- # Split (matcher)
- [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/dominictarr/split.png)](http://travis-ci.org/dominictarr/split)
- Break up a stream and reassemble it so that each line is a chunk. matcher may be a `String`, or a `RegExp`
- Example, read every line in a file ...
- ``` js
- fs.createReadStream(file)
- .pipe(split())
- .on('data', function (line) {
- //each chunk now is a separate line!
- })
- ```
- `split` takes the same arguments as `string.split` except it defaults to '/\r?\n/' instead of ',', and the optional `limit` parameter is ignored.
- [String#split](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/split)
- `split` takes an optional options object on its third argument.
- ``` js
- split(matcher, mapper, options)
- ```
- Valid options:
- * maxLength - The maximum buffer length without seeing a newline or `matcher`,
- if a single line exceeds this, the split stream will emit an error.
- ``` js
- split(JSON.parse, null, { maxLength: 2})
- ```
- * trailing - By default the last buffer not delimited by a newline or `matcher` will be emitted. To prevent this set `options.trailing` to `false`.
- ``` js
- split(JSON.parse, null, { trailing: false })
- ```
- ## keep matched splitter
- As with `String#split`, if you split by a regular expression with a matching group,
- the matches will be retained in the collection.
- ```
- stdin
- .pipe(split(/(\r?\n)/))
- ... //lines + separators.
- ```
- # NDJ - Newline Delimited Json
- `split` accepts a function which transforms each line.
- ``` js
- fs.createReadStream(file)
- .pipe(split(JSON.parse))
- .on('data', function (obj) {
- //each chunk now is a a js object
- })
- .on('error', function (err) {
- //syntax errors will land here
- //note, this ends the stream.
- })
- ```
- # License