { print "Root path directory " $10 " is group writeable." } \
- $1 ~ /^d.......w/ \
- { print "Root path directory " $10 " is other writeable." }' \
- < $TMP1 >> $OUTPUT
- fi
- done
- if [ $umaskset = "no" -o -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking root csh paths, umask values:\n$list\n"
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- if [ $umaskset = "no" ] ; then
- printf "\nRoot csh startup files do not set the umask.\n"
- fi
- fi
- rhome=/root
- umaskset=no
- list="${rhome}/.profile"
- for i in $list; do
- if [ -s $i ] ; then
- if egrep umask $i > /dev/null ; then
- umaskset=yes
- fi
- egrep umask $i |
- awk '$2 % 100 < 20 \
- { print "Root umask is group writeable" } \
- $2 % 10 < 2 \
- { print "Root umask is other writeable" }' >> $OUTPUT
- /bin/sh << end-of-sh > /dev/null 2>&1
- . $i
- list=\`echo \$PATH | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/:/ /g'\`
- /bin/ls -ldgT \$list > $TMP1
- end-of-sh
- awk '{
- if ($10 ~ /^\.$/) {
- print "The root path includes .";
- next;
- }
- }
- $1 ~ /^d....w/ \
- { print "Root path directory " $10 " is group writeable." } \
- $1 ~ /^d.......w/ \
- { print "Root path directory " $10 " is other writeable." }' \
- < $TMP1 >> $OUTPUT
- fi
- done
- if [ $umaskset = "no" -o -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking root sh paths, umask values:\n$list\n"
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- if [ $umaskset = "no" ] ; then
- printf "\nRoot sh startup files do not set the umask.\n"
- fi
- fi
- # Root and uucp should both be in /etc/ftpusers.
- if egrep root /etc/ftpusers > /dev/null ; then
- :
- else
- printf "\nRoot not listed in /etc/ftpusers file.\n"
- fi
- if egrep uucp /etc/ftpusers > /dev/null ; then
- :
- else
- printf "\nUucp not listed in /etc/ftpusers file.\n"
- fi
- # Uudecode should not be in the /etc/aliases file.
- if egrep 'uudecode|decode' /etc/aliases; then
- printf "\nThere is an entry for uudecode in the /etc/aliases file.\n"
- fi
- # Files that should not have + signs.
- list="/etc/hosts.equiv /etc/shosts.equiv /etc/hosts.lpd"
- for f in $list ; do
- if [ -s $f ] ; then
- awk '{
- if ($0 ~ /^\+@.*$/)
- next;
- if ($0 ~ /^\+.*$/)
- printf("\nPlus sign in %s file.\n", FILENAME);
- }' $f
- fi
- done
- # Check for special users with .rhosts/.shosts files. Only root
- # should have .rhosts/.shosts files. Also, .rhosts/.shosts
- # files should not have plus signs.
- awk -F: '$1 != "root" && $1 !~ /^[+-]/ && \
- ($3 < 100 || $1 == "ftp" || $1 == "uucp") \
- { print $1 " " $6 }' /etc/passwd |
- while read uid homedir; do
- for j in .rhosts .shosts; do
- # Root owned .rhosts/.shosts files are ok.
- if [ -s ${homedir}/$j -a ! -O ${homedir}/$j ] ; then
- rhost=`ls -ldgT ${homedir}/$j`
- printf "$uid: $rhost\n"
- fi
- done
- done > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking for special users with .rhosts/.shosts files.\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- awk -F: '/^[^+-]/ { print $1 " " $6 }' /etc/passwd | \
- while read uid homedir; do
- for j in .rhosts .shosts; do
- if [ -s ${homedir}/$j ] ; then
- awk '{
- if ($0 ~ /^+@.*$/ )
- next;
- if ($0 ~ /^\+[ ]*$/ )
- printf("%s has + sign in it.\n",
- }' ${homedir}/$j
- fi
- done
- done > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking .rhosts/.shosts files syntax.\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- # Check home directories. Directories should not be owned by someone else
- # or writeable.
- awk -F: '/^[^+-]/ { print $1 " " $6 }' /etc/passwd | \
- while read uid homedir; do
- if [ -d ${homedir}/ ] ; then
- file=`ls -ldgT ${homedir}`
- printf "$uid $file\n"
- fi
- done |
- awk '$1 != $4 && $4 != "root" \
- { print "user " $1 " home directory is owned by " $4 }
- $2 ~ /^-....w/ \
- { print "user " $1 " home directory is group writeable" }
- $2 ~ /^-.......w/ \
- { print "user " $1 " home directory is other writeable" }' > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking home directories.\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- # Files that should not be owned by someone else or readable.
- list=".netrc .rhosts .shosts"
- awk -F: '/^[^+-]/ { print $1 " " $6 }' /etc/passwd | \
- while read uid homedir; do
- for f in $list ; do
- file=${homedir}/${f}
- if [ -f $file ] ; then
- printf "$uid $f `ls -ldgT $file`\n"
- fi
- done
- done |
- awk '$1 != $5 && $5 != "root" \
- { print "user " $1 " " $2 " file is owned by " $5 }
- $3 ~ /^-...r/ \
- { print "user " $1 " " $2 " file is group readable" }
- $3 ~ /^-......r/ \
- { print "user " $1 " " $2 " file is other readable" }
- $3 ~ /^-....w/ \
- { print "user " $1 " " $2 " file is group writeable" }
- $3 ~ /^-.......w/ \
- { print "user " $1 " " $2 " file is other writeable" }' > $OUTPUT
- # Files that should not be owned by someone else or writeable.
- list=".bashrc .cshrc .emacs .exrc .forward .klogin .login .logout \
- .profile .tcshrc"
- awk -F: '/^[^+-]/ { print $1 " " $6 }' /etc/passwd | \
- while read uid homedir; do
- for f in $list ; do
- file=${homedir}/${f}
- if [ -f $file ] ; then
- printf "$uid $f `ls -ldgT $file`\n"
- fi
- done
- done |
- awk '$1 != $5 && $5 != "root" \
- { print "user " $1 " " $2 " file is owned by " $5 }
- $3 ~ /^-....w/ \
- { print "user " $1 " " $2 " file is group writeable" }
- $3 ~ /^-.......w/ \
- { print "user " $1 " " $2 " file is other writeable" }' >> $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking dot files.\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- # Mailboxes should be owned by user and unreadable.
- ls -l /var/mail | sed 1d | \
- awk '$3 != $9 \
- { print "user " $9 " mailbox is owned by " $3 }
- $1 != "-rw-------" \
- { print "user " $9 " mailbox is " $1 ", group " $4 }' > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking mailbox ownership.\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- # File systems should not be globally exported.
- if [ -s /etc/exports ] ; then
- awk '{
- if ($1 ~ /^#/)
- next;
- readonly = 0;
- for (i = 2; i <= NF; ++i) {
- if ($i ~ /-ro/)
- readonly = 1;
- else if ($i !~ /^-/)
- next;
- }
- if (readonly)
- print "File system " $1 " globally exported, read-only."
- else
- print "File system " $1 " globally exported, read-write."
- }' < /etc/exports > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking for globally exported file systems.\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- fi
- # Display any changes in setuid/setgid files and devices.
- pending="\nChecking setuid/setgid files and devices:\n"
- (find / \( ! -fstype local -o -fstype fdesc -o -fstype kernfs \
- -o -fstype procfs \) -a -prune -o \
- -type f -a \( -perm -u+s -o -perm -g+s \) -print0 -o \
- ! -type d -a ! -type f -a ! -type l -a ! -type s -print0 | \
- xargs -0 ls -ldgT | sort +9 > $LIST) 2> $OUTPUT
- # Display any errors that occurred during system file walk.
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "${pending}Setuid/device find errors:\n"
- pending=
- cat $OUTPUT
- printf "\n"
- fi
- # Display any changes in the setuid/setgid file list.
- egrep -v '^[bc]' $LIST > $TMP1
- if [ -s $TMP1 ] ; then
- # Check to make sure uudecode isn't setuid.
- if grep -w uudecode $TMP1 > /dev/null ; then
- printf "${pending}\nUudecode is setuid.\n"
- pending=
- fi
- CUR=/var/backups/setuid.current
- BACK=/var/backups/setuid.backup
- if [ -s $CUR ] ; then
- if cmp -s $CUR $TMP1 ; then
- :
- else
- > $TMP2
- join -110 -210 -v2 $CUR $TMP1 > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "${pending}Setuid additions:\n"
- pending=
- tee -a $TMP2 < $OUTPUT
- printf "\n"
- fi
- join -110 -210 -v1 $CUR $TMP1 > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "${pending}Setuid deletions:\n"
- pending=
- tee -a $TMP2 < $OUTPUT
- printf "\n"
- fi
- sort +9 $TMP2 $CUR $TMP1 | \
- sed -e 's/[ ][ ]*/ /g' | uniq -u > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "${pending}Setuid changes:\n"
- pending=
- column -t $OUTPUT
- printf "\n"
- fi
- cp $CUR $BACK
- cp $TMP1 $CUR
- fi
- else
- printf "${pending}Setuid additions:\n"
- pending=
- column -t $TMP1
- printf "\n"
- cp $TMP1 $CUR
- fi
- fi
- # Check for block and character disk devices that are readable or writeable
- # or not owned by root.operator.
- >$TMP1
- DISKLIST="ccd dk fd hd hk hp jb kra ra rb rd rl rx rz sd up vnd wd xd"
- for i in $DISKLIST; do
- egrep "^b.*/${i}[0-9][0-9]*[a-p]$" $LIST >> $TMP1
- egrep "^c.*/r${i}[0-9][0-9]*[a-p]$" $LIST >> $TMP1
- done
- awk '$3 != "root" || $4 != "operator" || $1 !~ /.rw-r-----/ \
- { printf("Disk %s is user %s, group %s, permissions %s.\n", \
- $11, $3, $4, $1); }' < $TMP1 > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking disk ownership and permissions.\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- printf "\n"
- fi
- # Display any changes in the device file list.
- egrep '^[bc]' $LIST | sort +10 > $TMP1
- if [ -s $TMP1 ] ; then
- CUR=/var/backups/device.current
- BACK=/var/backups/device.backup
- if [ -s $CUR ] ; then
- if cmp -s $CUR $TMP1 ; then
- :
- else
- > $TMP2
- join -111 -211 -v2 $CUR $TMP1 > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "Device additions:\n"
- tee -a $TMP2 < $OUTPUT
- printf "\n"
- fi
- join -111 -211 -v1 $CUR $TMP1 > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "Device deletions:\n"
- tee -a $TMP2 < $OUTPUT
- printf "\n"
- fi
- # Report any block device change. Ignore character
- # devices, only the name is significant.
- cat $TMP2 $CUR $TMP1 | \
- sed -e '/^c/d' | \
- sort +10 | \
- sed -e 's/[ ][ ]*/ /g' | \
- uniq -u > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "Block device changes:\n"
- column -t $OUTPUT
- printf "\n"
- fi
- cp $CUR $BACK
- cp $TMP1 $CUR
- fi
- else
- printf "Device additions:\n"
- column -t $TMP1
- printf "\n"
- cp $TMP1 $CUR
- fi
- fi
- # Check special files.
- # Check system binaries.
- #
- # Create the mtree tree specifications using:
- #
- # mtree -cx -pDIR -kcksum,gid,mode,nlink,size,link,time,uid > DIR.secure
- # chown root.wheel DIR.secure
- # chmod 600 DIR.secure
- #
- # Note, this is not complete protection against Trojan horsed binaries, as
- # the hacker can modify the tree specification to match the replaced binary.
- # For details on really protecting yourself against modified binaries, see
- # the mtree(8) manual page.
- if [ -d /etc/mtree ] ; then
- cd /etc/mtree
- mtree -e -p / -f /etc/mtree/special > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking special files and directories.\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- for file in *.secure; do
- [ $file = '*.secure' ] && continue
- tree=`sed -n -e '3s/.* //p' -e 3q $file`
- mtree -f $file -p $tree > $TMP1
- if [ -s $TMP1 ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking $tree:\n" >> $OUTPUT
- cat $TMP1 >> $OUTPUT
- fi
- done
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\nChecking system binaries:\n"
- cat $OUTPUT
- fi
- else
- echo /etc/mtree is missing
- fi
- # List of files that get backed up and checked for any modifications. Each
- # file is expected to have two backups, /var/backups/file.{current,backup}.
- # Any changes cause the files to rotate.
- if [ -s /etc/changelist ] ; then
- for file in `cat /etc/changelist`; do
- CUR=/var/backups/`basename $file`.current
- BACK=/var/backups/`basename $file`.backup
- if [ -s $file ] ; then
- if [ -s $CUR ] ; then
- diff $CUR $file > $OUTPUT
- if [ -s $OUTPUT ] ; then
- printf "\n======\n%s diffs (OLD < > NEW)\n======\n" $file
- cat $OUTPUT
- cp -p $CUR $BACK
- cp -p $file $CUR
- chown root.wheel $CUR $BACK
- fi
- else
- cp -p $file $CUR
- chown root.wheel $CUR
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi