- #!/bin/env bash
- # Compile DXVK git on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint and variants
- # Copyright (C) 2019 Pekka Helenius
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- ########################################################
- ########################################################
- # Root directory of this script file
- # datedir variable supplied by ../updatewine_debian.sh script file
- datedir="${1}"
- ########################################################
- # Divide input args into array indexes
- i=0
- for p in ${@:2}; do
- params[$i]=${p}
- let i++
- done
- ########################################################
- # Parse input git override hashes
- # This order is mandatory!
- # If you change the order or contents of 'githash_overrides'
- # array in ../updatewine.sh, make sure to update these
- # variables!
- #
- git_commithash_dxvk=${params[2]}
- git_commithash_glslang=${params[3]}
- git_commithash_meson=${params[4]}
- git_branch_dxvk=${params[8]}
- git_branch_glslang=${params[9]}
- git_branch_meson=${params[10]}
- git_source_dxvk=${params[14]}
- git_source_glslang=${params[15]}
- git_source_meson=${params[16]}
- ########################################################
- # Parse input arguments, filter user parameters
- # The range is defined in ../updatewine.sh
- # All input arguments are:
- # <datedir> 4*<githash_override> 4*<gitbranch_override> <args>
- # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...
- # Filter all but <args>, i.e. the first 0-8 arguments
- i=0
- for arg in ${params[@]:8}; do
- args[$i]="${arg}"
- let i++
- done
- for check in ${args[@]}; do
- case ${check} in
- --no-install)
- ;;
- --updateoverride)
- ;;
- --buildpkg-rm)
- ;;
- --no-dxvk)
- ;;
- --no-nvapi)
- ;;
- --no-vkd3d)
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ########################################################
- # Check presence of Wine. Some version of Wine should
- # be found in the system in order to install DXVK/DXVK NVAPI/VKD3D Proton.
- known_wines=(
- 'wine'
- 'wine-stable'
- 'wine32'
- 'wine64'
- 'libwine:amd64'
- 'libwine:i386'
- 'wine-git'
- 'wine-staging-git'
- )
- # Alternative remote dependency packages for Debian distributions which offer too old packages for DXVK
- #
- # Left side: <package name in repositories>,<version_number>
- # Right side: package alternative source URL
- #
- # NOTE: Determine these packages in corresponding debdata files as runtime or buildtime dependencies
- #
- # As this seems to be a dependency for binutils-mingw packages
- function binutils_common_ver() {
- if [[ $(dpkg -s binutils-common &>/dev/null)$? -ne 0 ]]; then
- sudo apt -y install binutils-common
- fi
- if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
- binutils_ver=$(dpkg -s binutils-common | sed -rn 's/^Version: ([0-9\.]+).*$/\1/p')
- fi
- }
- binutils_common_ver
- remotePackagesUrls=(
- "http://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/b/binutils-mingw-w64"
- "http://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gcc-mingw-w64"
- "http://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/mingw-w64"
- )
- remotePackagesPool=(
- "gcc-mingw-w64-base"
- "mingw-w64-common"
- "binutils-mingw-w64-x86-64"
- "binutils-mingw-w64-i686"
- "mingw-w64-x86-64-dev"
- "gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64"
- "g++-mingw-w64-x86-64"
- "mingw-w64-i686-dev"
- "gcc-mingw-w64-i686"
- "g++-mingw-w64-i686"
- )
- typeset -A remotePackagesAlt
- for rpp in ${remotePackagesPool[@]}; do
- for URL in "${remotePackagesUrls[@]}"; do
- # Fetch exact package name and associated date
- pkg_data=$(curl -s "${URL}/" | sed -rn 's/.*href="(.*(amd64|all)\.deb)">.*([0-9]{2}\-[A-Za-z]{3}\-[0-9]{4}).*/\1 \3/p' | sed 's/%2B/+/g' | grep "${rpp}")
- if [[ ${pkg_data} = "" ]]; then
- continue
- fi
- # Associate Unix-formatted date with the exact package name
- IFS=$'\n'
- for ps in ${pkg_data[@]}; do
- ps_pkg=$(printf "%s" "${ps}" | awk '{print $1}')
- ps_date=$(date --date=$(printf "%s" "${ps}" | awk '{print $NF}') +%s)
- remotePackagesAltDate+=("${ps_date}|${ps_pkg}")
- done
- IFS=" "
- # Sort exact package names by date
- remotePackagesAltDateSorted=($(sort <<<"${remotePackagesAltDate[*]}"))
- # binutils packages depend on system binutils-common. Versions must match, even if not the newest package available.
- if [[ ${ps_pkg} =~ binutils ]] && [[ ${binutils_ver} != "" ]]; then
- for b in ${remotePackagesAltDateSorted[@]}; do
- if [[ ${b} =~ ${binutils_ver} ]]; then
- remotePackagesAltBinUtils+=(${b})
- fi
- done
- unset remotePackagesAltDateSorted
- remotePackagesAltDateSorted=(${remotePackagesAltBinUtils[@]})
- unset remotePackagesAltBinUtils
- fi
- # Get the newest exact package name
- pkg=$(printf "%s" ${remotePackagesAltDateSorted[-1]} | sed -r 's/^[0-9]+\|(.*)/\1/')
- unset remotePackagesAltDate
- unset remotePackagesAltDateSorted
- # Prepare and set a well-formatted value into remotePackagesAlt associative array
- if [ ! "${pkg}" == "" ]; then
- rpp_url=$(printf "%s/%s" "${URL}" "${pkg}")
- rpp_shortver=$(printf "%s" "${pkg}" | sed -r 's/.*_(.*[0-9]+)\-.*_(all|amd64).*/\1/g; s/[^0-9]//g')
- rpp_token=$(printf "%s,%d" "${rpp}" "${rpp_shortver}")
- remotePackagesAlt+=(["${rpp_token}"]="${rpp_url}")
- break 1
- fi
- done
- done
- # Posix-compliant MingW alternative executables
- #
- typeset -A alternatives
- alternatives=(
- [x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc]="x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix"
- [x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++]="x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-posix"
- [i686-w64-mingw32-gcc]="i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix"
- [i686-w64-mingw32-g++]="i686-w64-mingw32-g++-posix"
- )
- # Temporary symbolic links for DXVK compilation
- #
- typeset -A tempLinks
- tempLinks=(
- ['/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc']='/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix'
- ['/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-g++']='/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-g++-posix'
- ['/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc']='x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix'
- ['/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++']='x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++-posix'
- )
- ########################################################
- function runtimeCheck() {
- local pkgreq_name
- local known_pkgs
- local pkglist
- # Friendly name for this package
- pkgreq_name=${1}
- # Known package names to check on Debian
- known_pkgs=${2}
- # Check if any of these Wine packages are present on the system
- i=0
- for pkg in ${known_pkgs[@]}; do
- if [[ $(echo $(dpkg -s ${pkg} &>/dev/null)$?) -eq 0 ]]; then
- pkglist[$i]=${pkg}
- let i++
- fi
- done
- if [[ -z ${pkglist[*]} ]]; then
- echo -e "\e[1mWARNING:\e[0m Not compiling Wine addons because \e[1m${pkgreq_name}\e[0m is missing on your system.\n\
- ${pkgreq_name} should be installed in order to use DXVK, DXVK NVAPI and VKD3D Proton.\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- ########################################################
- # If the script is interrupted (Ctrl+C/SIGINT), do the following
- function wineAddonsIntCleanup() {
- rm -rf ${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/{dxvk-git,meson,glslang,*.deb}
- rm -rf ${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/../compiled_deb/"${datedir}"
- exit 0
- }
- # Allow interruption of the script at any time (Ctrl + C)
- trap "wineAddonsIntCleanup" INT
- ########################################################
- # http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/snipplets/print_horizontal_line#a_line_across_the_entire_width_of_the_terminal
- function INFO_SEP() { printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' - ; }
- ########################################################
- # Update all packages if UPDATE_OVERRIDE given
- if [[ -v UPDATE_OVERRIDE ]]; then
- echo -en "Updating all packages" && \
- if [[ $(printf $(sudo -n uptime &>/dev/null)$?) -ne 0 ]]; then printf " Please provide your sudo password.\n"; else printf "\n\n"; fi
- sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
- fi
- ########################################################
- # Check do we need to compile the package
- # given as input for this function
- function pkgcompilecheck() {
- local install_function
- local pkg
- local pkg_data
- install_function=${1}
- pkg=${2}
- pkg_data=${3}
- if [[ $(echo $(dpkg -s ${pkg} &>/dev/null)$?) -ne 0 ]] || [[ -v UPDATE_OVERRIDE ]]; then
- ${install_function} ${pkg_data}
- fi
- }
- ########################################################
- # These are custom installation instructions for addon
- # They are not used independently.
- function addon_install_custom() {
- local PATCHDIR
- PATCHDIR="${1}"
- # Use posix alternates for MinGW binaries
- function addon_posixpkgs() {
- for alt in ${!alternatives[@]}; do
- echo "Linking MingW executable ${alt} to ${alternatives[$alt]}"
- sudo rm -rf /etc/alternatives/"${alt}" 2>/dev/null
- sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/"${alternatives[$alt]}" /etc/alternatives/"${alt}"
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo -e "\e[1mERROR:\e[0m Error occured while linking executable ${alt} to ${alternatives[$alt]}. Aborting\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- for link in ${!tempLinks[@]}; do
- if [[ ! -f ${link} ]]; then
- echo "Creating temporary links for MingW executable ${link}"
- sudo ln -sf ${tempLinks["${link}"]} "${link}"
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo -e "\e[1mERROR:\e[0m Error occured while linking executable ${link}. Aborting\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- done
- }
- ############################
- # Add and apply custom addon patches
- function addon_custompatches() {
- local CURDIR
- local dxvk_builddir_name
- local dxvk_builddir_path
- # Get our current directory, since we will change it during patching process below
- # We want to go back here after having applied the patches
- # Check if the following folder exists, and proceed.
- if [[ -d "${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/../../${PATCHDIR}" ]]; then
- cp -r "${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/../../${PATCHDIR}/"*.{patch,diff} "${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/${pkg_name}/" 2>/dev/null
- dxvk_builddir_name=$(ls -l "${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/${pkg_name}" | grep ^d | awk '{print $NF}')
- # TODO Expecting just one folder here. This method doesn't work with multiple dirs present
- if [[ $(echo ${dxvk_builddir_name} | wc -l) -gt 1 ]]; then
- echo -e "\e[1mERROR:\e[0m Multiple entries in dxvk build directory detected. Can't decide which one to use. Aborting\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- dxvk_builddir_path="${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/${pkg_name}/${dxvk_builddir_name}"
- cd "${dxvk_builddir_path}"
- for pfile in ../*.{patch,diff}; do
- if [[ -f ${pfile} ]]; then
- echo -e "Applying DXVK patch: ${pfile}\n"
- patch -Np1 < ${pfile}
- fi
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo -e "\e[1mERROR:\e[0m Error occured while applying DXVK patch '${pfile}'. Aborting\n"
- cd ${CURDIR}
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- cd "${CURDIR}"
- fi
- }
- ############################
- addon_custompatches && \
- addon_posixpkgs
- }
- ###########################################################
- # Fetch extra package files
- function fetch_extra_pkg_files() {
- local pkgname
- local pkgdir
- local extra_files_dir
- pkgname=${1}
- pkgdir=${2}
- extra_files_dir=${3}
- cp -r ${extra_files_dir}/ ${pkgdir}/
- }
- ########################################################
- # Instructions to compile and install a deb package
- # on Debian system
- # Global variable to track buildtime dependencies
- z=0
- function compile_and_install_deb() {
- ############################
- # Set local variables
- local _pkg_name="${1}"
- local _pkg_license="${2}"
- local _pkg_giturl="${3}"
- local _pkg_gitbranch="${4}"
- local _git_commithash="${5}"
- local _pkg_gitver="${6}"
- local _pkg_debinstall="${7}"
- local _pkg_debcontrol="${8}"
- local _pkg_debrules="${9}"
- local _pkg_installfile="${10}"
- local _pkg_controlfile="${11}"
- local _pkg_rulesfile="${12}"
- local _pkg_deps_build="${13}"
- local _pkg_deps_runtime="${14}"
- local _pkg_debbuilder="${15}"
- local _pkg_debcompat="${16}"
- local _pkg_compatfile="${17}"
- local extra_files_dir=$(find "../../extra_files/" -type d -iname "${_pkg_name%-git}")
- if [[ -d ${extra_files_dir} ]]; then
- fetch_extra_pkg_files ${_pkg_name} "debian/source" ${extra_files_dir}
- fi
- ############################
- # Separate array indexes correctly
- # We have streamed all array indexes, separated
- # by | symbol. We reconstruct the arrays here.
- function arrayparser_reverse() {
- local arrays
- local s
- local IFS
- local y
- arrays=(
- '_pkg_deps_build'
- '_pkg_deps_runtime'
- )
- for w in ${arrays[@]}; do
- s=\${${w}}
- IFS='|'
- y=0
- for t in $(eval printf '%s\|' ${s}); do
- eval ${w}[$y]=\"${t}\"
- let y++
- done
- unset IFS
- done
- }
- arrayparser_reverse
- ############################
- function pkg_installcheck() {
- return $(echo $(dpkg -s "${1}" &>/dev/null)$?)
- }
- ############################
- echo -e "Starting compilation$(if [[ ! -v NO_INSTALL ]] || [[ ${_pkg_name} =~ ^meson|glslang$ ]]; then printf " & installation"; fi) of ${_pkg_name}\n"
- ############################
- # Check and install package related dependencies if they are missing
- function pkg_dependencies() {
- local _pkg_list
- local _pkg_type
- local _pkg_type_str
- local a
- local b
- local _validlist
- local IFS
- _pkg_list="${1}"
- _pkg_type="${2}"
- IFS=$'\n'
- _pkg_list=$(echo "${_pkg_list}" | sed 's/([^)]*)//g')
- unset IFS
- case ${_pkg_type} in
- buildtime)
- _pkg_type_str="build time"
- ;;
- runtime)
- _pkg_type_str="runtime"
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ ${_pkg_list[0]} == "empty" ]]; then
- return 0
- fi
- # Generate a list of missing dependencies
- a=0
- for p in ${_pkg_list[@]}; do
- if [[ $(pkg_installcheck ${p})$? -eq 0 ]]; then
- _validlist[$a]=${p}
- let a++
- # Global array to track installed build dependencies
- if [[ ${_pkg_type} == "buildtime" ]]; then
- _buildpkglist[$z]="${p}"
- let z++
- fi
- fi
- done
- function pkg_remoteinstall() {
- sudo apt install -y ${1} &> /dev/null
- }
- function pkg_localinstall() {
- wget ${1} -O ${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/"${2}".deb
- sudo dpkg -i --force-all ${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/"${2}".deb
- }
- function pkg_configure() {
- if [[ $(sudo dpkg-reconfigure ${1} | grep "is broken or not fully installed") ]]; then
- if [[ -v ${2} ]]; then
- pkg_localinstall ${2} ${1}
- else
- pkg_remoteinstall ${1}
- fi
- fi
- }
- # Install missing dependencies, be informative
- b=0
- for _pkg_dep in ${_validlist[@]}; do
- echo -e "$(( $b + 1 ))/$(( ${#_validlist[*]} )) - Installing ${_pkg_name} ${_pkg_type_str} dependency ${_pkg_dep}"
- if [[ ${#remotePackagesAlt[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
- for altRemote in ${!remotePackagesAlt[@]}; do
- altRemotepkg=$(echo ${altRemote} | awk -F ',' '{print $1}')
- altRemotever=$(echo ${altRemote} | awk -F ',' '{print $2}')
- if [[ "${_pkg_dep}" == "${altRemotepkg}" ]]; then
- if [[ $(pkg_installcheck ${altRemotepkg})$? -ne 0 ]]; then
- # TODO remove duplicate functionality
- if [[ $(apt-cache show "${altRemotepkg}" | grep -m1 -oP "(?<=^Version: )[0-9|\.]*" | sed 's/\.//g') < ${altRemotever} ]]; then
- pkg_localinstall ${remotePackagesAlt["${altRemote}"]} "${altRemotepkg}"
- pkg_configure "${altRemotepkg}" ${remotePackagesAlt["${altRemote}"]}
- else
- pkg_remoteinstall "${altRemotepkg}"
- pkg_configure "${altRemotepkg}"
- fi
- else
- if [[ $(dpkg -s "${altRemotepkg}" | grep -m1 -oP "(?<=^Version: )[0-9|\.]*" | sed 's/\.//g') < ${altRemotever} ]]; then
- pkg_localinstall ${remotePackagesAlt["${altRemote}"]} "${altRemotepkg}"
- pkg_configure "${altRemotepkg}" ${remotePackagesAlt["${altRemote}"]}
- else
- pkg_remoteinstall "${altRemotepkg}"
- pkg_configure "${altRemotepkg}"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [[ $(pkg_installcheck ${_pkg_dep})$? -ne 0 ]]; then
- pkg_remoteinstall "${_pkg_dep}"
- pkg_configure "${_pkg_dep}"
- fi
- if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
- let b++
- else
- echo -e "\n\e[1mERROR:\e[0m Error occured while installing ${_pkg_dep}. Aborting.\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${_validlist[*]} ]]; then
- # Add empty newline
- echo ""
- fi
- }
- ############################
- # Get git-based version in order to rename the package main folder
- # This is required by deb builder. It retrieves the version number
- # from that folder name
- function pkg_gitversion() {
- if [[ -n "${_pkg_gitver}" ]] && [[ "${_pkg_gitver}" =~ ^git ]]; then
- cd ${_pkg_name}
- git checkout ${_pkg_gitbranch}
- git reset --hard ${_git_commithash}
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo -e "\e[1mERROR:\e[0m Couldn't find commit ${_git_commithash} for ${_pkg_name}. Aborting\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- _pkg_gitver=$(eval "${_pkg_gitver}")
- cd ..
- fi
- }
- ############################
- # Overwrite a file which is given as user input
- # The contents are supplied as input, too.
- function pkg_override_debianfile() {
- local contents
- local targetfile
- contents=${1}
- targetfile=${2}
- if [[ ${contents} != "empty" ]]; then
- echo "${contents}" > "${targetfile}"
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- echo -e "\e[1mERROR:\e[0m Couldn't create Debian file '${targetfile}' for ${_pkg_name}. Aborting\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- }
- ############################
- function pkg_folderprepare() {
- # Remove old build directory, if present
- rm -rf ${_pkg_name}
- # Create a new build directory, access it and download git sources there
- mkdir ${_pkg_name}
- cd ${_pkg_name}
- echo -e "Retrieving source code of ${_pkg_name} from $(printf ${_pkg_giturl} | sed 's/^.*\/\///; s/\/.*//')\n"
- git clone ${_pkg_giturl} ${_pkg_name}
- # If sources could be downloaded, rename the folder properly for deb builder
- # Access the folder after which package specific debianbuild function will be run
- # That function is defined inside package specific install_main function below
- if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
- pkg_gitversion && \
- mv ${_pkg_name} ${_pkg_name}-${_pkg_gitver}
- cd ${_pkg_name}-${_pkg_gitver}
- dh_make --createorig -s -y -c ${_pkg_license} && \
- pkg_override_debianfile "${_pkg_debinstall}" "${_pkg_installfile}"
- pkg_override_debianfile "${_pkg_debcontrol}" "${_pkg_controlfile}"
- pkg_override_debianfile "${_pkg_debrules}" "${_pkg_rulesfile}"
- pkg_override_debianfile "${_pkg_debcompat}" "${_pkg_compatfile}"
- else
- echo -e "\e[1mERROR:\e[0m Error while downloading source of ${_pkg_name} package. Aborting\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- ############################
- function pkg_debianbuild() {
- # Start deb builder
- bash -c "${_pkg_debbuilder}"
- # Once our deb package is compiled, install and store it
- # We do not make installation optional for deps because they may be required by the addon
- if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
- rm -rf ../*.{changes,buildinfo,tar.xz}
- if [[ ! -v NO_INSTALL ]]; then
- sudo dpkg -i ../${_pkg_name}*.deb
- fi
- mv ../${_pkg_name}*.deb ../../../compiled_deb/"${datedir}" && \
- echo -e "Compiled ${_pkg_name} is stored at '$(readlink -f ../../../compiled_deb/"${datedir}")/'\n"
- cd ../..
- rm -rf {${_pkg_name},*.deb}
- else
- buildpkg_removal
- exit 1
- fi
- }
- ############################
- pkg_dependencies "${_pkg_deps_build[*]}" buildtime
- if [[ ${_pkg_deps_runtime[0]} != "empty" ]] && [[ ! -v NO_INSTALL ]]; then
- pkg_dependencies "${_pkg_deps_runtime[*]}" runtime
- fi
- pkg_folderprepare
- # TODO use package name or separate override switch here?
- if [[ "${_pkg_name%-git}" == "dxvk" ]]; then
- addon_install_custom "dxvk_custom_patches"
- elif [[ "${_pkg_name%-git}" == "dxvk-nvapi" ]]; then
- addon_install_custom "dxvk-nvapi_custom_patches"
- elif [[ "${_pkg_name%-git}" == "vkd3d-proton" ]]; then
- addon_install_custom "vkd3d-proton_custom_patches"
- fi
- pkg_debianbuild
- unset _pkg_gitver
- }
- ########################################################
- function buildpkg_removal() {
- _buildpkglist=($(echo ${_buildpkglist[@]} | tr ' ' '\n' |sort -u | tr '\n' ' '))
- for link in ${!tempLinks[@]}; do
- if [[ $(file ${link}) == *"symbolic link"* ]]; then
- sudo rm -f "${link}"
- fi
- done
- # Build time dependencies which were installed but no longer needed
- if [[ -v _buildpkglist ]]; then
- if [[ -v BUILDPKG_RM ]]; then
- sudo apt purge --remove -y ${_buildpkglist[*]}
- # In some cases, glslang or meson may still be present on the system. Remove them
- for _extrapkg in glslang meson; do
- if [[ $(echo $(dpkg -s ${_extrapkg} &>/dev/null)$?) -eq 0 ]]; then
- sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq ${_extrapkg}
- fi
- done
- # Manually obtained deb packages are expected to break system configuration, thus we need to fix it.
- sudo apt --fix-broken -y install
- else
- echo -e "The following build time dependencies were installed and no longer needed:\n\n$(for l in ${_buildpkglist[*]}; do echo -e ${l}; done)\n"
- fi
- fi
- }
- ########################################################
- # Package installation instructions
- function pkg_install_main() {
- local pkg_datafile
- # Read necessary variables from debdata file
- pkg_datafile=${1}
- if [[ -f ${pkg_datafile} ]]; then
- source ${pkg_datafile}
- else
- echo -e "\e[1mERROR:\e[0m Couldn't read datafile '${pkg_datafile}'. Check the file path and try again.\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- ############################
- # Prepare these arrays for 'compile_and_install_deb' input
- # Separate each array index with | in these arrays
- function pkg_arrayparser() {
- local pkg_arrays
- local IFS
- local s
- local t
- pkg_arrays=(
- 'pkg_deps_build'
- 'pkg_deps_runtime'
- )
- local IFS=$'\n'
- for w in ${pkg_arrays[@]}; do
- s=\${${w}[@]}
- t=$(eval printf '%s\|' ${s})
- unset ${w}
- eval ${w}=\"${t}\"
- done
- }
- ############################
- # Execute package installation procedure
- pkg_arrayparser && \
- compile_and_install_deb \
- "${pkg_name}" \
- "${pkg_license}" \
- "${pkg_giturl}" \
- "${pkg_gitbranch}" \
- "${git_commithash}" \
- "${pkg_gitver}" \
- "${pkg_debinstall}" \
- "${pkg_debcontrol}" \
- "${pkg_debrules}" \
- "${pkg_installfile}" \
- "${pkg_controlfile}" \
- "${pkg_rulesfile}" \
- "${pkg_deps_build}" \
- "${pkg_deps_runtime}" \
- "${pkg_debbuilder}" \
- "${pkg_debcompat}" \
- "${pkg_compatfile}"
- }
- ########################################################
- # Check existence of known Wine packages
- runtimeCheck Wine "${known_wines[*]}"
- # Meson - compile (& install)
- pkgcompilecheck pkg_install_main meson "${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/../debdata/meson.debdata"
- # Glslang - compile (& install)
- pkgcompilecheck pkg_install_main glslang "${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/../debdata/glslang.debdata"
- if [[ ! -v NO_DXVK ]]; then
- # DXVK - compile (& install)
- pkg_install_main "${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/../debdata/dxvk.debdata"
- fi
- if [[ ! -v NO_NVAPI ]]; then
- # DXVK NVAPI - compile (& install)
- pkg_install_main "${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/../debdata/dxvk_nvapi.debdata"
- fi
- if [[ ! -v NO_VKD3D ]]; then
- # VKD3D Proton - compile (& install)
- pkg_install_main "${WINE_ADDONS_ROOT}/../debdata/vkd3d_proton.debdata"
- fi
- # Clean buildtime dependencies
- buildpkg_removal