Simple email application for Android. Original source code:
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  1. # rc
  2. The non-configurable configuration loader for lazy people.
  3. ## Usage
  4. The only option is to pass rc the name of your app, and your default configuration.
  5. ```javascript
  6. var conf = require('rc')(appname, {
  7. //defaults go here.
  8. port: 2468,
  9. //defaults which are objects will be merged, not replaced
  11. engine: 'jade'
  12. }
  13. });
  14. ```
  15. `rc` will return your configuration options merged with the defaults you specify.
  16. If you pass in a predefined defaults object, it will be mutated:
  17. ```javascript
  18. var conf = {};
  19. require('rc')(appname, conf);
  20. ```
  21. If `rc` finds any config files for your app, the returned config object will have
  22. a `configs` array containing their paths:
  23. ```javascript
  24. var appCfg = require('rc')(appname, conf);
  25. appCfg.configs[0] // /etc/appnamerc
  26. appCfg.configs[1] // /home/dominictarr/.config/appname
  27. appCfg.config // same as appCfg.configs[appCfg.configs.length - 1]
  28. ```
  29. ## Standards
  30. Given your application name (`appname`), rc will look in all the obvious places for configuration.
  31. * command line arguments, parsed by minimist _(e.g. `--foo baz`, also nested: ``)_
  32. * environment variables prefixed with `${appname}_`
  33. * or use "\_\_" to indicate nested properties <br/> _(e.g. `appname_foo__bar__baz` => ``)_
  34. * if you passed an option `--config file` then from that file
  35. * a local `.${appname}rc` or the first found looking in `./ ../ ../../ ../../../` etc.
  36. * `$HOME/.${appname}rc`
  37. * `$HOME/.${appname}/config`
  38. * `$HOME/.config/${appname}`
  39. * `$HOME/.config/${appname}/config`
  40. * `/etc/${appname}rc`
  41. * `/etc/${appname}/config`
  42. * the defaults object you passed in.
  43. All configuration sources that were found will be flattened into one object,
  44. so that sources **earlier** in this list override later ones.
  45. ## Configuration File Formats
  46. Configuration files (e.g. `.appnamerc`) may be in either [json]( or [ini]( format. **No** file extension (`.json` or `.ini`) should be used. The example configurations below are equivalent:
  47. #### Formatted as `ini`
  48. ```
  49. ; You can include comments in `ini` format if you want.
  50. dependsOn=0.10.0
  51. ; `rc` has built-in support for ini sections, see?
  52. [commands]
  53. www = ./commands/www
  54. console = ./commands/repl
  55. ; You can even do nested sections
  56. [generators.options]
  57. engine = ejs
  58. [generators.modules]
  59. new = generate-new
  60. engine = generate-backend
  61. ```
  62. #### Formatted as `json`
  63. ```javascript
  64. {
  65. // You can even comment your JSON, if you want
  66. "dependsOn": "0.10.0",
  67. "commands": {
  68. "www": "./commands/www",
  69. "console": "./commands/repl"
  70. },
  71. "generators": {
  72. "options": {
  73. "engine": "ejs"
  74. },
  75. "modules": {
  76. "new": "generate-new",
  77. "backend": "generate-backend"
  78. }
  79. }
  80. }
  81. ```
  82. Comments are stripped from JSON config via [strip-json-comments](
  83. > Since ini, and env variables do not have a standard for types, your application needs be prepared for strings.
  84. To ensure that string representations of booleans and numbers are always converted into their proper types (especially useful if you intend to do strict `===` comparisons), consider using a module such as [parse-strings-in-object]( to wrap the config object returned from rc.
  85. ## Simple example demonstrating precedence
  86. Assume you have an application like this (notice the hard-coded defaults passed to rc):
  87. ```
  88. const conf = require('rc')('myapp', {
  89. port: 12345,
  90. mode: 'test'
  91. });
  92. console.log(JSON.stringify(conf, null, 2));
  93. ```
  94. You also have a file `config.json`, with these contents:
  95. ```
  96. {
  97. "port": 9000,
  98. "foo": "from config json",
  99. "something": "else"
  100. }
  101. ```
  102. And a file `.myapprc` in the same folder, with these contents:
  103. ```
  104. {
  105. "port": "3001",
  106. "foo": "bar"
  107. }
  108. ```
  109. Here is the expected output from various commands:
  110. `node .`
  111. ```
  112. {
  113. "port": "3001",
  114. "mode": "test",
  115. "foo": "bar",
  116. "_": [],
  117. "configs": [
  118. "/Users/stephen/repos/conftest/.myapprc"
  119. ],
  120. "config": "/Users/stephen/repos/conftest/.myapprc"
  121. }
  122. ```
  123. *Default `mode` from hard-coded object is retained, but port is overridden by `.myapprc` file (automatically found based on appname match), and `foo` is added.*
  124. `node . --foo baz`
  125. ```
  126. {
  127. "port": "3001",
  128. "mode": "test",
  129. "foo": "baz",
  130. "_": [],
  131. "configs": [
  132. "/Users/stephen/repos/conftest/.myapprc"
  133. ],
  134. "config": "/Users/stephen/repos/conftest/.myapprc"
  135. }
  136. ```
  137. *Same result as above but `foo` is overridden because command-line arguments take precedence over `.myapprc` file.*
  138. `node . --foo barbar --config config.json`
  139. ```
  140. {
  141. "port": 9000,
  142. "mode": "test",
  143. "foo": "barbar",
  144. "something": "else",
  145. "_": [],
  146. "config": "config.json",
  147. "configs": [
  148. "/Users/stephen/repos/conftest/.myapprc",
  149. "config.json"
  150. ]
  151. }
  152. ```
  153. *Now the `port` comes from the `config.json` file specified (overriding the value from `.myapprc`), and `foo` value is overriden by command-line despite also being specified in the `config.json` file.*
  154. ## Advanced Usage
  155. #### Pass in your own `argv`
  156. You may pass in your own `argv` as the third argument to `rc`. This is in case you want to [use your own command-line opts parser](
  157. ```javascript
  158. require('rc')(appname, defaults, customArgvParser);
  159. ```
  160. ## Pass in your own parser
  161. If you have a special need to use a non-standard parser,
  162. you can do so by passing in the parser as the 4th argument.
  163. (leave the 3rd as null to get the default args parser)
  164. ```javascript
  165. require('rc')(appname, defaults, null, parser);
  166. ```
  167. This may also be used to force a more strict format,
  168. such as strict, valid JSON only.
  169. ## Note on Performance
  170. `rc` is running `fs.statSync`-- so make sure you don't use it in a hot code path (e.g. a request handler)
  171. ## License
  172. Multi-licensed under the two-clause BSD License, MIT License, or Apache License, version 2.0