Safe email ========== Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------- **(1) Which email providers are supported?** * Gmail * Outlook **(2) What is a valid security certificate?** Valid security certificates are officially signed (not self signed) and have matching a host name. **(3) Which permissions are needed and why?** * Full network access (INTERNET): to send and receive email * View network connections (ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE): to monitor internet connectivity changes * Run at startup (RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED): to start monitoring on device start **(4) What are operations?** The low priority status bar notification shows the number of pending operations, which can be: * Mark message as seen/unseen in remote folder * Add message to remote folder * Move message to another remote folder * Delete message from remote folder * Send message **(5) What happens if a message could not be sent?** If a message could not be sent, it will be placed in the drafts folder again.
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