Simple email application for Android. Original source code:
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

35 lines
675 B

  1. NODE_OPTS =
  2. TEST_OPTS =
  3. love:
  4. @echo "Feel like makin' love."
  5. test:
  6. @node $(NODE_OPTS) ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha -R dot $(TEST_OPTS)
  7. spec:
  8. @node $(NODE_OPTS) ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha -R spec $(TEST_OPTS)
  9. autotest:
  10. @node $(NODE_OPTS) ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha -R dot --watch $(TEST_OPTS)
  11. autospec:
  12. @node $(NODE_OPTS) ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha -R spec --watch $(TEST_OPTS)
  13. pack:
  14. @file=$$(npm pack); echo "$$file"; tar tf "$$file"
  15. publish:
  16. npm publish
  17. tag:
  18. git tag "v$$(node -e 'console.log(require("./package").version)')"
  19. clean:
  20. rm -f *.tgz
  21. npm prune --production
  22. .PHONY: love
  23. .PHONY: test spec autotest autospec
  24. .PHONY: pack publish tag
  25. .PHONY: clean