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Add script to bypass SSL cert errors temporarily

Pekka Helenius 2 years ago
1 changed files with 31 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +31

+ 31
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cloudstack/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Temporarily permit non-SSL connections to port 8250
# Fixes cloudstack-management error 'SSL error caught during wrap data: Empty server certificate chain, for local address ...'
# Use only while setting up CloudStack. Provide proper values for production environment.
mysql -u cloud -pcloud -e \
USE cloud;
UPDATE configuration SET value='false' WHERE name='ca.plugin.root.auth.strictness';
# CloudStack Management server configuration for SSL authentication.
# Recommended to be configured via web UI although direct SQL updates are technically possible.
# ca.framework.provider.plugin The configured CA provider plugin
# ca.framework.cert.keysize The key size used for certificate generation
# ca.framework.cert.signature.algorithm The certificate signature algorithm
# ca.framework.cert.validity.period Certificate validity in days
# ca.framework.cert.automatic.renewal Whether to auto-renew expiring certificate on hosts
# ca.framework.background.task.delay The delay between each CA background task round in seconds
# ca.framework.cert.expiry.alert.period The number of days to check and alert expiring certificates
# ca.plugin.root.private.key (hidden/encrypted in database) Auto-generated CA private key
# ca.plugin.root.public.key (hidden/encrypted in database) CA public key
# (hidden/encrypted in database) CA certificate
# ca.plugin.root.issuer.dn The CA issue distinguished name used by the root CA provider
# ca.plugin.root.auth.strictness Setting to enforce two-way SSL authentication and trust validation
# ca.plugin.root.allow.expired.cert Setting to allow clients with expired certificates
# Ref:
