Source code pulled from OpenBSD for OpenNTPD. The place to contribute to this code is via the OpenBSD CVS tree.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

11 lines
590 B

# $OpenBSD: sysctl.conf,v 1.10 1999/04/11 19:41:33 niklas Exp $
# This files contains a list of sysctl options the user wants set at
# boot time.
# ie.
#net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 # 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of packets
#net.inet.tcp.rfc1323=0 # 0=disable TCP RFC1323 extensions (for if tcp is slow)
#net.inet.esp.enable=1 # 1=Enable the ESP IPSec protocol
#net.inet.ah.enable=1 # 1=Enable the AH IPSec protocol
#ddb.panic=0 # 0=Do not drop into ddb on a kernel panic
#ddb.console=1 # 1=Permit entry of ddb from the console
#fs.posix.setuid=0 # 0=Traditional BSD chown() semantics