@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ |
From deraadt@do-not-reply.openbsd.org Tue May 2 04:50:00 MDT 2000 |
From deraadt@do-not-reply.openbsd.org Wed Nov 1 15:46:46 MST 2000 |
Return-Path: root |
Date: Tue May 2 04:50:00 MDT 2000 |
Date: Wed Nov 1 15:46:46 MST 2000 |
From: deraadt@do-not-reply.openbsd.org (Theo de Raadt) |
To: root |
Subject: Welcome to OpenBSD 2.7! Secure by Default! |
Subject: Welcome to OpenBSD 2.8! Secure by Default! |
This message attempts to describe the most basic initial questions that a |
system administrator of an OpenBSD box might have. You are urged to save |
@ -18,125 +18,252 @@ man page you are looking for easier. The GNU "info" subsystem is also |
installed with further documentation resources; to read info pages type "info". |
(The info subsystem behaves like the popular emacs editor). |
Again, PLEASE READ THE MANUAL PAGES. Our developers have spent countless |
hours improving them so that they are clear and precise. |
If you have installed the X11 packages during the install process, you can find |
further information regarding configuration in the file /usr/X11R6/README. |
Several popular binary packages (pre-compiled applications) are available |
for most architectures. If you installed from a CD-ROM the packages |
are on the same CD-ROM you installed from in the directory 2.7/packages. |
are on the same CD-ROM you installed from in the directory 2.8/packages. |
CD-ROM Space permitted us to include the following packages for the most common |
architectures: |
CD-ROM Space permitted us to include a subset of the following packages |
for the most common architectures. Please see the FTP sites if you find |
something you need missing. |
ADMfzap-0.1.tgz gsm-1.0.10.tgz png-1.0.3.tgz |
ADMsmb-0.2.tgz gtk+-1.2.7.tgz pngcrush-1.4.1.tgz |
ADMsnmp-0.1.tgz gtkglarea-1.2.2.tgz pop3gwd-1.2.tgz |
CDDB-1.02.tgz guavac-1.2.tgz popa3d-0.4.tgz |
MIME-Base64-2.11.tgz gv-3.5.8.tgz popclient-3.0b6.tgz |
MPEG-MP3Info-0.71.tgz ha-0.999b.tgz poppassd-4.0.tgz |
Mesa-3.0.tgz hackdata.tgz postfix-19991231-pl06.tgz |
PGPlib.tgz hexedit-1.1.0.tgz postgresql-6.5.3.tgz |
XPostitPlus-2.3.tgz hoc-1.1.tgz prc-tools-0.5.0.tgz |
Xaw3d-1.5.tgz hping-2.0b53.tgz procmail-3.14.tgz |
aalib-1.2.tgz html-4.0b.tgz proxy-suite-1.7.tgz |
abuse-2.0.tgz httptunnel-3.0.tgz psutils-1.17-a4.tgz |
ac3dec-0.5.6.tgz icmpinfo-1.11.tgz publicfile-0.52.tgz |
adcomplain-3.49.tgz id-utils-3.2d.tgz qmail-1.03.tgz |
afterstep-1.8.0.tgz idiff-1.0.tgz qmailanalog-0.70.tgz |
apc-upsd.tgz indent-2.2.2.tgz queso-980922.tgz |
arpcatch.tgz info2html-1.1.tgz remind-0.3.tgz |
arpwatch-2.1a4.tgz isic-0.05.tgz rplay-3.3.0.tgz |
asmail-0.50.tgz iso12083-1993.tgz rsync-2.4.1.tgz |
aterm-0.3.6.tgz iso8879-1986.tgz rsynth-2.0.tgz |
aub-2.0.5.tgz ispell-3.1.20.tgz rtty-3.2.tgz |
autoconf-2.13.tgz ja-kterm-6.2.0.tgz rxp-1.1.tgz |
automake-1.4.tgz ja-less-3.32p2.48.tgz rxvt-2.7.2.tgz |
axe-6.1.2.tgz ja-nkf-1.62.tgz samba-2.0.6.tgz |
bash-1.14.7-static.tgz jbigkit-1.1.tgz screen-3.9.5.tgz |
bash-2.04-static.tgz jed-0.99.10.tgz sdd-1.22.tgz |
beav-1.40-13.tgz jive-1.1.tgz serialmail-0.75.tgz |
bibview-2.2.tgz joe-2.8.tgz setquota-0.1.tgz |
bing-1.0.4.tgz john-1.6.tgz sharity-light-1.2.tgz |
bison-1.27.tgz jpeg-6b.tgz sharutils-4.2.tgz |
blackbox- jpilot-0.98.tgz shtool-1.4.7.tgz |
bladeenc-0.92.tgz kaffe-1.0.5.tgz slash-3.2.2-e8-x11.tgz |
blast-1.0.tgz kakasi-2.3.1.tgz slash-3.2.2-e8.tgz |
boehm-gc-4.12.tgz lclint-2.4b.tgz slirp-1.0c.tgz |
bonnie-1.0.tgz lesstif-0.89.9.tgz slrn- |
bounix-1.21.tgz lha-1.14f.tgz smurflog-2.1.tgz |
bricons-3.0.tgz libIDL-0.6.5.tgz snort-1.5.1.tgz |
buffer-1.17.1.tgz libaudiofile-0.1.9.tgz socket-1.1.tgz |
bulk_mailer-1.5.tgz libghttp-1.0.4.tgz sox-12.15.tgz |
bvi-1.2.0.tgz libgii-0.1.tgz splitvt-1.6.3.tgz |
bzip2-0.9.5d.tgz libicq-0.33.tgz squid-2.2.tgz |
c2html-0.9.tgz libident-0.22.tgz star-1.2.tgz |
calc-2.11.1t3.0.tgz libnet-1.0.tgz starlanes-1.2.2.tgz |
catdoc-0.90b4.tgz libnids-1.13.tgz stat-1.3.tgz |
cdrecord-1.6.1.tgz libproplist-0.10.1.tgz strobe-1.06.tgz |
cfs-1.3.3.tgz libslang-1.4.0.tgz stunnel-3.8.tgz |
cgichk-3.0.tgz libtool-1.3.3.tgz swisswatch-0.06.tgz |
cgiparse-0.8e.tgz libxml-1.0.0.tgz tar-1.13.tgz |
checkpassword-0.81.tgz links-0.84.tgz tcl-8.0.5.tgz |
clog-1.6.tgz linux_lib-2.6.1.tgz tcl-8.3.0.tgz |
cops-1.04.tgz linuxdoc-1.1.tgz tcpblast-1.0.tgz |
crack-5.0.tgz logsurfer-1.5.tgz tcpflow-0.12.tgz |
ctm.tgz lupe-0.07.tgz tcpreplay-1.0.1.tgz |
ctwm-3.5.tgz lzo-1.06.tgz tcptrace-5.2.1.tgz |
curl-6.5.2.tgz m4-1.4.tgz tcsh-6.09.00-static.tgz |
daemontools-0.70.tgz magicpoint-1.05a.tgz teTeX_base-1.0.7.tgz |
dante-1.1.1.tgz malsync-1.6.tgz teTeX_texmf-1.0.2.tgz |
deco-3.8.3.tgz mawk-1.3.3.tgz tidy-13jan00.tgz |
dejagnu-1.3.tgz mess822-0.58.tgz tiff-3.5.4.tgz |
delay-1.4.tgz metamail-2.7.tgz tintin-1.5.6.tgz |
detex-2.6.tgz mgdiff-1.0.tgz tircproxy-0.4.3.tgz |
dgpsip-1.32.tgz micq-0.4.5.tgz tk-8.0.5.tgz |
dialog-0.6z.tgz mirror-2.9.tgz tk-8.3.0.tgz |
dot-forward-0.71.tgz mm-1.0.12.tgz tosha-0.6.tgz |
dxpc-3.8.0.tgz movemail-1.0.tgz tracker-5.3.tgz |
electricfence-2.0.5.tgz mp3cddb.tgz trafshow-3.1.tgz |
emacs-20.3-no_x11.tgz mp3encode-1.10.tgz transfig-3.2.3.tgz |
emacs-20.3.tgz mp3info-0.2.16.tgz tvtwm-pl11.tgz |
enscript-1.6.1.tgz mpage-2.5-a4.tgz ucspi-tcp-0.88.tgz |
epic4-pre2.507.tgz mpage-2.5-legal.tgz unace-1.2b.tgz |
es-0.9a1.tgz mpage-2.5-us-letter.tgz unzip-5.40.tgz |
esound-0.2.16.tgz mpeg_lib-1.3.1.tgz usbutil-0.4.tgz |
ethereal-0.8.7.tgz mpeg_play-2.4.tgz viewfax-2.3.tgz |
expect-5.31.tgz mpegaudio-3.9.tgz viz-1.1.1.tgz |
ezmlm-0.53.tgz mpg123-0.59r.tgz vrfy-99.05.22.tgz |
fastforward-0.51.tgz mrtg-2.8.12.tgz waveplay-1.0.tgz |
fetchmail-5.3.8.tgz mtr-0.41.tgz wdiff-0.5.tgz |
figlet-2.2.tgz mutt-1.0.1i-curses.tgz weblint-1.020.tgz |
firewalk-0.8.tgz mysql-3.22.32.tgz webmin-0.79.tgz |
fltk-1.0.7.tgz nbaudit-1.0.tgz wget-1.5.3.tgz |
flwm-0.25.tgz ncftp-2.4.3.tgz wide-dhcp- |
fping-1.20.tgz nedit-5.0.2.tgz windowmaker-0.62.1.tgz |
fragrouter-1.6.tgz nemesis-1.0.tgz wmx-6pre1.tgz |
freeciv-1.10.0.tgz nessus-0.98.3.tgz wterm-6.2.6.tgz |
freefonts-0.10.tgz netatalk-990130.tgz xcoloredit-1.2.tgz |
freetype-1.3.tgz nethack-3.3.0-x11.tgz xcolors-1.3.tgz |
freeze-2.5.tgz nethack-3.3.0.tgz xemacs-20.4-mule.tgz |
fxtv-0.48.tgz netpipe-2.3.tgz xfig-3.2.3a.tgz |
gd-1.8.1.tgz netpipes-4.1.1-export.tgz xfm-1.3.2.tgz |
gdbm-1.8.0.tgz netris-0.5.tgz xforms-0.88.tgz |
getbdf-1.0.tgz newsfetch-1.21.tgz xkobo-1.11-harder.tgz |
gettext-0.10.35.tgz nmap-2.3b18.tgz xkobo-1.11.tgz |
ghostscript-5.50.tgz nmapfe-0.9.5.tgz xmahjongg-3.3.tgz |
ghostview-1.5.tgz nmh-1.0.4.tgz xmysql-1.9.tgz |
gicq-0.33.tgz nsping-0.8.tgz xmysqladmin-1.0.tgz |
gif2png-2.3.2.tgz nspmod-0.1.tgz xntp3-5.93e-export.tgz |
giflib-4.1.0.tgz ntop-1.1.tgz xpat2-1.04.tgz |
gifsicle-1.17.tgz nvi-m17n-1.79.19991117.tgz xpdf-0.90.tgz |
gimp-1.1.17.tgz otcl-1.0a4.tgz xspread-2.1.tgz |
glib-1.2.7.tgz par-1.51.tgz ytalk-3.1.1.tgz |
gmake-3.78.1.tgz pchar-1.1.1.tgz zap-1.1.tgz |
gnuls-4.0.tgz php3-3.0.16.tgz zoo-2.10.1.tgz |
gnupg-1.0.1.tgz pilot-link-0.9.3.tgz zsh-3.0.7-static.tgz |
gperf-2.7.19981006.tgz pilot_makedoc-0.7.tgz zsh-3.1.6-static.tgz |
gracula-3.0.tgz pkfonts300-1.0.tgz |
gsl-0.3b.tgz plor-0.3.2.tgz |
9menu-1.5.tgz 9wm-1.1.tgz ADMfzap-0.1.tgz |
ADMsmb-0.2.tgz ADMsnmp-0.1.tgz Business-CreditCard-0.21.tgz |
LPRng-3.6.12.tgz Mesa-3.2.1.tgz PGPlib.tgz |
STk-3.1.1.tgz Tktable-2.6.tgz Wnn-data-4.2.tgz |
Wnn-xwnmo-4.2.tgz XPostitPlus-2.3.tgz Xaw3d-1.5.tgz |
aalib-1.2-no_x11.tgz aalib-1.2.tgz abiword-0.7.10.tgz |
abook-0.4.10.tgz abuse-2.0.tgz ac3dec-0.5.6.tgz |
adcomplain-3.52.tgz afterstep-1.8.0.tgz amanda-2.4.1p1.tgz |
amaya-3.2.1.tgz amaya-english-dict.tgz amaya-french-dict.tgz |
an-0.93.tgz analog-4.11.tgz antiword-0.30.tgz |
apc-upsd.tgz arpcatch.tgz arping-0.94.tgz |
arpwatch-2.1a4.tgz asclock-1.0-breton.tgz asclock-1.0-czech.tgz |
asclock-1.0-dutch.tgz asclock-1.0-english.tgz asclock-1.0-french.tgz |
asclock-1.0-german.tgz asclock-1.0-hungarian.tgz asclock-1.0-italian.tgz |
asclock-1.0-norwegian.tgz asclock-1.0-portuguese.tgz asclock-1.0-spanish.tgz |
asclock-1.0-swedish.tgz smail-0.56.tgz aterm-0.4.0.tgz |
aub-2.0.5.tgz aumix-2.7.tgz autoconf-2.13.tgz |
automake-1.4.tgz axe-6.1.2.tgz base64-1.0.tgz |
bash-2.04.tgz bclock-1.0.tgz beav-1.40-13.tgz |
bfbtester-1.0.tgz bibview-2.2.tgz bind-9.0.0.tgz |
bing-1.0.4.tgz bison-1.27.tgz bitchx-1.0c17.tgz |
bk2site-1.1.5.tgz blackbox-0.61.0.tgz blast-1.0.tgz |
bluefish-0.4.tgz bnetd-0.4.19.tgz bochs-2000_0325a-debugger.tgz |
bochs-2000_0325a.tgz boehm-gc-4.12.tgz bonnie-1.0.tgz |
bounix-1.21.tgz bricons-3.0.tgz buffer-1.17.1.tgz |
bulk_mailer-1.13.tgz bvi-1.2.0.tgz bzip2-1.0.1.tgz |
c2html-0.9.2.tgz calc-2.11.1t3.0.tgz catdoc-0.90b4.tgz |
cdparanoia-3.a9.7.tgz cdrdao-1.1.3.tgz cdrecord-1.9.tgz |
cfengine-1.4.12.tgz cfs-1.3.3.tgz cgichk-3.6.tgz |
cgiparse-0.8e.tgz cgoban-1.9.10.tgz checkpassword-0.81.tgz |
cidr-2.3.tgz clog-1.6.tgz common-1.0.6.tgz |
connect4-3.2.tgz conserver-5.21.tgz cook-2.15.tgz |
cops-1.04.tgz courier-imap-1.1.tgz ctm.tgz |
ctwm-3.5.2.tgz curl-7.3-kerberos.tgz curl-7.3.tgz |
cvs2cl-2.29.tgz cvsup-bin-16.1-no_x11.tgz cvsweb- |
cyrproxy-1.4.2.tgz cyrus-sasl-1.5.24.tgz d1489-1.4.tgz |
daemontools-0.70.tgz dante-1.1.2.tgz db-3.1.17-java.tgz |
db-3.1.17.tgz ddd-3.2.1.tgz deco-3.8.3.tgz |
decss-0.0.6.tgz dejagnu-1.3.tgz dejagnu-19990614.tgz |
delay-1.4.tgz detex-2.6.tgz dgpsip-1.32.tgz |
dia-0.86.tgz dialog-0.6z.tgz djbdns-1.01.tgz |
docbook-4.1.tgz docbook-modular-1.57.tgz dopewars-1.4.8.tgz |
dot-forward-0.71.tgz dsniff-2.2.tgz dxpc-3.8.0.tgz |
efax-0.9.tgz electricfence-2.0.5.tgz elm-2.4ME+66.tgz |
elvis-2.1.4-no_x11.tgz elvis-2.1.4.tgz emacs-20.7-no_x11.tgz |
emacs-20.7.tgz emiclock-2.0.2.tgz enlightenment-0.16.5.tgz |
enscript-1.6.1.tgz epic4-0.9.9.tgz es-0.9b1.tgz |
esound-0.2.20.tgz eterm-0.8.10.tgz ethereal-0.8.12.tgz |
exim-3.16.tgz expat-1.1.tgz expect-5.32.1.tgz |
ezmlm-0.53.tgz fastforward-0.51.tgz fastjar-0.90.tgz |
fetchmail-5.5.3-kerberos.tgz fetchmail-5.5.3.tgz figlet-2.2.tgz |
firewalk-0.8.tgz fltk-1.0.9.tgz flwm-0.25.tgz |
fnlib-0.5.tgz fping-1.20.tgz fragrouter-1.6.tgz |
freebsd_lib-2.2.8.tgz freeciv-1.11.4-gtk.tgz freefonts-0.10.tgz |
freetype-1.3.tgz freeze-2.5.tgz frodo-4.1a.tgz |
fsv-0.9.tgz fvwm95-2.0.43a.tgz gAcc-0.7.2.tgz |
gd-1.8.3-no_x11.tgz gd-1.8.3.tgz gdbm-1.8.0.tgz |
gettext-0.10.35.tgz ghostscript-5.50.tgz ghostview-1.5.tgz |
gif2png-2.3.3.tgz giflib-4.1.0.tgz gifsicle-1.21.tgz |
gimp-1.1.27.tgz glib-1.2.8.tgz gmake-3.79.1.tgz |
gnuchess-4.0.80.tgz gnugo-2.6.tgz gnuls-4.0.tgz |
gnupg-1.0.4.tgz gnushogi-1.2.3.tgz gofer-2.30a.tgz |
gperf-2.7.2.tgz gqmpeg-0.6.3.tgz gqview-0.8.2.tgz |
gracula-3.0.tgz gsl-0.6.tgz gsm-1.0.10.tgz |
gtar-1.13.17.tgz gtk+-1.2.8.tgz gtkglarea-1.2.2.tgz |
gtkmm-1.2.1.tgz guavac-1.2.tgz guile-1.4.tgz |
gv-3.5.8.tgz ha-0.999b.tgz hackdata.tgz |
hevea-1.05.tgz hexedit-1.1.0.tgz hoc-1.1.tgz |
hping-2.0b54.tgz html-4.0b.tgz http_load-17sep00.tgz |
httptunnel-3.0.3.tgz hypermail-2b30.tgz icb-5.0.9.tgz |
icecast-1.3.7.tgz icmpinfo-1.11.tgz icon_interp-9.3.2.tgz |
icon_lib-9.3.3.tgz id-utils-3.2d.tgz idiff-1.0.tgz |
imlib- indent-2.2.5.tgz info2html-1.1.tgz |
iozone-3.24.tgz ipfm-0.10.4.tgz irc-2.10.1.tgz |
ircii-4.4Z.tgz isearch-1.14.tgz ish-1.11.tgz |
isic-0.05.tgz iso12083-1993.tgz iso8879-1986.tgz |
ispell-3.1.20.tgz ispell-french-3.1.20.tgz ispell-german-3.1.20.tgz |
ja-Wnn-4.2.tgz ja-Wnndict-4.2.tgz ja-eterm-0.8.10.tgz |
ja-fonts-gnu-1.2.tgz ja-groff-1.10_0.99.tgz ja-jvim-2.0r-wnn.tgz |
ja-jvim-2.0r.tgz ja-kinput2-3.0-wnn.tgz ja-kterm-6.2.0-xaw3d.tgz |
ja-kterm-6.2.0.tgz ja-less-3.32p2.48.tgz ja-nkf-1.62.tgz |
ja-onew-wnn4-2.2.10.tgz ja-w3m-0.1.10.tgz jadetex-2.20.tgz |
jbigkit-1.2.tgz jed-0.99.11-no_x11.tgz jed-0.99.11.tgz |
jftpgw-0.0.11.tgz jive-1.1.tgz joe-2.8.tgz |
john-1.6.tgz jpeg-6b.tgz jpilot-0.98.1.tgz |
kaffe-1.0.5.tgz kakasi-2.3.1.tgz kanjips.tgz |
ko-Wnn-4.2.tgz ko-Wnndict-4.2.tgz l0phtcrack-2.52.tgz |
larswm-7.0.8.tgz lclint-2.5q.tgz leafnode-1.9.17.tgz |
lesstif-0.91.8.tgz lftp-2.3.3.tgz lha-1.14f.tgz |
libart-2.3.3.tgz libaudiofile-0.1.10.tgz libghttp-1.0.7.tgz |
libident-0.22.tgz libnet-1.0.1b.tgz libnids-1.14.tgz |
libproplist-0.10.1.tgz librep-0.12.4.tgz libsigc++-1.0.1.tgz |
libslang-1.4.2.tgz libtool-1.3.5.tgz libxml-2.2.4.tgz |
links-0.92.tgz linleech-2.2.1.tgz linux_lib-2.6.1.tgz |
linuxdoc-1.1.tgz lmbench-1.1.tgz logsurfer-1.5.tgz |
lopster-0.9.4.tgz lsof-4.51.1.tgz lua-3.2.tgz |
lupe-0.07.tgz lzo-1.06.tgz lzop-1.00.tgz |
m4-1.4.tgz magicpoint-1.07a.tgz maildrop-1.2.tgz |
malsync-1.6.tgz mawk-1.3.3.tgz mess822-0.58.tgz |
metamail-2.7.tgz mgdiff-1.0.tgz mhash-0.8.2.tgz |
mhonarc-2.4.6.tgz micq-0.4.5.tgz mirror-2.9.tgz |
mkhybrid-1.12b5.1.tgz mm-1.1.3.tgz mod_perl-1.24.tgz |
most-4.9.0.tgz mouseclock-1.0.tgz movemail-1.0.tgz |
mp3cddb.tgz mp3info-0.2.16.tgz mtools- |
mpage-2.5-a4.tgz mpage-2.5-legal.tgz mpage-2.5-us_letter.tgz |
mpeg_lib-1.3.1.tgz mpeg_play-2.4.tgz mrtg-2.8.12.tgz |
mpg123-0.59r.tgz mrtd-1.6.0a.tgz mutt-1.2.5i-slang-imap-pop.tgz |
mpack-1.5.tgz mtr-0.42.tgz mutt-1.2.5i-curses.tgz |
mpegaudio-3.9.tgz mysql-3.22.32-pth.tgz mutt-1.2.5i-slang.tgz |
mysql-3.22.32.tgz nam-1.0a8.tgz nano-0.9.19.tgz |
nasm-0.98.tgz nbaudit-1.0.tgz ncftp-3.0.1.tgz |
nedit-5.1.1.tgz nemesis-1.1.tgz nessus-1.0.5.tgz |
netatalk-990130.tgz nethack-3.3.0-x11.tgz nethack-3.3.0.tgz |
netpipe-2.4.tgz netpipes-4.1.1-export.tgz netris-0.5.tgz |
newsfetch-1.21.tgz nmap-2.54b6.tgz nmapfe-0.9.5.tgz |
nmh-1.0.4.tgz nsping-0.8.tgz nspmod-0.1.tgz |
nte-1.7.0.tgz ntop-1.1.tgz nvi-m17n-1.79.19991117.tgz |
ocaml-3.00.tgz olvwm-4.2.tgz openjade-1.3.tgz |
openldap-2.0.6.tgz opennap-0.36.tgz otcl-1.0a5.tgz |
p5-Apache-DBI-0.87.tgz p5-AsciiDB-TagFile-1.05.tgz p5-CDDB-1.03.tgz |
p5-Compress-LZO-1.00.tgz p5-Compress-Zlib-1.08.tgz p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.17.tgz |
p5-DBD-Pg-0.95.tgz p5-DBI-1.14.tgz p5-Date-Calc-4.3.tgz |
p5-DateManip-5.39.tgz p5-Digest-MD5-2.12.tgz p5-File-Tail-0.97.tgz |
p5-FreezeThaw-0.3.tgz p5-GD-1.30-no_x11.tgz p5-GD-1.30.tgz |
p5-GD-Graph-1.33.tgz p5-GD-Graph3d-0.54.tgz p5-GD-TextUtil-0.80.tgz |
p5-HTML-Base-0.6.tgz p5-HTML-Parser-3.13.tgz p5-HTML-Tagset-3.02.tgz |
p5-MIME-Base64-2.11.tgz p5-MP3-Info-0.80.tgz p5-Mail-POP3Client-2.6.tgz |
p5-Mail-Tools-1.1401.tgz p5-Time-HiRes-1.20.tgz p5-Time-TimeDate-1.10.tgz |
p5-URI-1.09.tgz p5-libnet-1.0703.tgz p5-libwww-5.48.tgz |
par-1.51.tgz pccts-1.33r22.tgz pchar-1.2.tgz |
pcre-3.2.tgz pdmenu-1.2.61.tgz php3-3.0.16-mysql.tgz |
php3-3.0.16-postgresql.tgz php3-3.0.16.tgz php4-4.0.3pl1-mysql.tgz |
php4-4.0.3pl1-postgresql.tgz php4-4.0.3pl1.tgz piewm-1.0.tgz |
pilot-link-0.9.3.tgz pilot_makedoc-0.7.tgz plor-0.3.2.tgz |
png-1.0.8.tgz pngcrush-1.5.1.tgz pop3gwd-1.2.tgz |
popa3d-0.4-apop.tgz popa3d-0.4.tgz popclient-3.0b6.tgz |
poppassd-4.0.tgz popt-1.5.tgz postfix-19991231-pl09.tgz |
postgresql-7.0.2-tcl.tgz postgresql-7.0.2.tgz postgresql-docs-7.0.2.tgz |
ppgen-1.0.tgz prc-tools-0.5.0.tgz procmail-3.15.tgz |
proxy-suite-1.7.tgz psutils-1.17-a4.tgz pth-1.3.7.tgz |
publicfile-0.52.tgz python-1.6-tk-threads.tgz python-1.6.tgz |
qhacc-0.6.1a.tgz qlwm-1.7.tgz qmail-1.03.tgz |
qmailanalog-0.70.tgz qt2-2.1-gl.tgz qt2-2.1.tgz |
queso-980922.tgz qvwm-1.1.8-imlib.tgz qvwm-1.1.8-esound-imlib.tgz |
qvwm-1.1.8.tgz radiusd-cistron-1.6.4.tgz radiusd-lucent-2.1.tgz |
radiusreport-0.3b6.tgz rat-3.0.tgz rc-1.6-editline.tgz |
rc-1.6-readline.tgz rc-1.6.tgz rclock-2.6.1.tgz |
recode-3.5.tgz relate.tgz remind-3.0.22.tgz |
rio500-0.7.tgz root-tail-0.0.6.tgz rplay-3.3.0.tgz |
rpm-3.0.4.tgz rpm2cpio-1.0.tgz rrdtool-1.0.25-tcl.tgz |
rrdtool-1.0.25.tgz rsync-2.4.6.tgz rsynth-2.0.tgz |
rtptools-1.9.tgz rtty-3.2.tgz ruby-1.4.6.tgz |
rxp-1.2.tgz rxvt-2.7.3.tgz sablotron-0.44.tgz |
sam-4.3-19980506.tgz samba-2.0.7.tgz scanlogd-2.1.tgz |
screen-3.9.8.tgz sdd-1.22.tgz sdr-2.7e.tgz |
serialmail-0.75.tgz setquota-0.1.tgz seyon-2.14b.tgz |
sftp-0.8.1.tgz sgmlformat-1.7.tgz sharity-light-1.2.tgz |
sharutils-4.2.1.tgz shash-0.2.3-static.tgz shash-0.2.3.tgz |
shtool-1.5.1.tgz slash-3.2.2-e8-x11.tgz slash-3.2.2-e8.tgz |
slirp-1.0c.tgz slrn- smurflog-2.1.tgz |
snort-1.6.3.tgz socket-1.1.tgz solid-pop3d-0.15-apop.tgz |
solid-pop3d-0.15.tgz sox-12.17.tgz sp-1.2.1.tgz |
spider-1.1.tgz splitvt-1.6.3.tgz squid-2.3.tgz |
star-1.2.tgz starlanes-1.2.2.tgz stat-1.3.tgz |
strobe-1.06.tgz stunnel-3.8.tgz surfraw-1.0.2.tgz |
swatch-3.0.1.tgz swig-1.3a5.tgz swisswatch-0.06.tgz |
t1lib-1.0.1.tgz tcl-8.0.5.tgz tcl-8.3.2.tgz |
tclcl-1.0b9.tgz tcpblast-1.0.tgz tcpflow-0.12.tgz |
tcplist-2.2.tgz tcpreplay-1.0.1.tgz tcptrace-5.2.1.tgz |
tcs-19950325.tgz tcsh-6.09.03.tgz teTeX_base-1.0.7.tgz |
teTeX_texmf-1.0.2.tgz teknap-1.0.tgz texi2html-1.52.tgz |
thttpd-2.20.tgz tidy-4aug00.tgz tiff-3.5.5.tgz |
tiff2png-0.81.tgz tintin-1.5.6.tgz tinyfugue-4.0s1.tgz |
tircproxy-0.4.5.tgz tk-8.0.5.tgz tk-8.3.2.tgz |
tkcron-2.12.tgz tkcvs-6.0.tgz tkinfo-2.5.tgz |
tkrat-2.0b9.tgz totd-1.1p4.tgz tracker-5.3.tgz |
trafd-3.0.1.tgz trafshow-3.1.tgz transfig-3.2.3c.tgz |
transproxy-1.3.tgz tvtwm-pl11.tgz ucd-snmp-4.1.2.tgz |
ucspi-tcp-0.88.tgz ucspi-unix-0.34.tgz unace-1.2b.tgz |
unzip-5.41.tgz urlview-0.9.tgz usbutil-0.4.tgz |
vat-4.0b2.tgz vic-2.8ucl4.tgz viewfax-2.3.tgz |
vim-5.7-no_x11.tgz viz-1.1.1.tgz vnc-3.3.2r3.tgz |
vrfy-99.05.22.tgz vtun-2.3.tgz w3m-0.1.10.tgz |
w9wm-0.1.tgz waveplay-1.0.tgz wb-1.59.tgz |
wbd-1.0ucl4.tgz wdiff-0.5.tgz webalizer-2.01.05.tgz |
weblint-1.020.tgz wget-1.5.3.tgz wget-msgs-1.5.3-ru.tgz |
whisker-1.4.tgz whowatch-1.4.tgz wily-0.13.41.tgz |
windowmaker-0.62.1.tgz wmbiff-0.2.tgz wmx-6pre6.tgz |
workman-1.3a.tgz wterm-6.2.6.tgz wwwcount-2.5.tgz |
wwwoffle-2.5e.tgz x2vnc-1.0.tgz x2x-1.27.tgz |
x48-0.4.0.tgz xaniroc-1.02.tgz xantfarm-1.16.tgz |
xarchie-2.0.10.tgz xasteroids-5.0.tgz xbatt-1.2.1.tgz |
xbill-2.0.tgz xbl-1.0j.tgz xblast-2.6b.tgz |
xbmbrowser-5.1.tgz xboard-4.0.7.tgz xboing-2.4.tgz |
xbreaky-0.0.4.tgz xcb-2.3.tgz xcd-1.6.tgz |
xcdplayer-2.2.tgz xcept-2.1.2.tgz xchat-1.4.3.tgz |
xchomp-pl1.tgz xco-1.3.tgz xcoloredit-1.2.tgz |
xcolors-1.3.tgz xcopilot-0.6.6.tgz xcubes-5.5.2.tgz |
xcyrillic-2.0.tgz xd-8087.tgz xdaliclock-2.11.tgz |
xdeblock-1.0.tgz xdelta-1.1.1.tgz xdino-5.5.2.tgz |
xdtm-2.5.8.tgz xdu-3.0.tgz xemacs-21.1.12-mule.tgz |
xephem-3.2.3.tgz xevil-1.5.tgz xfce-3.4.4.tgz |
xfed-1.0.tgz xfedor-1.0.tgz xfig-3.2.3a.tgz |
xfm-1.4.2.tgz xforms-0.88.tgz xfstt-1.1.tgz |
xgas-1.0.tgz xglobe-0.5p1-qt2.tgz xgolgo-1.0.tgz |
xgrab-2.41.tgz xjewel-1.6.tgz xjig-2.4.tgz |
xkeycaps-2.46.tgz xkobo-1.11-harder.tgz xkobo-1.11.tgz |
xlbiff-3.0.tgz xless-1.7.tgz xlife-3.0.tgz |
xloadimage-4.1.tgz xlogout-1.1.tgz xmahjongg-3.3.tgz |
xmake-1.01.tgz xmbdfed-4.4.tgz xmine-1.0.3.tgz |
xmix-2.1.tgz xmj-1.0.tgz xmmix-1.2.tgz |
xmold-1.0.tgz xmysql-1.9.tgz xmysqladmin-1.0.tgz |
xneko-4.4.tgz xntp3-5.93e.tgz xonix-1.4.tgz |
xosview-1.7.4.tgz xpaint-2.5.7.tgz xpat2-1.04.tgz |
xpdf-0.91.tgz xpostit-3.3.1.tgz xprompt-1.4.tgz |
xroach-4.4.tgz xruskb-1.13.0-motif.tgz xruskb-1.13.0.tgz |
xskat-3.3.tgz xsol-2.1.1.tgz xsoldier-0.96.tgz |
xspread-3.1.1c.tgz xtacy-1.14.tgz xtar-1.4.tgz |
xtattr-1.0.tgz xterm-146.tgz xtestpicture-1.1.tgz |
xtimer-0.8089.tgz xtoolwait-1.1.tgz xtraceroute-0.8.14.tgz |
xview-clients-3.2.1.tgz xview-config-3.2.1.tgz xview-lib-3.2.1.tgz |
xwpe-1.5.22a.tgz xzoom-0.3.tgz yafc-0.6.2.tgz |
ytalk-3.1.1.tgz zap-1.1.tgz zebra-0.89.tgz |
zh-Wnn-4.2.tgz zh-Wnndict-4.2.tgz zh-c2t-1.0.tgz |
zh-cless-290.tgz zh-crxvt-2.10-2.tgz zh-xcin-2.3.04.tgz |
zip-2.3.tgz zoo-2.10.1.tgz zsh-3.0.8.tgz |
These and many other packages are also available via ftp at |
ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/2.7/packages/ |
ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/2.7/packages/ |
If you do not find a package you want on the CD, please go look at your |
nearest FTP mirror site. |
@ -147,56 +274,11 @@ to install the emacs package for i386, execute |
or alternatively install them via FTP thus |
# pkg_add -v ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/2.7/packages/i386/emacs-20.3.tgz |
Other important packages which are not permitted on the CD (due to patents) are |
available on our FTP servers (as described above). In particular, we provide |
the USA and international versions of PGP. The filenames are: |
pgp-intl-2.6.3-tgz |
pgp-usa-2.6.3-tgz |
Two OpenBSD libraries (libssl and libcrypto, based on OpenSSL) implement many |
cryptographic functions which are used by OpenBSD programs like ssh, httpd, and |
isakmpd. Due to patent licensing reasons, full versions of those libraries may |
not be included on the CD -- instead the base distribution contains libraries |
which have had a few troublesome routines removed -- the programs listed above |
will not be fully functional as a result. Libraries which _include_ the |
troublesome routines are available and can be FTP installed, as long as you meet |
the follow (legal) criteria: |
(1) Outside the USA, no restrictions apply. Use ssl27.tgz. |
(2) Inside the USA, non-commercial entities may install sslUSA27.tgz. |
(3) Commercial entities in the USA are left in the cold, due to how the |
licences work. (This is how the USA crypto export policy feels to the |
rest of the world.) |
If you did not install the ssl package yet, it is easily installed at any time |
(see the afterboot(8) and ssl(8) manual pages). |
You are STRONGLY urged to use ssh instead of telnet, rlogin, or rsh! |
ssh is included in OpenBSD systems which have shared libraries (i386, sparc, |
mips, m68k), and relies on the ssl27.tgz package, which contains the |
patented RSA code. This package is available on all our FTP servers, but NOT |
included on the CD. During the system install, this package was probably |
already installed (use pkg_info(1) to see if ssl27 or sslUSA27 are installed). |
As of OpenBSD 2.7, the provided ssh implementation (ie. OpenSSH) contains |
support for ssh 2.0 protocol. This protocol uses the freely-useable DSA |
public key algorithm for key exchange instead of the patented RSA algorithm. |
Full DSA support is included in OpenBSD, and the server is started by default. |
ssh will therefore work fine as long as you connect to/from a server/client |
which also supports the 2.0 protocol. |
The RSA patent expires on September 21, 2000. After this date, you may use |
either of the previously mentioned ssl27 packages in any environment, |
commercial or otherwise. After that date, we recommend that you use the |
ssl27 package instead of the sslUSA27, not because there is any real outward |
difference between them, but we feel more comfortable with the quality of the |
non-USA code. |
On non-shared library systems (powerpc, m88k, alpha) you could install one |
of the ssh packages provided on the FTP sites: |
ssh-intl-1.2.27.tgz |
ssh-usa-1.2.27.tgz |
or you may see if the developer for that architecture has compiled a static |
version of OpenSSH. |
You are STRONGLY urged to use ssh instead of telnet, rlogin, or rsh! ssh is |
included in all OpenBSD systems. The implimentation is OpenSSH, which we we |
are the developers of. Version 2.3.0 is included, and has support for both |
SSH1 and SSH2 protocols. For more information, see |
http://www.OpenSSH.com |
Significant efforts were made to centralize all system configuration in the |
/etc directory. You should be able to find each of the configuration files |