Simple email application for Android. Original source code:
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

234 lines
8.5 KiB

  1. Changelog
  2. =========
  3. # 2.x release
  4. ## v2.2.1
  5. - Fix: `compress` flag shouldn't overwrite existing `Accept-Encoding` header.
  6. - Fix: multiple `import` rules, where `PassThrough` etc. doesn't have a named export when using node <10 and `--exerimental-modules` flag.
  7. - Other: Better README.
  8. ## v2.2.0
  9. - Enhance: Support all `ArrayBuffer` view types
  10. - Enhance: Support Web Workers
  11. - Enhance: Support Node.js' `--experimental-modules` mode; deprecate `.es.js` file
  12. - Fix: Add `__esModule` property to the exports object
  13. - Other: Better example in README for writing response to a file
  14. - Other: More tests for Agent
  15. ## v2.1.2
  16. - Fix: allow `Body` methods to work on `ArrayBuffer`-backed `Body` objects
  17. - Fix: reject promise returned by `Body` methods when the accumulated `Buffer` exceeds the maximum size
  18. - Fix: support custom `Host` headers with any casing
  19. - Fix: support importing `fetch()` from TypeScript in `browser.js`
  20. - Fix: handle the redirect response body properly
  21. ## v2.1.1
  22. Fix packaging errors in v2.1.0.
  23. ## v2.1.0
  24. - Enhance: allow using ArrayBuffer as the `body` of a `fetch()` or `Request`
  25. - Fix: store HTTP headers of a `Headers` object internally with the given case, for compatibility with older servers that incorrectly treated header names in a case-sensitive manner
  26. - Fix: silently ignore invalid HTTP headers
  27. - Fix: handle HTTP redirect responses without a `Location` header just like non-redirect responses
  28. - Fix: include bodies when following a redirection when appropriate
  29. ## v2.0.0
  30. This is a major release. Check [our upgrade guide]( for an overview on some key differences between v1 and v2.
  31. ### General changes
  32. - Major: Node.js 0.10.x and 0.12.x support is dropped
  33. - Major: `require('node-fetch/lib/response')` etc. is now unsupported; use `require('node-fetch').Response` or ES6 module imports
  34. - Enhance: start testing on Node.js v4.x, v6.x, v8.x LTS, as well as v9.x stable
  35. - Enhance: use Rollup to produce a distributed bundle (less memory overhead and faster startup)
  36. - Enhance: make `Object.prototype.toString()` on Headers, Requests, and Responses return correct class strings
  37. - Other: rewrite in ES2015 using Babel
  38. - Other: use Codecov for code coverage tracking
  39. - Other: update package.json script for npm 5
  40. - Other: `encoding` module is now optional (alpha.7)
  41. - Other: expose browser.js through package.json, avoid bundling mishaps (alpha.9)
  42. - Other: allow TypeScript to `import` node-fetch by exposing default (alpha.9)
  43. ### HTTP requests
  44. - Major: overwrite user's `Content-Length` if we can be sure our information is correct (per spec)
  45. - Fix: errors in a response are caught before the body is accessed
  46. - Fix: support WHATWG URL objects, created by `whatwg-url` package or `require('url').URL` in Node.js 7+
  47. ### Response and Request classes
  48. - Major: `response.text()` no longer attempts to detect encoding, instead always opting for UTF-8 (per spec); use `response.textConverted()` for the v1 behavior
  49. - Major: make `response.json()` throw error instead of returning an empty object on 204 no-content respose (per spec; reverts behavior changed in v1.6.2)
  50. - Major: internal methods are no longer exposed
  51. - Major: throw error when a `GET` or `HEAD` Request is constructed with a non-null body (per spec)
  52. - Enhance: add `response.arrayBuffer()` (also applies to Requests)
  53. - Enhance: add experimental `response.blob()` (also applies to Requests)
  54. - Enhance: `URLSearchParams` is now accepted as a body
  55. - Enhance: wrap `response.json()` json parsing error as `FetchError`
  56. - Fix: fix Request and Response with `null` body
  57. ### Headers class
  58. - Major: remove `headers.getAll()`; make `get()` return all headers delimited by commas (per spec)
  59. - Enhance: make Headers iterable
  60. - Enhance: make Headers constructor accept an array of tuples
  61. - Enhance: make sure header names and values are valid in HTTP
  62. - Fix: coerce Headers prototype function parameters to strings, where applicable
  63. ### Documentation
  64. - Enhance: more comprehensive API docs
  65. - Enhance: add a list of default headers in README
  66. # 1.x release
  67. ## backport releases (v1.7.0 and beyond)
  68. See [changelog on 1.x branch]( for details.
  69. ## v1.6.3
  70. - Enhance: error handling document to explain `FetchError` design
  71. - Fix: support `form-data` 2.x releases (requires `form-data` >= 2.1.0)
  72. ## v1.6.2
  73. - Enhance: minor document update
  74. - Fix: response.json() returns empty object on 204 no-content response instead of throwing a syntax error
  75. ## v1.6.1
  76. - Fix: if `res.body` is a non-stream non-formdata object, we will call `body.toString` and send it as a string
  77. - Fix: `counter` value is incorrectly set to `follow` value when wrapping Request instance
  78. - Fix: documentation update
  79. ## v1.6.0
  80. - Enhance: added `res.buffer()` api for convenience, it returns body as a Node.js buffer
  81. - Enhance: better old server support by handling raw deflate response
  82. - Enhance: skip encoding detection for non-HTML/XML response
  83. - Enhance: minor document update
  84. - Fix: HEAD request doesn't need decompression, as body is empty
  85. - Fix: `req.body` now accepts a Node.js buffer
  86. ## v1.5.3
  87. - Fix: handle 204 and 304 responses when body is empty but content-encoding is gzip/deflate
  88. - Fix: allow resolving response and cloned response in any order
  89. - Fix: avoid setting `content-length` when `form-data` body use streams
  90. - Fix: send DELETE request with content-length when body is present
  91. - Fix: allow any url when calling new Request, but still reject non-http(s) url in fetch
  92. ## v1.5.2
  93. - Fix: allow node.js core to handle keep-alive connection pool when passing a custom agent
  94. ## v1.5.1
  95. - Fix: redirect mode `manual` should work even when there is no redirection or broken redirection
  96. ## v1.5.0
  97. - Enhance: rejected promise now use custom `Error` (thx to @pekeler)
  98. - Enhance: `FetchError` contains `err.type` and `err.code`, allows for better error handling (thx to @pekeler)
  99. - Enhance: basic support for redirect mode `manual` and `error`, allows for location header extraction (thx to @jimmywarting for the initial PR)
  100. ## v1.4.1
  101. - Fix: wrapping Request instance with FormData body again should preserve the body as-is
  102. ## v1.4.0
  103. - Enhance: Request and Response now have `clone` method (thx to @kirill-konshin for the initial PR)
  104. - Enhance: Request and Response now have proper string and buffer body support (thx to @kirill-konshin)
  105. - Enhance: Body constructor has been refactored out (thx to @kirill-konshin)
  106. - Enhance: Headers now has `forEach` method (thx to @tricoder42)
  107. - Enhance: back to 100% code coverage
  108. - Fix: better form-data support (thx to @item4)
  109. - Fix: better character encoding detection under chunked encoding (thx to @dsuket for the initial PR)
  110. ## v1.3.3
  111. - Fix: make sure `Content-Length` header is set when body is string for POST/PUT/PATCH requests
  112. - Fix: handle body stream error, for cases such as incorrect `Content-Encoding` header
  113. - Fix: when following certain redirects, use `GET` on subsequent request per Fetch Spec
  114. - Fix: `Request` and `Response` constructors now parse headers input using `Headers`
  115. ## v1.3.2
  116. - Enhance: allow auto detect of form-data input (no `FormData` spec on node.js, this is form-data specific feature)
  117. ## v1.3.1
  118. - Enhance: allow custom host header to be set (server-side only feature, as it's a forbidden header on client-side)
  119. ## v1.3.0
  120. - Enhance: now `fetch.Request` is exposed as well
  121. ## v1.2.1
  122. - Enhance: `Headers` now normalized `Number` value to `String`, prevent common mistakes
  123. ## v1.2.0
  124. - Enhance: now fetch.Headers and fetch.Response are exposed, making testing easier
  125. ## v1.1.2
  126. - Fix: `Headers` should only support `String` and `Array` properties, and ignore others
  127. ## v1.1.1
  128. - Enhance: now req.headers accept both plain object and `Headers` instance
  129. ## v1.1.0
  130. - Enhance: timeout now also applies to response body (in case of slow response)
  131. - Fix: timeout is now cleared properly when fetch is done/has failed
  132. ## v1.0.6
  133. - Fix: less greedy content-type charset matching
  134. ## v1.0.5
  135. - Fix: when `follow = 0`, fetch should not follow redirect
  136. - Enhance: update tests for better coverage
  137. - Enhance: code formatting
  138. - Enhance: clean up doc
  139. ## v1.0.4
  140. - Enhance: test iojs support
  141. - Enhance: timeout attached to socket event only fire once per redirect
  142. ## v1.0.3
  143. - Fix: response size limit should reject large chunk
  144. - Enhance: added character encoding detection for xml, such as rss/atom feed (encoding in DTD)
  145. ## v1.0.2
  146. - Fix: added res.ok per spec change
  147. ## v1.0.0
  148. - Enhance: better test coverage and doc
  149. # 0.x release
  150. ## v0.1
  151. - Major: initial public release