- # pysitemap
- Sitemap generator
- ## installing
- pip install sitemap-generator
- ## Gevent
- Sitemap-generator uses gevent to implement multiprocessing. Install gevent:
- pip install gevent
- ## example
- import pysitemap
- if __name__=='__main__':
- url = 'http://www.example.com/' # url from to crawl
- logfile = 'errlog.log' # path to logfile
- oformat = 'xml' # output format
- crawl = pysitemap.Crawler(url=url, logfile=logfile, oformat=oformat)
- crawl.crawl()
- ## multiprocessing example
- import pysitemap
- if __name__=='__main__':
- url = 'http://www.example.com/' # url from to crawl
- logfile = 'errlog.log' # path to logfile
- oformat = 'xml' # output format
- crawl = pysitemap.Crawler(url=url, logfile=logfile, oformat=oformat)
- crawl.crawl(pool_size=10) # 10 parsing processes