Source code pulled from OpenBSD for OpenNTPD. The place to contribute to this code is via the OpenBSD CVS tree.
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632 lines
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# $OpenBSD: rc,v 1.513 2017/07/18 19:31:20 zhuk Exp $
# System startup script run by init on autoboot or after single-user.
# Output and error are redirected to console by init, and the console is the
# controlling terminal.
# Turn off Strict Bourne shell.
set +o sh
# Subroutines (have to come first).
# Strip in- and whole-line comments from a file.
# Strip leading and trailing whitespace if IFS is set.
# Usage: stripcom /path/to/file
stripcom() {
local _file=$1 _line
[[ -s $_file ]] || return
while read _line ; do
[[ -n $_line ]] && print -r -- "$_line"
done <$_file
# Update resource limits based on login.conf settings.
# Usage: update_limit -flag capability
update_limit() {
local _flag=$1 # ulimit flag
local _cap=$2 _val # login.conf capability and its value
local _suffix
for _suffix in {,-max,-cur}; do
_val=$(getcap -f /etc/login.conf -s ${_cap}${_suffix} daemon 2>/dev/null)
[[ -n $_val ]] || continue
[[ $_val == infinity ]] && _val=unlimited
case $_suffix in
-cur) ulimit -S $_flag $_val
-max) ulimit -H $_flag $_val
*) ulimit $_flag $_val
# Apply sysctl.conf(5) settings.
sysctl_conf() {
stripcom /etc/sysctl.conf |
while read _line; do
sysctl "$_line"
case $_line in
update_limit -p maxproc;;
update_limit -n openfiles;;
# Apply mixerctl.conf(5) settings.
mixerctl_conf() {
stripcom /etc/mixerctl.conf |
while read _line; do
mixerctl -q "$_line" 2>/dev/null
# Apply wsconsctl.conf(5) settings.
wsconsctl_conf() {
[[ -x /sbin/wsconsctl ]] || return
stripcom /etc/wsconsctl.conf |
while read _line; do
eval "wsconsctl $_line"
# Push the old seed into the kernel, create a future seed and create a seed
# file for the boot-loader.
random_seed() {
dd if=/var/db/host.random of=/dev/random bs=65536 count=1 status=none
chmod 600 /var/db/host.random
dd if=/dev/random of=/var/db/host.random bs=65536 count=1 status=none
dd if=/dev/random of=/etc/random.seed bs=512 count=1 status=none
chmod 600 /etc/random.seed
# Populate net.inet.(tcp|udp).baddynamic with the contents of /etc/services so
# as to avoid randomly allocating source ports that correspond to well-known
# services.
# Usage: fill_baddynamic tcp|udp
fill_baddynamic() {
local _service=$1
local _sysctl="net.inet.${_service}.baddynamic"
stripcom /etc/services |
while IFS=" /" read _name _port _srv _junk; do
[[ $_srv == $_service ]] || continue
# Flush before argv gets too long
if ((${#_ban} > 1024)); then
sysctl -q "$_sysctl=$_ban"
[[ -n $_ban ]] && sysctl -q "$_sysctl=$_ban"
# Start daemon using the rc.d daemon control scripts.
# Usage: start_daemon daemon1 daemon2 daemon3
start_daemon() {
local _daemon
for _daemon; do
eval "_do=\${${_daemon}_flags}"
[[ $_do != NO ]] && /etc/rc.d/${_daemon} start
# Generate keys for isakmpd, iked and sshd if they don't exist yet.
make_keys() {
local _isakmpd_key=/etc/isakmpd/private/local.key
local _isakmpd_pub=/etc/isakmpd/
local _iked_key=/etc/iked/private/local.key
local _iked_pub=/etc/iked/
if [[ ! -f $_isakmpd_key ]]; then
echo -n "openssl: generating isakmpd/iked RSA keys... "
if openssl genrsa -out $_isakmpd_key 2048 >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
chmod 600 $_isakmpd_key &&
openssl rsa -out $_isakmpd_pub -in $_isakmpd_key \
-pubout >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo done.
echo failed.
if [[ ! -f $_iked_key ]]; then
# Just copy the generated isakmpd key
cp $_isakmpd_key $_iked_key
chmod 600 $_iked_key
cp $_isakmpd_pub $_iked_pub
ssh-keygen -A
# Re-link libraries, placing the objects in a random order.
reorder_libs() {
local _dkdev _liba _libas _mp _tmpdir _remount=false _error=false
[[ $library_aslr == NO ]] && return
_dkdev=$(df /usr/lib | sed '1d;s/ .*//')
_mp=$(mount | grep "^$_dkdev")
# Skip if /usr/lib is on a nfs mounted filesystem.
[[ $_mp == *' type nfs '* ]] && return
echo -n 'reordering libraries:'
# Remount read-write, if /usr/lib is on a read-only ffs filesystem.
if [[ $_mp == *' type ffs '*'read-only'* ]]; then
if mount -u -w $_dkdev; then
echo ' failed.'
# Only choose the latest version of the libraries.
for _liba in /usr/lib/lib{c,crypto}; do
_libas="$_libas $(ls $[0-9.]).a | sort -rV | head -1)"
_libas=${_libas# }
for _liba in $_libas; do
_tmpdir=$(mktemp -dq /tmp/_librebuild.XXXXXXXXXXXX) && (
set -o errexit
cd $_tmpdir
ar x ${_liba}
cc -shared -o $_lib $(ls *.so | sort -R) $(cat .ldadd)
[[ -s $_lib ]] && file $_lib | fgrep -q 'shared object'
LD_BIND_NOW=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$_tmpdir awk 'BEGIN {exit 0}'
LD_BIND_NOW=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$_tmpdir openssl \
x509 -in /etc/ssl/cert.pem -out /dev/null
install -F -S -o root -g bin -m 0444 $_lib /usr/lib/$_lib
) || { _error=true; break; }
rm -rf /tmp/_librebuild.*
# Restore previous mount state if it was changed.
if $_remount; then
mount -u -r $_dkdev || _error=true
if $_error; then
echo ' failed.'
echo ' done.'
# Re-link the kernel, placing the objects in a random order.
# Replace current with relinked kernel and inform root about it.
reorder_kernel() (
local _dkdev=$(df /usr/share | sed '1d;s/ .*//')
# Skip if /usr/share is on a nfs mounted filesystem.
[[ $(mount | grep "^$_dkdev") == *" type nfs "* ]] && return
_kernel=$(sysctl -n kern.osversion)
mkdir -m 700 -p $_compile/$_kernel
exec 1>$_log
exec 2>&1
trap 'trap - EXIT; logger -st /etc/rc \
"kernel relinking failed; see $_log" >>/dev/console 2>&1' ERR
trap 'logger -t /etc/rc "kernel relinking done"' EXIT
set -e
if [[ -f $_compile.tgz ]]; then
rm -rf $_compile/$_kernel/*
exec 1>$_log
tar -C $_compile -xzf $_compile.tgz $_kernel
rm -f $_compile.tgz
sha256 -C $_sha256 /bsd
cd $_compile/$_kernel
make newbsd
make newinstall
echo "\nKernel has been relinked and is active on next reboot.\n"
cat $_sha256
# Run rc.* script and email output to root.
# Usage: run_upgrade_script firsttime|sysmerge
run_upgrade_script() {
local _suffix=$1
[[ -n $_suffix ]] || return 1
if [[ -f /etc/rc.$_suffix ]]; then
mv /etc/rc.$_suffix /etc/rc.$
. /etc/rc.$ 2>&1 | tee /dev/tty |
mail -Es "$(hostname) rc.$_suffix output" root >/dev/null
rm -f /etc/rc.$
# Check filesystems, optionally by using a fsck(8) flag.
# Usage: do_fsck [-flag]
do_fsck() {
fsck -p "$@"
case $? in
0) ;;
2) exit 1
4) echo "Rebooting..."
echo "Reboot failed; help!"
exit 1
8) echo "Automatic file system check failed; help!"
exit 1
12) echo "Boot interrupted."
exit 1
130) # Interrupt before catcher installed.
exit 1
*) echo "Unknown error; help!"
exit 1
# End subroutines.
stty status '^T'
# Set shell to ignore SIGINT (2), but not children; shell catches SIGQUIT (3)
# and returns to single user after fsck.
trap : 2
trap : 3 # Shouldn't be needed.
export HOME=/
export INRC=1
export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
# Must set the domainname before rc.conf, so YP startup choices can be made.
if [[ -s /etc/defaultdomain ]]; then
domainname "$(stripcom /etc/defaultdomain)"
# Get local functions from rc.subr to load rc.conf into scope.
FUNCS_ONLY=1 . /etc/rc.d/rc.subr
# If executed with the 'shutdown' parameter by the halt, reboot or shutdown:
# - update seed files
# - execute the rc.d scripts specified by $pkg_scripts in reverse order
# - bring carp interfaces down gracefully
if [[ $1 == shutdown ]]; then
if echo 2>/dev/null >>/var/db/host.random || \
echo 2>/dev/null >>/etc/random.seed; then
echo warning: cannot write random seed to disk
# If we are in secure level 0, assume single user mode.
if (($(sysctl -n kern.securelevel) == 0)); then
echo 'single user: not running shutdown scripts'
pkg_scripts=${pkg_scripts%%*( )}
if [[ -n $pkg_scripts ]]; then
echo -n 'stopping package daemons:'
while [[ -n $pkg_scripts ]]; do
_d=${pkg_scripts##* }
pkg_scripts=${pkg_scripts%%*( )$_d}
[[ -x /etc/rc.d/$_d ]] && /etc/rc.d/$_d stop
echo '.'
[[ -f /etc/rc.shutdown ]] && sh /etc/rc.shutdown
ifconfig | while read _if _junk; do
[[ $_if == carp+([0-9]): ]] && ifconfig ${_if%:} down
exit 0
# Add swap block-devices.
swapctl -A -t blk
# Run filesystem check unless a /fastboot file exists.
if [[ -e /fastboot ]]; then
echo "Fast boot: skipping disk checks."
elif [[ $1 == autoboot ]]; then
echo "Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks."
# From now on, allow user to interrupt (^C) the boot process.
trap "echo 'Boot interrupted.'; exit 1" 3
# Unmount all filesystems except root.
umount -a >/dev/null 2>&1
# Mount all filesystems except those of type NFS and VND.
mount -a -t nonfs,vnd
# Re-mount the root filesystem read/writeable. (root on nfs requires this,
# others aren't hurt.)
mount -uw /
chmod og-rwx /bsd
ln -fh /bsd /bsd.booted
rm -f /fastboot
# Set flags on ttys.
echo 'setting tty flags'
ttyflags -a
# Set keyboard encoding.
if [[ -x /sbin/kbd && -s /etc/kbdtype ]]; then
kbd "$(cat /etc/kbdtype)"
# Set initial temporary pf rule set.
if [[ $pf != NO ]]; then
block all
pass on lo0
pass in proto tcp from any to any port ssh keep state
pass out proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port domain keep state
pass out inet proto icmp all icmp-type echoreq keep state
pass out inet proto udp from any port bootpc to any port bootps
pass in inet proto udp from any port bootps to any port bootpc"
if ifconfig lo0 inet6 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
pass out inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type neighbrsol
pass in inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type neighbradv
pass out inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type routersol
pass in inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type routeradv
pass out inet6 proto udp from any port dhcpv6-client to any port dhcpv6-server
pass in inet6 proto udp from any port dhcpv6-server to any port dhcpv6-client"
pass in proto carp keep state (no-sync)
pass out proto carp !received-on any keep state (no-sync)"
if (($(sysctl -n vfs.mounts.nfs 2>/dev/null) > 0)); then
# Don't kill NFS.
RULES="set reassemble yes no-df
pass in proto { tcp, udp } from any port { sunrpc, nfsd } to any
pass out proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port { sunrpc, nfsd } !received-on any"
print -- "$RULES" | pfctl -f -
pfctl -e
fill_baddynamic udp
fill_baddynamic tcp
start_daemon slaacd >/dev/null 2>&1
echo 'starting network'
# Set carp interlock by increasing the demotion counter.
# Prevents carp from preempting until the system is booted.
ifconfig -g carp carpdemote 128
sh /etc/netstart
# Any write triggers a rekey.
dmesg >/dev/random
# Load pf rules and bring up pfsync interface.
if [[ $pf != NO ]]; then
if [[ -f /etc/pf.conf ]]; then
pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
if [[ -f /etc/hostname.pfsync0 ]]; then
sh /etc/netstart pfsync0
mount -s /usr >/dev/null 2>&1
mount -s /var >/dev/null 2>&1
# Clean up left-over files.
rm -f /etc/nologin /var/spool/lock/LCK.*
(cd /var/run && { rm -rf -- *; install -c -m 664 -g utmp /dev/null utmp; })
(cd /var/authpf && rm -rf -- *)
# Save a copy of the boot messages.
dmesg >/var/run/dmesg.boot
echo -n 'starting early daemons:'
start_daemon syslogd ldattach pflogd nsd rebound unbound ntpd
start_daemon iscsid isakmpd iked sasyncd ldapd npppd
echo '.'
# Load IPsec rules.
if [[ $ipsec != NO && -f /etc/ipsec.conf ]]; then
ipsecctl -f /etc/ipsec.conf
echo -n 'starting RPC daemons:'
start_daemon portmap ypldap
rm -f /var/run/ypbind.lock
if [[ -n $(domainname) ]]; then
start_daemon ypserv ypbind
start_daemon mountd nfsd lockd statd amd
echo '.'
# Check and mount remaining file systems and enable additional swap.
mount -a
swapctl -A -t noblk
do_fsck -N
mount -a -N
# /var/crash should be a directory or a symbolic link to the crash directory
# if core dumps are to be saved.
if [[ -d /var/crash ]]; then
savecore $savecore_flags /var/crash
# Store ACPI tables in /var/db/acpi to be used by sendbug(1).
if [[ -x /usr/sbin/acpidump ]]; then
acpidump -o /var/db/acpi/
if [[ $check_quotas == YES ]]; then
echo -n 'checking quotas:'
quotacheck -a
echo ' done.'
quotaon -a
# Build kvm(3) and /dev databases.
# Set proper permission for the tty device files.
chmod 666 /dev/tty[pqrstuvwxyzPQRST]*
chown root:wheel /dev/tty[pqrstuvwxyzPQRST]*
# Check for the password temp/lock file.
if [[ -f /etc/ptmp ]]; then
logger -s -p auth.err \
'password file may be incorrect -- /etc/ptmp exists'
echo clearing /tmp
# Prune quickly with one rm, then use find to clean up /tmp/[lqv]*
# (not needed with mfs /tmp, but doesn't hurt there...).
(cd /tmp && rm -rf [a-km-pr-uw-zA-Z]*)
(cd /tmp &&
find . -maxdepth 1 ! -name . ! -name lost+found ! -name quota.user \
! -name ! -name vi.recover -execdir rm -rf -- {} \;)
# Create Unix sockets directories for X if needed and make sure they have
# correct permissions.
[[ -d /usr/X11R6/lib ]] && mkdir -m 1777 /tmp/.{X11,ICE}-unix
[[ -f /etc/rc.securelevel ]] && sh /etc/rc.securelevel
# rc.securelevel did not specifically set -1 or 2, so select the default: 1.
(($(sysctl -n kern.securelevel) == 0)) && sysctl kern.securelevel=1
# Patch /etc/motd.
if [[ ! -f /etc/motd ]]; then
install -c -o root -g wheel -m 664 /dev/null /etc/motd
if T=$(mktemp /tmp/_motd.XXXXXXXXXX); then
sysctl -n kern.version | sed 1q >$T
sed -n '/^$/,$p' </etc/motd >>$T
cmp -s $T /etc/motd || cp $T /etc/motd
rm -f $T
if [[ $accounting == YES ]]; then
[[ ! -f /var/account/acct ]] && touch /var/account/acct
echo 'turning on accounting'
accton /var/account/acct
if [[ -x /sbin/ldconfig ]]; then
echo 'creating runtime link editor directory cache.'
[[ -d /usr/local/lib ]] && shlib_dirs="/usr/local/lib $shlib_dirs"
[[ -d /usr/X11R6/lib ]] && shlib_dirs="/usr/X11R6/lib $shlib_dirs"
ldconfig $shlib_dirs
echo 'preserving editor files.'; /usr/libexec/vi.recover
# If rc.sysmerge exists, run it just once, and make sure it is deleted.
run_upgrade_script sysmerge
echo -n 'starting network daemons:'
start_daemon ldomd sshd switchd snmpd ldpd ripd ospfd ospf6d bgpd ifstated
start_daemon relayd dhcpd dhcrelay mrouted dvmrpd radiusd eigrpd
if ifconfig lo0 inet6 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if (($(sysctl -n net.inet6.ip6.forwarding) == 1)); then
start_daemon route6d rtadvd
start_daemon hostapd lpd smtpd slowcgi httpd ftpd
start_daemon ftpproxy ftpproxy6 tftpd tftpproxy identd inetd rarpd bootparamd
start_daemon rbootd mopd vmd spamd spamlogd sndiod
echo '.'
# If rc.firsttime exists, run it just once, and make sure it is deleted.
run_upgrade_script firsttime
# Run rc.d(8) scripts from packages.
if [[ -n $pkg_scripts ]]; then
echo -n 'starting package daemons:'
for _daemon in $pkg_scripts; do
if [[ -x /etc/rc.d/$_daemon ]]; then
start_daemon $_daemon
echo -n " ${_daemon}(absent)"
echo '.'
[[ -f /etc/rc.local ]] && sh /etc/rc.local
# Disable carp interlock.
ifconfig -g carp -carpdemote 128
echo -n 'starting local daemons:'
start_daemon apmd sensorsd hotplugd watchdogd cron wsmoused xenodm
echo '.'
reorder_kernel &
exit 0