@ -86,8 +96,8 @@ if [[ $DISTRO =~ "$ARCH" ]]; then
echo -e "Use custom hotfixes if added by the user (Default: No)?\nNOTE: If you choose YES (y), be aware that your OpenRA/RA2 version will likely not be compatible with the other players unless they've applied exactly same hotfixes in their game versions, too!"
echo -e "Use custom hotfixes if added by the user (Default: No)?\nNOTE: If you choose YES (y), be aware that your OpenRA/RA2 version will likely not be compatible with the other players unless they've applied exactly same hotfixes in their game versions, too!"
echo -e "\nAvailable hotfixes are:\n"
echo -e "\nAvailable hotfixes are:\n"
echo -e $green_in$(find $WORKING_DIR/data/hotfixes/linux/ -type f -iname *.patch | sed -e 's/.*\///' -e 's/\.[^\.]*$//')$out
echo -e $green_in$(find $WORKING_DIR/data/hotfixes/linux/ -type f -iname *.patch | sed -e 's/.*\///' -e 's/\.[^\.]*$//')$out
echo -e ""
read -r -p "Use these hotfixes? (y/N) " hotfixes
echo -e "\nMore information about hotfixes: https://github.com/Fincer/openra-tibsunra2/#about-patches--hotfixes\n"
read -r -p "Use these hotfixes? [y/N] " hotfixes
if[[$hotfixes=~ ^([nN][oO][nN]|)$ ]];then
if[[$hotfixes=~ ^([nN][oO][nN]|)$ ]];then
echo -e "\nHotfixes ignored and skipped. Continuing."
echo -e "\nHotfixes ignored and skipped. Continuing."