############################################################## # snic_dyn_mac = Use this MAC address for the NIC (dynamic) # snic_sta_mac = Use this MAC address for the NIC (static) # snic_sta_addr = Use this IPv4 for the NIC (static) # snic_sta_mask = Use this subnet mask for the NIC (static) # NOTE: MAC address configuration is disabled/not required ############################################################## # NETWORK INTERFACE DYNAMIC CONFIGURATION # snic_dyn_mac=aa:e1:34:3f:8b:c8 ############################################################## # NETWORK INTERFACE STATIC CONFIGURATION # snic_sta_mac=2e:74:6f:7b:ae:5a snic_sta_addr= snic_sta_mask= ############################################################## # Generate random MAC address with the following command # printf '%02x' $((0x$(od /dev/urandom -N1 -t x1 -An | cut -c 2-) & 0xFE | 0x02)); od /dev/urandom -N5 -t x1 -An | sed 's/ /:/g'