Simple email application for Android. Original source code:
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

218 lines
6.5 KiB

  1. {
  2. "Level 1 Examples" :
  3. {
  4. "level": 1,
  5. "variables": {
  6. "var" : "value",
  7. "hello" : "Hello World!"
  8. },
  9. "testcases" : [
  10. ["{var}", "value"],
  11. ["{hello}", "Hello%20World%21"]
  12. ]
  13. },
  14. "Level 2 Examples" :
  15. {
  16. "level": 2,
  17. "variables": {
  18. "var" : "value",
  19. "hello" : "Hello World!",
  20. "path" : "/foo/bar"
  21. },
  22. "testcases" : [
  23. ["{+var}", "value"],
  24. ["{+hello}", "Hello%20World!"],
  25. ["{+path}/here", "/foo/bar/here"],
  26. ["here?ref={+path}", "here?ref=/foo/bar"]
  27. ]
  28. },
  29. "Level 3 Examples" :
  30. {
  31. "level": 3,
  32. "variables": {
  33. "var" : "value",
  34. "hello" : "Hello World!",
  35. "empty" : "",
  36. "path" : "/foo/bar",
  37. "x" : "1024",
  38. "y" : "768"
  39. },
  40. "testcases" : [
  41. ["map?{x,y}", "map?1024,768"],
  42. ["{x,hello,y}", "1024,Hello%20World%21,768"],
  43. ["{+x,hello,y}", "1024,Hello%20World!,768"],
  44. ["{+path,x}/here", "/foo/bar,1024/here"],
  45. ["{#x,hello,y}", "#1024,Hello%20World!,768"],
  46. ["{#path,x}/here", "#/foo/bar,1024/here"],
  47. ["X{.var}", "X.value"],
  48. ["X{.x,y}", "X.1024.768"],
  49. ["{/var}", "/value"],
  50. ["{/var,x}/here", "/value/1024/here"],
  51. ["{;x,y}", ";x=1024;y=768"],
  52. ["{;x,y,empty}", ";x=1024;y=768;empty"],
  53. ["{?x,y}", "?x=1024&y=768"],
  54. ["{?x,y,empty}", "?x=1024&y=768&empty="],
  55. ["?fixed=yes{&x}", "?fixed=yes&x=1024"],
  56. ["{&x,y,empty}", "&x=1024&y=768&empty="]
  57. ]
  58. },
  59. "Level 4 Examples" :
  60. {
  61. "level": 4,
  62. "variables": {
  63. "var": "value",
  64. "hello": "Hello World!",
  65. "path": "/foo/bar",
  66. "list": ["red", "green", "blue"],
  67. "keys": {"semi": ";", "dot": ".", "comma":","}
  68. },
  69. "testcases": [
  70. ["{var:3}", "val"],
  71. ["{var:30}", "value"],
  72. ["{list}", "red,green,blue"],
  73. ["{list*}", "red,green,blue"],
  74. ["{keys}", [
  75. "comma,%2C,dot,.,semi,%3B",
  76. "comma,%2C,semi,%3B,dot,.",
  77. "dot,.,comma,%2C,semi,%3B",
  78. "dot,.,semi,%3B,comma,%2C",
  79. "semi,%3B,comma,%2C,dot,.",
  80. "semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C"
  81. ]],
  82. ["{keys*}", [
  83. "comma=%2C,dot=.,semi=%3B",
  84. "comma=%2C,semi=%3B,dot=.",
  85. "dot=.,comma=%2C,semi=%3B",
  86. "dot=.,semi=%3B,comma=%2C",
  87. "semi=%3B,comma=%2C,dot=.",
  88. "semi=%3B,dot=.,comma=%2C"
  89. ]],
  90. ["{+path:6}/here", "/foo/b/here"],
  91. ["{+list}", "red,green,blue"],
  92. ["{+list*}", "red,green,blue"],
  93. ["{+keys}", [
  94. "comma,,,dot,.,semi,;",
  95. "comma,,,semi,;,dot,.",
  96. "dot,.,comma,,,semi,;",
  97. "dot,.,semi,;,comma,,",
  98. "semi,;,comma,,,dot,.",
  99. "semi,;,dot,.,comma,,"
  100. ]],
  101. ["{+keys*}", [
  102. "comma=,,dot=.,semi=;",
  103. "comma=,,semi=;,dot=.",
  104. "dot=.,comma=,,semi=;",
  105. "dot=.,semi=;,comma=,",
  106. "semi=;,comma=,,dot=.",
  107. "semi=;,dot=.,comma=,"
  108. ]],
  109. ["{#path:6}/here", "#/foo/b/here"],
  110. ["{#list}", "#red,green,blue"],
  111. ["{#list*}", "#red,green,blue"],
  112. ["{#keys}", [
  113. "#comma,,,dot,.,semi,;",
  114. "#comma,,,semi,;,dot,.",
  115. "#dot,.,comma,,,semi,;",
  116. "#dot,.,semi,;,comma,,",
  117. "#semi,;,comma,,,dot,.",
  118. "#semi,;,dot,.,comma,,"
  119. ]],
  120. ["{#keys*}", [
  121. "#comma=,,dot=.,semi=;",
  122. "#comma=,,semi=;,dot=.",
  123. "#dot=.,comma=,,semi=;",
  124. "#dot=.,semi=;,comma=,",
  125. "#semi=;,comma=,,dot=.",
  126. "#semi=;,dot=.,comma=,"
  127. ]],
  128. ["X{.var:3}", "X.val"],
  129. ["X{.list}", ",green,blue"],
  130. ["X{.list*}", ""],
  131. ["X{.keys}", [
  132. "X.comma,%2C,dot,.,semi,%3B",
  133. "X.comma,%2C,semi,%3B,dot,.",
  134. ",.,comma,%2C,semi,%3B",
  135. ",.,semi,%3B,comma,%2C",
  136. "X.semi,%3B,comma,%2C,dot,.",
  137. "X.semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C"
  138. ]],
  139. ["{/var:1,var}", "/v/value"],
  140. ["{/list}", "/red,green,blue"],
  141. ["{/list*}", "/red/green/blue"],
  142. ["{/list*,path:4}", "/red/green/blue/%2Ffoo"],
  143. ["{/keys}", [
  144. "/comma,%2C,dot,.,semi,%3B",
  145. "/comma,%2C,semi,%3B,dot,.",
  146. "/dot,.,comma,%2C,semi,%3B",
  147. "/dot,.,semi,%3B,comma,%2C",
  148. "/semi,%3B,comma,%2C,dot,.",
  149. "/semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C"
  150. ]],
  151. ["{/keys*}", [
  152. "/comma=%2C/dot=./semi=%3B",
  153. "/comma=%2C/semi=%3B/dot=.",
  154. "/dot=./comma=%2C/semi=%3B",
  155. "/dot=./semi=%3B/comma=%2C",
  156. "/semi=%3B/comma=%2C/dot=.",
  157. "/semi=%3B/dot=./comma=%2C"
  158. ]],
  159. ["{;hello:5}", ";hello=Hello"],
  160. ["{;list}", ";list=red,green,blue"],
  161. ["{;list*}", ";list=red;list=green;list=blue"],
  162. ["{;keys}", [
  163. ";keys=comma,%2C,dot,.,semi,%3B",
  164. ";keys=comma,%2C,semi,%3B,dot,.",
  165. ";keys=dot,.,comma,%2C,semi,%3B",
  166. ";keys=dot,.,semi,%3B,comma,%2C",
  167. ";keys=semi,%3B,comma,%2C,dot,.",
  168. ";keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C"
  169. ]],
  170. ["{;keys*}", [
  171. ";comma=%2C;dot=.;semi=%3B",
  172. ";comma=%2C;semi=%3B;dot=.",
  173. ";dot=.;comma=%2C;semi=%3B",
  174. ";dot=.;semi=%3B;comma=%2C",
  175. ";semi=%3B;comma=%2C;dot=.",
  176. ";semi=%3B;dot=.;comma=%2C"
  177. ]],
  178. ["{?var:3}", "?var=val"],
  179. ["{?list}", "?list=red,green,blue"],
  180. ["{?list*}", "?list=red&list=green&list=blue"],
  181. ["{?keys}", [
  182. "?keys=comma,%2C,dot,.,semi,%3B",
  183. "?keys=comma,%2C,semi,%3B,dot,.",
  184. "?keys=dot,.,comma,%2C,semi,%3B",
  185. "?keys=dot,.,semi,%3B,comma,%2C",
  186. "?keys=semi,%3B,comma,%2C,dot,.",
  187. "?keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C"
  188. ]],
  189. ["{?keys*}", [
  190. "?comma=%2C&dot=.&semi=%3B",
  191. "?comma=%2C&semi=%3B&dot=.",
  192. "?dot=.&comma=%2C&semi=%3B",
  193. "?dot=.&semi=%3B&comma=%2C",
  194. "?semi=%3B&comma=%2C&dot=.",
  195. "?semi=%3B&dot=.&comma=%2C"
  196. ]],
  197. ["{&var:3}", "&var=val"],
  198. ["{&list}", "&list=red,green,blue"],
  199. ["{&list*}", "&list=red&list=green&list=blue"],
  200. ["{&keys}", [
  201. "&keys=comma,%2C,dot,.,semi,%3B",
  202. "&keys=comma,%2C,semi,%3B,dot,.",
  203. "&keys=dot,.,comma,%2C,semi,%3B",
  204. "&keys=dot,.,semi,%3B,comma,%2C",
  205. "&keys=semi,%3B,comma,%2C,dot,.",
  206. "&keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C"
  207. ]],
  208. ["{&keys*}", [
  209. "&comma=%2C&dot=.&semi=%3B",
  210. "&comma=%2C&semi=%3B&dot=.",
  211. "&dot=.&comma=%2C&semi=%3B",
  212. "&dot=.&semi=%3B&comma=%2C",
  213. "&semi=%3B&comma=%2C&dot=.",
  214. "&semi=%3B&dot=.&comma=%2C"
  215. ]]
  216. ]
  217. }
  218. }