#!/bin/env bash # WAN IP Checker - Whenever server WAN IP address changes, inform admins via email # Copyright (C) 2020 Pekka Helenius # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ########################################################### # A script for remote server environments which are behind # dynamic (non-static) DHCP. Usually these dynamic IPs are # used in common household networks in non-corporate # environments. ########################################################### # Script requirements # # sSMTP # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SSMTP # Relevant conf files # /etc/ssmtp/revaliases (email conf) # /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf (email conf) # /etc/ssmtp/wanchecker.conf (env vars, email conf) # Because your email password is stored as clear text in /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf, it is important that this file # is secure. By default, the entire /etc/ssmtp directory is accessible only by root and the mail group. # The /usr/bin/ssmtp binary runs as the mail group and can read this file. There is no reason to add # yourself or other users to the mail group. ########################################################### ############################ # Fallback DNS # This service must work even if our system-wide DNS configuration fails # NOTE: If your WAN firewall blocks external DNS servers, this fallback method fails. # # List of overriding fallback DNS servers # # CURL: # Optionally requires curl built with '--enable-dnsshuffle' and '--enable-ares' configure options # # Other applications: # Requires shell preload library '/usr/lib/libresolvconf-override.so' (https://github.com/hadess/resolvconf-override) # FALLBACK_DNS=( # OpenDNS # Google DNS # OpenNIC DNS # Alternate DNS # FreeDNS ) ############################ source /etc/ssmtp/wanchecker.conf ############################ function resolvconfOverrideDNSList { local i=0 local max_dns=4 local dns_strlist="" while [[ $i -lt $(( ${#FALLBACK_DNS[@]} - 1)) ]]; do [[ ${i} == ${max_dns} ]] && break dns_strlist="${dns_strlist} NAMESERVER$((${i} + 1))=${FALLBACK_DNS[$i]}" let i++ done echo "${dns_strlist}" } function curlFallBackDNS { fallback_dns="" preload_lib="" if [[ $(curl -V | sed -n '/AsynchDNS/p' | wc -l) -ne 0 ]] && [[ $ENABLE_FALLBACK_DNS == 1 ]]; then # Fallback DNS servers can be used fallback_dns=$(echo ${FALLBACK_DNS[*]} | sed 's/ /,/g') elif [[ -f "/usr/lib/libresolvconf-override.so" ]] && [[ $ENABLE_FALLBACK_DNS == 1 ]]; then # Curl is built without '--enable-dnsshuffle' and fallback is enabled preload_lib="LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libresolvconf-override.so $(resolvconfOverrideDNSList)" fi if [[ ${fallback_dns} != "" ]]; then fallback_dns="--dns-servers ${fallback_dns}" fi CURL_DNS_LIST=("${preload_lib}" "${fallback_dns}") } function getMyIP { RESOLVERS=( # Does not work anymore #"dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com" "${CURL_DNS_LIST[0]} curl -s ${CURL_DNS_LIST[1]} https://checkip.amazonaws.com" "${CURL_DNS_LIST[0]} curl -s ${CURL_DNS_LIST[1]} checkip.dyndns.org" "${CURL_DNS_LIST[0]} curl -s ${CURL_DNS_LIST[1]} ifconfig.me" "${CURL_DNS_LIST[0]} curl -s ${CURL_DNS_LIST[1]} ipecho.net/plain" "${CURL_DNS_LIST[0]} curl -s ${CURL_DNS_LIST[1]} bot.whatismyipaddress.com" "${CURL_DNS_LIST[0]} curl -s ${CURL_DNS_LIST[1]} icanhazip.com" ) IFS=$'\n' response="" for resolver in ${RESOLVERS[@]}; do check=$(eval "${resolver}" | grep -oE "([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}") if [[ ${check} =~ ^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then response=${check} break fi done IFS=' ' } function getMyCity() { city=$(eval ${CURL_DNS_LIST[0]} curl -s ${CURL_DNS_LIST[1]} https://json.geoiplookup.io/${response} | awk -F '"' '/city/{ print $(NF-1); }') } function checkWANIP { # Log file timestamp format local TIMESTAMP=$(date '+%d-%m-%Y,%X') # Resolve the current IPv4 WAN address # Attempt with system common DNS resolvers getMyIP if [[ ${response} == "" ]]; then # Fallback to listed DNS resolvers curlFallBackDNS getMyIP fi local WANIP_CURRENT="${response}" ############################ # If we are connected to internet... # There's no point to do WAN IP check if we can't establish connection to WAN/Internet at all # In addition, do not generate any network related variables if the connection # can't be established. Therefore, include variable defitions inside this if statement. if [[ ${response} != "" ]]; then # Get city information for email, based on fetched WAN IP address unset CURL_DNS_LIST # Attempt with system common DNS resolvers getMyCity if [[ ${city} == "" ]]; then # Fallback to listed DNS resolvers curlFallBackDNS getMyCity if [[ ${city} == "" ]]; then city="Default" fi fi local WANIP_CITY="${city}" ############################ if [[ ! -d "${WANIP_DIR}" ]]; then mkdir -p "${WANIP_DIR}" fi if [[ ! -f "${WANIP_LOG}" ]] || [[ $(cat "${WANIP_LOG}" | wc -l) == 0 ]]; then printf "%-25s%-18s%-8s\n" "Time" "WAN IPv4" "Email sent" > "${WANIP_LOG}" chmod o-r "${WANIP_LOG}" fi if [[ $(cat "${WANIP_LOG}" | wc -l) -gt 1 ]] ; then local WANIP_OLD=$(tail -1 "${WANIP_LOG}" | awk '{print $2}') fi if [[ ${WANIP_OLD} == "" ]]; then # Email subject/title local SUBJECT_EMAIL="New WAN IP address registered (${WANIP_CITY}, ${WANIP_CURRENT})" # Email message/body contents local MESSAGE_EMAIL="${TIMESTAMP}: New WAN IP address ${WANIP_CURRENT} has been registered in location ${WANIP_CITY}. Notifier: $(cat /etc/hostname)" # Message to server stdout local MESSAGE_STDOUT="${TIMESTAMP} - New WAN IP address ${WANIP_CURRENT} has been registered for this computer" else # Email subject/title local SUBJECT_EMAIL="WAN IP address changed (${WANIP_CITY}, ${WANIP_OLD} -> ${WANIP_CURRENT})" # Email message/body contents local MESSAGE_EMAIL="${TIMESTAMP}: WAN IP address ${WANIP_OLD} has been changed to ${WANIP_CURRENT} in location ${WANIP_CITY}. Notifier: $(cat /etc/hostname)" # Message to server stdout local MESSAGE_STDOUT="${TIMESTAMP} - WAN IP address of this computer ($(cat /etc/hostname)) has been changed from ${WANIP_OLD} to ${WANIP_CURRENT}" fi ############################ function mailSend { local EMAIL_FORM="To: ${1}\nFrom: ${EMAIL_SENDER}\nSubject: ${SUBJECT_EMAIL}\n\n${MESSAGE_EMAIL}" echo -e "${EMAIL_FORM}" | sendmail -v "${1}" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then MAIL_SENT="OK" else if [[ -f "/usr/lib/libresolvconf-override.so" ]] && [[ $ENABLE_FALLBACK_DNS == 1 ]]; then SENDMAIL_PRELOAD="LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libresolvconf-override.so $(resolvconfOverrideDNSList)" echo -e "${EMAIL_FORM}" | $(eval ${SENDMAIL_PRELOAD} sendmail -v "${1}") if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then MAIL_SENT="OK" fi fi fi } ############################ typeset -A MAIL_SENT_STATUSES if [[ "${WANIP_OLD}" != "${WANIP_CURRENT}" ]] || \ [[ $(cat "${WANIP_LOG}" | wc -l) -eq 1 ]] ; then echo -e "${MESSAGE_STDOUT}" IFS=$' ' retry=4 r=0 for recipient in $EMAIL_RECIPIENTS; do MAIL_SENT="NOK" while [[ $r < $retry ]]; do mailSend "${recipient}" [[ "${MAIL_SENT}" == "OK" ]] && break sleep 5 let r++ done MAIL_SENT_STATUSES+=([${recipient}]="${MAIL_SENT}") done IFS= MAIL_SENT_STATUSES_STR="" for status in ${MAIL_SENT_STATUSES[@]}; do for email in ${!MAIL_SENT_STATUSES[@]}; do MAIL_SENT_STATUSES_STR="${MAIL_SENT_STATUSES_STR}${email}:${status}," done done MAIL_SENT_STATUSES_STR=$(echo "${MAIL_SENT_STATUSES_STR}" | sed 's/,$//') printf "%-25s%-18s%s\n" "${TIMESTAMP}" "${WANIP_CURRENT}" "${MAIL_SENT_STATUSES_STR}" >> "${WANIP_LOG}" fi fi } ############################ checkWANIP