Hardware authentication for Linux using ordinary USB Flash Drives.
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  1. # Maintainer: Pekka Helenius <fincer89 [at] hotmail [dot] com>
  2. pkgname=pam_usb
  3. pkgver=270.96e4232
  4. pkgrel=1
  5. pkgdesc='Hardware authentication for Linux using ordinary USB Flash Drives.'
  6. arch=('any')
  7. url='http://www.pamusb.org/'
  8. license=('GPLv2')
  9. depends=('pam' 'dbus' 'python' 'python-dbus' 'python-lxml' 'python-gobject' 'udisks2')
  10. makedepends=('git' 'pkgconf' 'gcc' 'make' 'patch')
  11. options=(!emptydirs)
  12. backup=(
  13. "etc/security/pam_usb.conf"
  14. )
  15. source=(
  16. "git+https://github.com/Fincer/${pkgname}.git"
  17. # "git+https://github.com/aluzzardi/${pkgname}.git"
  18. "pamusb-agent.service"
  19. )
  20. sha256sums=('SKIP'
  21. 'f5875f0669b2638f36885c305d719072798b5097b15e6c94a8a852bb896bfc5c')
  22. pkgver() {
  23. cd $pkgname
  24. if [[ $(git describe) ]]; then
  25. git describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
  26. else
  27. echo $(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
  28. fi
  29. }
  30. build() {
  31. cd $pkgname
  32. make all
  33. }
  34. package() {
  35. cd $pkgname
  36. make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} PAM_USB_DEST=${pkgdir}/usr/lib/security install
  37. chmod 0700 ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/pamusb-agent
  38. install -Dt ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system -m0644 ../pamusb-agent.service
  39. }