'use strict'; const escapeRegExp = require('lodash.escaperegexp'); const capitalize = require('lodash.capitalize'); const isString = require('lodash.isstring'); const isPlainObject = require('lodash.isplainobject'); const uniqBy = require('lodash.uniqby'); const hostConfig = require('./lib/hosts-config'); const {hasOwnProperty} = Object.prototype; const FENCE_BLOCK_REGEXP = /^(([ \t]*`{3,4})([^\n]*)([\s\S]+?)(^[ \t]*\2))/gm; const CODE_BLOCK_REGEXP = /(`(?![\\]))((?:.(?!\1(?![\\])))*.?)\1/g; const HTML_CODE_BLOCK_REGEXP = /()+?)[\S\s])*(<\/code>)+?/gim; const LEADING_TRAILING_SLASH_REGEXP = /^\/?([^/]+(?:\/[^/]+)*)\/?$/; const TRAILING_SLASH_REGEXP = /\/?$/; function inverse(str) { return str .split('') .reverse() .join(''); } function join(keywords) { return keywords .filter(Boolean) .map(escapeRegExp) .join('|'); } function addLeadingAndTrailingSlash(value) { return value.replace(LEADING_TRAILING_SLASH_REGEXP, '/$1/'); } function addTrailingSlash(value) { return value.replace(TRAILING_SLASH_REGEXP, '/'); } function includesIgnoreCase(arr, value) { return arr.findIndex(val => val.toUpperCase() === value.toUpperCase()) > -1; } function buildMentionsRegexp({mentionsPrefixes}) { return `((?:(?:[^\\w\\n\\v\\r]|^)+(?:${join(mentionsPrefixes)})[\\w-\\.]+[^\\W])+)`; } function buildRefRegexp({actions, issuePrefixes, issueURLSegments, hosts}) { return `(?:(?:[^\\w\\n\\v\\r]|^)+(${join([].concat(...Object.keys(actions).map(key => actions[key])))}))?(?:${[ '[^\\w\\n\\v\\r]|^', join([...issuePrefixes, ...issueURLSegments]), ].join('|')})+${hosts.length > 0 ? `(?:${join(hosts)})?` : ''}((?:(?:[\\w-\\.]+)\\/)+(?:[\\w-\\.]+))?(${join([ ...issuePrefixes, ...issueURLSegments, ])})(\\d+)(?!\\w)`; } function buildRegexp(opts) { return new RegExp( opts.mentionsPrefixes.length > 0 ? `(?:${buildRefRegexp(opts)}|${buildMentionsRegexp(opts)})` : buildMentionsRegexp(opts), 'gim' ); } function buildMentionRegexp({mentionsPrefixes}) { return new RegExp(`(${join(mentionsPrefixes)})([\\w-.]+)`, 'gim'); } function parse(text, regexp, mentionRegexp, {actions, issuePrefixes, hosts}) { let parsed; const results = { actions: Object.keys(actions).reduce( (result, key) => (actions[key].length > 0 ? Object.assign(result, {[key]: []}) : result), {} ), refs: [], mentions: [], }; let noCodeBlock = inverse(inverse(text.replace(FENCE_BLOCK_REGEXP, '')).replace(CODE_BLOCK_REGEXP, '')); while (regexp.test(noCodeBlock)) { noCodeBlock = noCodeBlock.replace(HTML_CODE_BLOCK_REGEXP, ''); } while ((parsed = regexp.exec(noCodeBlock)) !== null) { let [raw, action, slug, prefix, issue, mentions] = parsed; prefix = prefix && issuePrefixes.some(issuePrefix => issuePrefix.toUpperCase() === prefix.toUpperCase()) ? prefix : undefined; raw = parsed[0].substring( parsed[0].indexOf( parsed[1] || hosts.find(host => parsed[0].toUpperCase().includes(host.toUpperCase())) || parsed[2] || parsed[3] ) ); action = capitalize(parsed[1]); const actionTypes = Object.keys(actions).filter(key => includesIgnoreCase(actions[key], action)); if (actionTypes.length > 0) { for (const actionType of actionTypes) { results.actions[actionType].push({raw, action, slug, prefix, issue}); } } else if (issue) { results.refs.push({raw, slug, prefix, issue}); } else if (mentions) { let parsedMention; while ((parsedMention = mentionRegexp.exec(mentions)) !== null) { const [rawMention, prefixMention, user] = parsedMention; results.mentions.push({raw: rawMention.trim(), prefix: prefixMention, user}); } } } return results; } function typeError(parentOpt, opt) { return new TypeError( `The ${[parentOpt, opt].filter(Boolean).join('.')} property must be a String or an array of Strings` ); } function normalize(opts, parentOpt) { for (const opt of Object.keys(opts)) { if (!parentOpt && opt === 'actions') { normalize(opts[opt], opt); } else { if (!opts[opt]) { opts[opt] = []; } else if (isString(opts[opt])) { opts[opt] = [opts[opt]]; } else if (!Array.isArray(opts[opt])) { throw typeError(parentOpt, opt); } if (opts[opt].length !== 0 && !opts[opt].every(opt => isString(opt))) { throw typeError(parentOpt, opt); } opts[opt] = opts[opt].filter(Boolean); } } } module.exports = (options = 'default', overrides = {}) => { if (!isString(options) && !isPlainObject(options)) { throw new TypeError('The options argument must be a String or an Object'); } if (isPlainObject(options) && hasOwnProperty.call(options, 'actions') && !isPlainObject(options.actions)) { throw new TypeError('The options.actions property must be an Object'); } if (isString(options) && !includesIgnoreCase(Object.keys(hostConfig), options)) { throw new TypeError(`The supported configuration are [${Object.keys(hostConfig).join(', ')}], got '${options}'`); } if (!isPlainObject(overrides)) { throw new TypeError('The overrides argument must be an Object'); } else if (hasOwnProperty.call(overrides, 'actions') && !isPlainObject(overrides.actions)) { throw new TypeError('The overrides.actions property must be an Object'); } options = isString(options) ? hostConfig[options.toLowerCase()] : options; const opts = Object.assign({}, hostConfig.default, options, overrides, { actions: Object.assign({}, hostConfig.default.actions, options.actions, overrides.actions), }); normalize(opts); opts.hosts = opts.hosts.map(addTrailingSlash); opts.issueURLSegments = opts.issueURLSegments.map(addLeadingAndTrailingSlash); const regexp = buildRegexp(opts); const mentionRegexp = buildMentionRegexp(opts); return text => { if (!isString(text)) { throw new TypeError('The issue text must be a String'); } const results = parse(text, regexp, mentionRegexp, opts); Reflect.defineProperty(results, 'allRefs', { get() { return uniqBy(this.refs.concat(...Object.keys(this.actions).map(key => this.actions[key])), 'raw'); }, }); return results; }; };