- # $OpenBSD: gettytab,v 1.4 2000/09/08 02:27:36 pjanzen Exp $
- #
- # Most of the table entries here are just copies of the old getty table.
- # It is by no means certain, or even likely, that any of them are optimal
- # for any purpose whatever. Nor is it likely that more than a couple are
- # even correct.
- #
- # The default gettytab entry, used to set defaults for all other
- # entries, and in cases where getty is called with no table name
- #
- default:\
- :np:im=\r\n%s/%m (%h) (%t)\r\n\r\n:sp#1200:
- #
- # Fixed speed entries
- #
- # The "std.NNN" names are known to the special case
- # portselector code in getty, however they can
- # be assigned to any table desired.
- # The "NNN-baud" names are known to the special case
- # autobaud code in getty, and likewise can
- # be assigned to any table desired (hopefully the same speed).
- #
- a|std.110|110-baud:\
- :nd#1:cd#1:uc:sp#110:
- b|std.134|134.5-baud:\
- :ep:nd#1:cd#2:ff#1:td#1:sp#134:ht:nl:
- 1|std.150|150-baud:\
- :ep:nd#1:cd#2:td#1:fd#1:sp#150:ht:nl:lm=\E\72\6\6\17login\72 :
- c|std.300|300-baud:\
- :nd#1:cd#1:sp#300:
- d|std.600|600-baud:\
- :nd#1:cd#1:sp#600:
- f|std.1200|1200-baud:\
- :fd#1:sp#1200:
- 6|std.2400|2400-baud:\
- :sp#2400:
- 7|std.4800|4800-baud:\
- :sp#4800:
- 2|std.9600|9600-baud:\
- :sp#9600:
- g|std.19200|19200-baud:\
- :sp#19200:
- std.38400|38400-baud:\
- :sp#38400:
- std.57600|57600-baud:\
- :sp#57600:
- std.115200|115200-baud:\
- :sp#115200:
- #
- # Dial in rotary tables, speed selection via 'break'
- #
- 0|d300|Dial-300:\
- :nx=d1200:cd#2:sp#300:
- d1200|Dial-1200:\
- :nx=d150:fd#1:sp#1200:
- d150|Dial-150:\
- :nx=d110:lm@:tc=150-baud:
- d110|Dial-110:\
- :nx=d300:tc=300-baud:
- #
- # Fast dialup terminals, 2400/1200/300 rotary (can start either way)
- #
- D2400|d2400|Fast-Dial-2400:\
- :nx=D1200:tc=2400-baud:
- 3|D1200|Fast-Dial-1200:\
- :nx=D300:tc=1200-baud:
- 5|D300|Fast-Dial-300:\
- :nx=D2400:tc=300-baud:
- #
- #telebit (19200)
- #
- t19200:\
- :nx=t2400:tc=19200-baud:
- t2400:\
- :nx=t1200:tc=2400-baud:
- t1200:\
- :nx=t19200:tc=1200-baud:
- #
- #telebit (9600)
- #
- t9600:\
- :nx=t2400a:tc=19200-baud:
- t2400a:\
- :nx=t1200a:tc=2400-baud:
- t1200a:\
- :nx=t9600:tc=1200-baud:
- #
- # Odd special case terminals
- #
- -|tty33|asr33|Pity the poor user of this beast:\
- :tc=110-baud:
- 4|Console|Console Decwriter II:\
- :nd@:cd@:rw:tc=300-baud:
- e|Console-1200|Console Decwriter III:\
- :fd@:nd@:cd@:rw:tc=1200-baud:
- i|Interdata console:\
- :uc:sp#0:
- l|lsi chess terminal:\
- :sp#300:
- X|Xwindow|X window system:\
- :fd@:nd@:cd@:rw:sp#9600:
- P|Pc|Pc console:\
- :np:sp#9600:
- # 8 bit clean Sun console
- S|suncons|Sun Console:\
- :np:sp#9600:
- #
- # Weirdo special case for fast crt's with hardcopy devices
- #
- 8|T9600|CRT with hardcopy:\
- :nx=T300:tc=9600-baud:
- 9|T300|CRT with hardcopy (300):\
- :nx=T9600:tc=300-baud:
- #
- # Plugboard, and misc other terminals
- #
- plug-9600|Plugboard-9600:\
- :pf#1:tc=9600-baud:
- p|P9600|Plugboard-9600-rotary:\
- :pf#1:nx=P300:tc=9600-baud:
- q|P300|Plugboard-300:\
- :pf#1:nx=P1200:tc=300-baud:
- r|P1200|Plugboard-1200:\
- :pf#1:nx=P9600:tc=1200-baud:
- #
- # XXXX Port selector
- #
- s|DSW|Port Selector:\
- :ps:sp#2400:
- #
- # Auto-baud speed detect entry for Micom 600.
- # Special code in getty will switch this out
- # to one of the NNN-baud entries.
- #
- A|Auto-baud:\
- :ab:sp#2400:f0#040: