Provides automatic installation scripts for OpenRA with Tiberian Sun & Red Alert 2 + Dune 2 (Windows, Linux)
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9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
  1. # Maintainer: Fincer <fincer89 at hotmail dot com>
  2. pkgname=openra-bleed-tibsunra2
  3. pkgver=r20025.1df728a
  4. pkgrel=1
  5. pkgdesc="An open-source implementation of the Red Alert engine using .NET/mono and OpenGL (git version)"
  6. arch=("any")
  7. url=""
  8. license=("GPL3")
  9. depends=("mono" "ttf-dejavu" "openal" "libgl" "freetype2" "sdl2" "lua51" "hicolor-icon-theme" "desktop-file-utils" "xdg-utils")
  10. makedepends=("git" "nuget")
  11. provides=("openra" "openra-dedicated-bleed")
  12. conflicts=("openra-bleed" "openra" "openra-dedicated-bleed" "openra-playtest")
  13. install=openra-bleed-tibsunra2.install
  14. source=("$pkgname-src::git+"
  15. "git://"
  16. ra2-csproj.patch
  17. makefile-mcs.patch
  18. tibsun_ra2.patch)
  19. sha1sums=('SKIP'
  20. 'SKIP'
  21. '70a45c14874e4454bacb45b5d0c917d452cf4e84'
  22. 'ae7f0a7e0dd9617e8ea95f22d3fd8188067c6da2'
  23. 'e2ad63fa53f992a55f620c1c67d51e4b2593a921')
  24. pkgver() {
  25. cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-src"
  26. printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
  27. }
  28. prepare() {
  29. cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-src"
  30. patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/makefile-mcs.patch"
  31. }
  32. build() {
  33. # Move Red Alert 2 Github files to the right place:
  34. cd "$srcdir/ra2"
  35. mv ./OpenRA.Mods.RA2 "$srcdir/$pkgname-src/"
  36. mkdir -p "$srcdir/$pkgname-src/mods/ra2/"
  37. mv ./* "$srcdir/$pkgname-src/mods/ra2/"
  38. # Patch OpenRA core files for Tiberian Sun & Red Alert 2
  39. cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-src"
  40. patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/tibsun_ra2.patch"
  41. patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/ra2-csproj.patch"
  42. mkdir $srcdir/$pkgname-src/mods/ra2/bits/{vehicles,themes}
  43. # Get Red Alert 2 GIT version number
  44. ra2_version=git-$(git ls-remote | head -1 | sed "s/HEAD//" | sed 's/^\(.\{7\}\).*/\1/')
  45. sed -i "s/Version: {DEV_VERSION}/Version: $ra2_version/g" $srcdir/$pkgname-src/mods/ra2/mod.yaml
  46. cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-src"
  47. make version
  48. make dependencies
  49. make all [DEBUG=true]
  50. }
  51. package() {
  52. cd "$srcdir/$pkgname-src"
  53. make prefix=/usr DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install-all
  54. make prefix=/usr DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install-linux-shortcuts
  55. echo -e "\n***OpenRA compilation script completed.\nPlease see further instructions below.***"
  56. sleep 2
  57. echo -e "Install OpenRA by typing 'sudo pacman -U openra-bleed-tibsunra2-r*.tar.xz' in this terminal window\n"
  58. sleep 4
  59. echo -e "***TIBERIAN SUN & RED ALERT 2 - HOWTO***\n\nTO PLAY TIBERIAN SUN: Launch the game and download the required asset files from the web when the game asks you to do so.\n\nTO PLAY RED ALERT 2: You must install language.mix, multi.mix, ra2.mix and theme.mix into '$HOME/.openra/Content/ra2/' folder. You find these files from original RA2 installation media (CD's):\n\n-theme.mix, multi.mix = RA2 CD Root folder\n-ra2.mix, language.mix = RA2 CD Root/INSTALL/Game1.CAB (inside that archive file)\n\n***LAUNCHING OPENRA***\n\nTo launch OpenRA, simply type 'openra' (without quotations) in your terminal or use a desktop shortcut file.\n\n***UNINSTALLATION***\n\nIf you want to remove OpenRA, just type 'sudo pacman -Rs $pkgname'\n\n***MULTIPLAYER***\n\nIt's recommended to use exactly same compiled OpenRA version for multiplayer usage to minimize possible version differences/conflicts between players. If your friends compiles this package with another operating system, please make sure they use exactly same source files for their OpenRA compilation process.\n\nHave fun!\n"
  60. }