/// import Bottleneck from "bottleneck"; // import * as assert from "assert"; function assert(b: boolean): void { } /* This file is run by scripts/build.sh. It is used to validate the typings in bottleneck.d.ts. The command is: tsc --noEmit --strictNullChecks test.ts This file cannot be run directly. In order to do that, you must comment out the first line, and change "bottleneck" to "." on the third line. */ function withCb(foo: number, bar: () => void, cb: (err: any, result: string) => void) { let s: string = `cb ${foo}`; cb(null, s); } console.log(Bottleneck); let limiter = new Bottleneck({ maxConcurrent: 5, minTime: 1000, highWater: 20, strategy: Bottleneck.strategy.LEAK, reservoirRefreshInterval: 1000 * 60, reservoirRefreshAmount: 10 }); limiter.ready().then(() => { console.log('Ready') }); limiter.clients().client; limiter.disconnect(); limiter.currentReservoir().then(function (x) { if (x != null) { let i: number = x; } }); limiter.incrementReservoir(5).then(function (x) { if (x != null) { let i: number = x; } }); limiter.running().then(function (x) { let i: number = x; }); limiter.done().then(function (x) { let i: number = x; }); limiter.submit(withCb, 1, () => {}, (err, result) => { let s: string = result; console.log(s); assert(s == "cb 1"); }); function withPromise(foo: number, bar: () => void): PromiseLike { let s: string = `promise ${foo}`; return Promise.resolve(s); } let foo: Promise = limiter.schedule(withPromise, 1, () => {}); foo.then(function (result: string) { let s: string = result; console.log(s); assert(s == "promise 1"); }); limiter.on("message", (msg) => console.log(msg)); limiter.publish(JSON.stringify({ a: "abc", b: { c: 123 }})); let group = new Bottleneck.Group({ maxConcurrent: 5, minTime: 1000, highWater: 10, strategy: Bottleneck.strategy.LEAK, datastore: "ioredis", clearDatastore: true, clientOptions: {}, clusterNodes: [] }); group.on('created', (limiter, key) => { assert(limiter.empty()) assert(key.length > 0) }) group.key("foo").submit(withCb, 2, () => {}, (err, result) => { let s: string = `${result} foo`; console.log(s); assert(s == "cb 2 foo"); }); group.key("bar").submit({ priority: 4 }, withCb, 3, () => {}, (err, result) => { let s: string = `${result} bar`; console.log(s); assert(s == "cb 3 foo"); }); let f1: Promise = group.key("pizza").schedule(withPromise, 2, () => {}); f1.then(function (result: string) { let s: string = result; console.log(s); assert(s == "promise 2"); }); let f2: Promise = group.key("pie").schedule({ priority: 4 }, withPromise, 3, () => {}); f2.then(function (result: string) { let s: string = result; console.log(s); assert(s == "promise 3"); }); let wrapped = limiter.wrap((a: number, b: number) => { let s: string = `Total: ${a + b}`; return Promise.resolve(s); }); wrapped(1, 2).then((x) => { let s: string = x; console.log(s); assert(s == "Total: 3"); }); wrapped.withOptions({ priority: 1, id: 'some-id' }, 9, 9).then((x) => { let s: string = x; console.log(s); assert(s == "Total: 18"); }) let counts = limiter.counts(); console.log(`${counts.EXECUTING + 2}`); console.log(limiter.jobStatus('some-id')) console.log(limiter.jobs()); console.log(limiter.jobs(Bottleneck.Status.RUNNING)); group.deleteKey("pizza"); group.updateSettings({ timeout: 5, maxConcurrent: null, reservoir: null }); let keys: string[] = group.keys(); assert(keys.length == 3); let queued: number = limiter.chain(group.key("pizza")).queued(); limiter.stop({ dropWaitingJobs: true, dropErrorMessage: "Begone!", enqueueErrorMessage: "Denied!" }).then(() => { console.log('All stopped.') }) wrapped(4, 5).catch((e) => { assert(e.message === "Denied!") }) const id: string = limiter.id; const datastore: string = limiter.datastore; const channel: string = limiter.channel(); const redisConnection = new Bottleneck.RedisConnection({ client: "NodeRedis client object", clientOptions: {} }) redisConnection.on("error", (err) => { console.log(err.message) }) const limiterWithConn = new Bottleneck({ connection: redisConnection }) const ioredisConnection = new Bottleneck.IORedisConnection({ client: "ioredis client object", clientOptions: {}, clusterNodes: [] }) ioredisConnection.on("error", (err: Bottleneck.BottleneckError) => { console.log(err.message) }) const groupWithConn = new Bottleneck.Group({ connection: ioredisConnection }) const limiterWithConnFromGroup = new Bottleneck({ connection: groupWithConn.connection }) const groupWithConnFromLimiter = new Bottleneck.Group({ connection: limiterWithConn.connection }) const batcher = new Bottleneck.Batcher({ maxTime: 1000, maxSize: 10 }) batcher.on("batch", (batch) => { const len: number = batch.length console.log("Number of elements:", len) }) batcher.on("error", (err: Bottleneck.BottleneckError) => { console.log(err.message) }) batcher.add("abc") batcher.add({ xyz: 5 }) .then(() => console.log("Flushed!"))