Simple email application for Android. Original source code:
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

215 lines
5.0 KiB

var colors = require('ansicolors')
// Change the below definitions in order to tweak the color theme.
module.exports = {
'Boolean': {
'true' : undefined
, 'false' : undefined
, _default : colors.yellow
, 'Identifier': {
'undefined' : colors.yellow
, 'self' : colors.yellow
, 'type' : colors.yellow
, 'value' : colors.yellow
, 'console' : undefined
, 'log' :
, 'warn' :
, 'error' :
, 'join' :
, _default : function(s, info) {
var prevToken = info.tokens[info.tokenIndex - 1]
var nextToken = info.tokens[info.tokenIndex + 1]
return (nextToken
&& nextToken.type === 'Punctuator'
&& nextToken.value === '('
&& prevToken
&& prevToken.type === 'Keyword'
&& prevToken.value === 'function'
) ? : colors.white(s)
, 'Null': {
_default: colors.yellow
, 'Numeric': {
_default: colors.yellow
, 'String': {
_default: function(s, info) {
var nextToken = info.tokens[info.tokenIndex + 1]
// show keys of object literals and json in different color
return (nextToken && nextToken.type === 'Punctuator' && nextToken.value === ':')
: colors.brightGreen(s)
, 'Keyword': {
'break' : colors.magenta
, 'case' : colors.magenta
, 'catch' : colors.magenta
, 'class' : undefined
, 'const' : undefined
, 'continue' : colors.magenta
, 'debugger' : colors.magenta
, 'default' : colors.magenta
, 'delete' :
, 'do' : colors.magenta
, 'else' : colors.magenta
, 'enum' : undefined
, 'export' : undefined
, 'extends' : undefined
, 'finally' : colors.magenta
, 'for' : colors.magenta
, 'function' : colors.magenta
, 'if' : colors.magenta
, 'implements' : undefined
, 'import' : undefined
, 'in' : colors.cyan
, 'instanceof' : colors.cyan
, 'let' : undefined
, 'new' : colors.cyan
, 'package' : undefined
, 'private' : undefined
, 'protected' : undefined
, 'public' : undefined
, 'return' : colors.magenta
, 'static' : undefined
, 'super' : undefined
, 'switch' : colors.magenta
, 'this' :
, 'throw' : colors.magenta
, 'try' : colors.magenta
, 'typeof' : colors.cyan
, 'var' : colors.magenta
, 'void' : colors.magenta
, 'while' : colors.magenta
, 'with' : colors.cyan
, 'yield' : undefined
, _default : colors.white
, 'Punctuator': {
';': colors.white
, '.': colors.white
, ',': colors.white
, '{': colors.white
, '}': colors.white
, '(': colors.white
, ')': colors.white
, '[': colors.white
, ']': colors.white
, '<': undefined
, '>': undefined
, '+': undefined
, '-': undefined
, '*': undefined
, '%': undefined
, '&': undefined
, '|': colors.white
, '^': undefined
, '!': undefined
, '~': undefined
, '?': colors.white
, ':': colors.white
, '=': undefined
, '<=': undefined
, '>=': undefined
, '==': undefined
, '!=': undefined
, '++': undefined
, '--': undefined
, '<<': undefined
, '>>': undefined
, '&&': undefined
, '||': undefined
, '+=': undefined
, '-=': undefined
, '*=': undefined
, '%=': undefined
, '&=': undefined
, '|=': undefined
, '^=': undefined
, '/=': undefined
, '=>': undefined
, '**': undefined
, '===': undefined
, '!==': undefined
, '>>>': undefined
, '<<=': undefined
, '>>=': undefined
, '...': undefined
, '**=': undefined
, '>>>=': undefined
, _default: colors.cyan
// line comment
, Line: {
_default: colors.brightBlack
/* block comment */
, Block: {
_default: colors.brightBlack
// JSX
, JSXAttribute: {
_default: colors.magenta
, JSXClosingElement: {
_default: colors.magenta
, JSXElement: {
_default: colors.magenta
, JSXEmptyExpression: {
_default: colors.magenta
, JSXExpressionContainer: {
_default: colors.magenta
, JSXIdentifier: {
, _default: colors.magenta
, JSXMemberExpression: {
_default: colors.magenta
, JSXNamespacedName: {
_default: colors.magenta
, JSXOpeningElement: {
_default: colors.magenta
, JSXSpreadAttribute: {
_default: colors.magenta
, JSXText: {
_default: colors.brightGreen
, _default: undefined