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update to more recent times: we don't have a 1024 limit anymore, grub

boots OpenBSD, linux-2.0.36 is dead, and I no longer do linux installs.
Try to give simpler instructions.
Some input by Tim Kornau.
espie 20 years ago
1 changed files with 46 additions and 85 deletions
  1. +46

+ 46
- 85
src/etc/etc.i386/INSTALL.linux View File

@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
$OpenBSD: INSTALL.linux,v 1.11 2002/06/09 06:15:14 todd Exp $
$OpenBSD: INSTALL.linux,v 1.12 2004/08/18 08:57:33 espie Exp $
Linux + OpenBSD: it's possible
by Marc Espie --
by Marc Espie --
recent information by Tim Kornau --
It is perfectly possible to have Linux and OpenBSD on the same disk.
As of this writing (OpenBSD 2.5 & linux 2.2.3), both can read and write
other partitions, though Linux's support of BSD filesystems is still
experimental. Please note that 2.0 linux kernels, and most 2.1 kernels
don't know how to handle OpenBSD partitions (other BSD partitions are type
A5 and differ significantly from OpenBSD partitions--type A6).
Both can read and write other partitions.
You can even install OpenBSD from an ext2fs partition (choose install from
disk... ext2fs does not appear in the choices, but `default' it is).
If you are starting from scratch, it is better to install Linux first.
Since you are going to use several OSes, you need a way to multi-boot, and
Linux's lilo fits the bill fine.
Since you are going to use several OSes, you need a way to multi-boot.
If you keep Windows NT (or XP) on the disk, its multi-booter can deal
with OpenBSD (see the FAQ). Otherwise Linux's lilo fits the bill fine.
Recent versions of GRUB can also multiboot OpenBSD.
IMPORTANT: don't forget about lilo. You can't uninstall linux from this
disk without *first* restoring the MBR to an un-liloed state and making
*dead* sure OpenBSD boots as a default.
IMPORTANT: don't forget about lilo. If you use lilo, you can't uninstall
linux from this disk without *first* restoring the MBR to an
un-liloed state and making *dead* sure OpenBSD boots as a default.
If you want to grab space from a Windows/DOS partition, use fips.
If you want to grab space from an older Windows/DOS partition, use fips.
Fips20 knows all about FAT32, so windows 95 is no longer a problem.
Or use the commercial offering Partition Magic.
Other sources of information, especially concerning other BSD systems,
must be taken with a healthy dose of skepticism. OpenBSD definitely
@ -84,30 +84,6 @@ They know more about its internal workings than you do. So use linux fdisk
for linux partitions, don't let it touch the OpenBSD disklabel, and
DOS and BIOS and all the problems of the world
Due to historical accident, your machine resident `Operating System',
also known as the BIOS, can only access hard-disks up to cylinder 1024.
Various lying tricks are used, so that your whole disk is usually
accessible to the BIOS, except for very large disks (>8Gb).
fdisk is usually going to give you reliable information: anything that is
before cylinder 1024 can be accessed through the BIOS.
When you first boot up OpenBSD, the kernel will detect your hardware,
and give you a message such as
wd0 at wdc0 drive 0: <TOSHIBA MK4006MAV>
wd0: 3909MB, 7944 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sec, 8007552 sec total
wd0: using 16-sector 16-bit pio transfers, lba addressing
don't panic. This is just the real disk geometry. Trust fdisk on this one.
If fdisk shows you more than 1024 cylinders, you will have to cram OpenBSD
into that. Actually, it's enough that the disklabel partition used for
booting fits within the first 1024 cylinders (a:), so if you can get your
OpenBSD partition to start within 1024 cylinders, just get a small enough
a:, and you're in the clear. (You can get by with a: a bit under 20Mb,
BTW, just enough for /bin /sbin, a kernel and /etc).
Mapping your disk
Starting from Linux, get a grasp of your partitions. Use df to check which
@ -128,8 +104,6 @@ The + at the end of the DOS line is because linux fdisk is brain-damaged
and wants to write output in 1024-sized chunks, so this stands for
`850720 blocks and a half'
Older flavors of linux fdisk won't recognize a6 as OpenBSD.
As you can see, my linux setup is very small. I have enough to check how
things such as gcc work on linux, but my machine is definitely an
OpenBSD developer's box.
@ -203,20 +177,6 @@ hwclock --systohc --utc.
Normally, this is one of the choices that the Linux installation program
lets you do: set your hardware clock to GMT.
The Linux partition table and OpenBSD
There used to be a problem with Linux's rc: it always mounts all file systems
even in single-user mode. The 2.2 kernels fix that in a handy way: the
partition recorded in the MBR is scanned for a disklabel, and marked with
a ! if one is found. Then, the rest of the disk is scanned, before
coming back to the disklabel itself. That way, changes to the
OpenBSD disklabel won't affect the setup of the rest of the disk.
Anyhow, you may want to check that you can still boot from a Linux kernel
which doesn't know about disklabels. The long term solution is to fix your
inittab and rc scripts to make deadly sure that single-user boot will work
-- preferably by moving disk mounts to multi-user.
The OpenBSD installation
If you've got the space, you can install from your ext2fs partitions. This
@ -347,8 +307,33 @@ Once the disklabel is written to disk, the installation proceeds as usual.
ext2fs partitions are perfectly usable from OpenBSD.
Booting with GRUB
Here is a sample configuration for a linux 2.4, linux 2.6, OpenBSD 3.6,
timeout 30
default 0
fallback 1
title OpenBSD
rootnoverify (hd0,3)
chainloader +1
title WinOS
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part3 ro
Booting with lilo
First time I booted my system back, I did not get into OpenBSD as expected...
I plain forgot I had installed lilo in the master boot block, and lilo
does not heed the active partition flag. The fix was rather simple: from
@ -367,25 +352,16 @@ image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.3
More details: I've kept the original redhat installation as
vmlinuz-2.0.36 because I'm paranoid, but the real setup uses only
bsd, linux, and dos.
Rerun lilo (DON'T FORGET THAT STEP), and voila, OpenBSD is able to boot!
Linux and OpenBSD partitions
The 2.2 kernel does incorporate my patch for the correct handling of
OpenBSD partitions. You will probably need to reconfigure and rebuild
your linux kernel to recognize BSD disklabels... Here is how it shows up
You will probably need to reconfigure and rebuild your linux kernel
to recognize BSD disklabels... Here is how it shows up
on my box:
Partition check:
@ -410,7 +386,7 @@ and here is my linux fstab:
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy ext2 noauto 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,ro
2.2 kernels also include a working UFS, though you may run into problems when
linux kernels also include a working UFS, though you may run into problems when
writing to ufs partitions. Note the ufstype=44bsd. If you forget that
in your mounts, it will fail. Depending upon your installation, you may
get a failure message, or you will have to dig through /var/log/ to find
@ -484,30 +460,15 @@ you know what you are doing, and don't expect there will always be someone
to get you out of trouble. If your setup is really too weird, no-one can help.
As far as the boot process goes, I think lilo allows you to boot from ANY
partition recorded in the MBR, including extended partitions. The only
limitation is that the next stage bootstrap MUST take place entirely within
the first 1024 cylinders of the disk, as seen by the BIOS. OpenBSD
MBR partitions that extend beyond cylinder 1024 are no problem, as long as
the disklabel root (a) partition doesn't extend beyond cylinder 1024.
Since Windows, OpenBSD, and linux all have that limitation, the easiest way
is to start with Windows partitions (entirely within the first 1024
cylinders), follow with the linux boot partition (still within the first
1024 cylinders), then the OpenBSD area (which can span the 1024 cylinders
boundary, as long as a lives within the limit), and the remaining linux
Weirder setups are unwarranted. Several bsd on the same disk MAY be
possible, but will be harder to manage:
partition recorded in the MBR, including extended partitions.
Several bsd on the same disk MAY be possible, but will be harder to manage:
- it is better if disklabels match,
- linux will obey the first disklabel it finds, try to ensure this is
OpenBSD disklabel, it can describe more partitions than the others,
- other BSD may get confused with each other data. Normally, the A5/A6
split ensures that Net/Free won't get mixed up with OpenBSD,
- FreeBSD and NetBSD will probably get confused with each other,
- if you have a 1024 cylinder limit, all boot areas must stay within the
1024 cylinder boundary, so only one of the BSD may span that limit, apart
from very, very nasty tricks.
Finally, how much disk space do you have anyway ? Do you really need to
cram that many OSes on the same disk ? Put them on separate disks rather.
