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Pekka Helenius 2 years ago
1 changed files with 58 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +58

+ 58
- 0 View File

@ -13,3 +13,61 @@ Original source code repositories:
- [GitHub - LineageOS/android_hardware_samsung_nfc](
- [GitHub - LineageOS/android](
## Usage
Follow [Lineage OS for Samsung S5 Neo guide]( **until** `brunch s5neolte` command. Before issuing that command, you need to put files of this repository in place.
## Some notes about the official LineageOS build guide
- **DO NOT** install `recovery.img`. LineageOS Recovery is horrible, TWRP is great. Use TWRP. Thanks. If you mistakenly install `recovery.img` anyway, getting rid of it requires use of heimdall to flash back TWRP `recovery.img` (`heimdall flash --RECOVERY <twrp-recovery>.img`)
- Install only contents of LineageOS zip file `` using TWRP
- I use `ccache` with setting `10G`
- You may already have `repo` command pre-installed on your system
- Use command `repo init -u -b lineage-18.1`
- `./` commands relative to LineageOS source dir:
- `device/samsung/universal7580-common/`
- `device/samsung/s5neolte/`
- Both must be executed
- In order to `./` commands fully succeed, you must have Samsung Android `6.0.1` preinstalled on your phone. Otherwise you get errors for missing files.
## LineageOS requirements for s5neolte
- If you have original Samsung Android OS installed, it must be version `6.0.1`. LineageOS installation on phones using older Android versions (`5.1.1`, etc.) simply fails.
- If you do not have Android `6.0.1` , get official Samsung update with [samloader]( Extract `zip` and `tar.md5` files, until you get all required `.img` and `.bin` files. Flash extracted `.bin` and `.img` files with [heimdall](
- Samloader [Arch Linux PKGBUILD (AUR)](
- Take backup with TWRP before issuing `heimdall` commands
- Relevant files are as follows: `boot.img`, `system.img`, `userdata.img`, `cm.bin`, `param.bin`, `sboot.bin`, `modem.bin`, `cache.img`, `hidden.img`
- If you use custom recovery such as TWRP, **do not** flash `recovery.img`
- File `S5NEOLTE_<XXX>_OPEN.pit` is a partition definition file. You may extract one directly from your phone using `heimdall`, as well.
- You must patch heimdall to successfully flash your Samsung S5 Neo phone. Compile heimdall, and apply patch file [misc/heimdall/patch_filepartindex.patch](misc/heimdall/patch_filepartindex.patch). See [this GitHub issue]( for details.
- Heimdall source code: [GitHub - alexax66/Heimdall](
- Heimdall [Arch Linux PKGBUILD](
- Heimdall usage and command explanations: [SAMMobile - [Firmware]Restoring Stock Firmware with Heimdall](
- Heimdall flash command for Samsung S5 Neo: `heimdall flash --BOOT boot.img --SYSTEM system.img --USERDATA userdata.img --CM cm.bin --PARAM param.bin --BOOTLOADER sboot.bin --RADIO modem.bin --CACHE cache.img --HIDDEN hidden.img`
## Additional tips
- You may build parts of LineageOS using `mm` and `mmm` commands after sourcing `build/`
- This is useful for partial patches
