- #
- # $OpenBSD: daily,v 1.80 2014/04/24 19:04:54 tedu Exp $
- # From: @(#)daily 8.2 (Berkeley) 1/25/94
- #
- # For local additions, create the file /etc/daily.local.
- # To get section headers, use the function next_part in daily.local.
- #
- umask 022
- PARTOUT=/var/log/daily.part
- MAINOUT=/var/log/daily.out
- install -o 0 -g 0 -m 600 /dev/null $PARTOUT
- install -o 0 -g 0 -m 600 -b /dev/null $MAINOUT
- start_part() {
- TITLE=$1
- exec > $PARTOUT 2>&1
- }
- end_part() {
- exec >> $MAINOUT 2>&1
- test -s $PARTOUT || return
- echo ""
- echo "$TITLE"
- cat $PARTOUT
- }
- next_part() {
- end_part
- start_part "$1"
- }
- run_script() {
- f=/etc/$1
- test -e $f || return
- if [ `stat -f '%Sp%u' $f | cut -b1,6,9,11-` != '---0' ]; then
- echo "$f has insecure permissions, skipping:"
- ls -l $f
- return
- fi
- . $f
- }
- start_part "Running daily.local:"
- run_script "daily.local"
- next_part "Removing scratch and junk files:"
- if [ -d /tmp -a ! -L /tmp ]; then
- cd /tmp && {
- find -x . \
- \( -path './ssh-*' -o -path ./.X11-unix -o -path ./.ICE-unix \
- -o -path ./portslocks \) \
- -prune -o -type f -atime +3 -execdir rm -f -- {} \; 2>/dev/null
- find -x . -type d -mtime +1 ! -path ./vi.recover ! -path ./.X11-unix \
- ! -path ./.ICE-unix ! -path ./portslocks ! -name . \
- -execdir rmdir -- {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1; }
- fi
- if [ -d /var/tmp -a ! -L /var/tmp ]; then
- cd /var/tmp && {
- find -x . \
- \( -path './ssh-*' -o -path ./.X11-unix -o -path ./.ICE-unix \
- -o -path ./portslocks \) \
- -prune -o ! -type d -atime +7 -execdir rm -f -- {} \; 2>/dev/null
- find -x . -type d -mtime +1 ! -path ./vi.recover ! -path ./.X11-unix \
- ! -path ./.ICE-unix ! -path ./portslocks ! -name . \
- -execdir rmdir -- {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1; }
- fi
- # Additional junk directory cleanup would go like this:
- #if [ -d /scratch -a ! -L /scratch ]; then
- # cd /scratch && {
- # find . ! -name . -atime +1 -execdir rm -f -- {} \;
- # find . ! -name . -type d -mtime +1 -execdir rmdir -- {} \; \
- # >/dev/null 2>&1; }
- #fi
- next_part "Purging accounting records:"
- if [ -f /var/account/acct ]; then
- mv -f /var/account/acct.2 /var/account/acct.3
- mv -f /var/account/acct.1 /var/account/acct.2
- mv -f /var/account/acct.0 /var/account/acct.1
- cp -f /var/account/acct /var/account/acct.0
- sa -sq
- fi
- # If ROOTBACKUP is set to 1 in the environment, and
- # if filesystem named /altroot is type ffs and mounted "xx",
- # use it as a backup root filesystem to be updated daily.
- next_part "Backing up root filesystem:"
- while [ "X$ROOTBACKUP" = X1 ]; do
- rootbak=`awk '$1 !~ /^#/ && $2 == "/altroot" && $3 == "ffs" && \
- $4 ~ /xx/ { print $1 }' < /etc/fstab`
- if [ -z "$rootbak" ]; then
- echo "No xx ffs /altroot device found in the fstab(5)."
- break
- fi
- rootbak=${rootbak#/dev/}
- bakdisk=${rootbak%%?(.)[a-p]}
- sysctl -n hw.disknames | grep -Fqw $bakdisk || break
- bakpart=${rootbak##$bakdisk?(.)}
- IFS=,
- for d in `sysctl -n hw.disknames`; do
- # If the provided disk name is a duid, substitute the device.
- if [ X$bakdisk = X${d#*:} ]; then
- bakdisk=${d%:*}
- rootbak=$bakdisk$bakpart
- fi
- done
- baksize=`disklabel $bakdisk 2>/dev/null | \
- awk -v "part=$bakpart:" '$1 == part { print $2 }'`
- rootdev=`mount | awk '$3 == "/" && $1 ~ /^\/dev\// && $5 == "ffs" \
- { print substr($1, 6) }'`
- if [ -z "$rootdev" ]; then
- echo "The root filesystem is not local or not ffs."
- break
- fi
- if [ X$rootdev = X$rootbak ]; then
- echo "The device $rootdev holds both root and /altroot."
- break
- fi
- rootdisk=${rootdev%[a-p]}
- rootpart=${rootdev#$rootdisk}
- rootsize=`disklabel $rootdisk 2>/dev/null | \
- awk -v "part=$rootpart:" '$1 == part { print $2 }'`
- if [ $rootsize -gt $baksize ]; then
- echo "Root ($rootsize) is larger than /altroot ($baksize)."
- break
- fi
- next_part "Backing up root=/dev/r$rootdev to /dev/r$rootbak:"
- sync
- dd if=/dev/r$rootdev of=/dev/r$rootbak bs=16b seek=1 skip=1 \
- conv=noerror
- fsck -y /dev/r$rootbak
- break
- done
- next_part "Checking subsystem status:"
- if [ "X$VERBOSESTATUS" != X0 ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "disks:"
- df -ikl
- echo ""
- dump W
- fi
- # The first two regular expressions handle sendmail, the third postfix.
- # When the queue is empty, smtpd(8) and exim -bp keep silent.
- next_part "mail:"
- mailq | grep -v -e "^/var/spool/mqueue is empty$" \
- -e "^[[:blank:]]*Total requests: 0$" \
- -e "^Mail queue is empty$"
- next_part "network:"
- if [ "X$VERBOSESTATUS" != X0 ]; then
- netstat -ivn
- fi
- next_part "Running calendar in the background:"
- if [ "X$CALENDAR" != X0 -a \
- \( -d /var/yp/`domainname` -o ! -d /var/yp/binding \) ]; then
- calendar -a &
- fi
- # If CHECKFILESYSTEMS is set to 1 in the environment, run fsck
- # with the no-write flag.
- next_part "Checking filesystems:"
- [ "X$CHECKFILESYSTEMS" = X1 ] && {
- fsck -n | grep -v '^\*\* Phase'
- }
- next_part "Running rdist:"
- if [ -f /etc/Distfile ]; then
- if [ -d /var/log/rdist ]; then
- rdist -f /etc/Distfile 2>&1 | tee /var/log/rdist/`date +%F`
- else
- rdist -f /etc/Distfile
- fi
- fi
- end_part
- [ -s $MAINOUT ] && {
- sysctl -n kern.version
- uptime
- cat $MAINOUT
- } 2>&1 | mail -s "`hostname` daily output" root
- MAINOUT=/var/log/security.out
- install -o 0 -g 0 -m 600 -b /dev/null $MAINOUT
- start_part "Running security(8):"
- export SUIDSKIP
- /usr/libexec/security
- end_part
- rm -f $PARTOUT
- [ -s $MAINOUT ] && mail -s "`hostname` daily insecurity output" root < $MAINOUT