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Not yet complete, probably completely wrong on several important points.

espie 26 years ago
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src/etc/etc.i386/INSTALL.linux View File

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$OpenBSD: INSTALL.linux,v 1.1 1998/09/20 15:12:06 espie Exp $
Warning: this document is currently being written. It's not yet complete,
and probably contains loads of errors.
Linux + OpenBSD: it's possible
by Marc Espie --
It is perfectly possible to have linux and openbsd on the same disk.
As of this writing, OpenBSD can read and write linux' partitions, whereas
Linux cannot access OpenBSD partitions (they differ from NetBSD partitions).
You can even install OpenBSD from an ext2fs partition (choose install from
disk... ext2fs does not appear in the choices, but `default' it is).
First, make a bootable floppy of linux. Then, you have to find some room
for OpenBSD. Don't worry about swap space: you can share Linux' swap
If you want to grab space from a Windows/DOS partition, use fips.
Fips20 knows all about FAT32, so windows 95 is no longer a problem.
First principles
OpenBSD does not use the DOS partitions for more than booting. You just
need a small DOS partition to put your OpenBSD root. Afterwards, OpenBSD
heeds some other information entirely, called the BSD disklabel. This
disklabel is another completely distinct description of your hard disk.
It does not even have to be consistent with the usual DOS partitions
Throughout this document, we will distinguish between DOS partitions and
BSD partitions whenever this is necessary.
For consistency, it's better if all parts of the disks that
are actually used by OpenBSD are flagged as occupied, type A6, though it
is not necessary. The only part of the disk that should appear both as a BSD
partition and as a DOS partition is the root partition: it MUST begin on
the same sector for the boot process to work.
One way to visualize things is to picture OpenBSD embedded inside DOS
partitions: the DOS partition(s) used by OpenBSD may each contain several
OpenBSD partitions. As long as the DOS partition table has the right
start and length for each partition it will be kept happy.
The OpenBSD disklabel is just another mechanism that yield another
description of the disk. It is vitally important that the BSD root
partition start precisely where the corresponding DOS partition is supposed
to start, and it is better when all BSD partitions stay inside their
DOS partitions boundary. Apart from OpenBSD partitions proper, the
BSD disklabel can yield a BSD description of other DOS partitions, but
this is not mandatory. If you don't have any constraints, having a correct
description of all partition is better, but with bigger disks, keep in mind
that OpenBSD disklabels can't hold more than 16 partitions.
Contrarily to popular belief, OpenBSD does *NOT* need one contiguous chunk
of the disk. It is probably the simplest setup, but other considerations
(such as the need to boot several OS, and have several small primary
partitions that all start before cylinder 1024) may lead you to use
two chunks for OpenBSD.
If you can, it is MUCH better to devote a full disk to OpenBSD: this limits
the number of mistakes you can do. Admittedly there are some cases where
this isn't a option (my machine is a laptop... I have to cope with the
harddisk I have).
Mapping your disk
Starting from Linux, get a grasp of your partitions. Use df to check which
is what, then fdisk to get the actual setup of the disk.
Here is my disk:
Disk /dev/hda: 128 heads, 63 sectors, 993 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 8064 * 512 bytes
Device Boot Begin Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hda1 1 1 260 1048288+ 6 DOS 16-bit >=32M
/dev/hda2 261 261 273 52416 83 Linux native
/dev/hda4 287 287 993 2850624 5 Extended
/dev/hda5 287 287 303 68512 82 Linux swap
/dev/hda6 304 304 456 616864+ 83 Linux native
/dev/hda7 457 457 520 258016+ 83 Linux native
/dev/hda8 521 521 537 68512+ 83 Linux native
/dev/hda9 538 538 601 258016+ 83 Linux native
(In case you're wondering, yes this is a big disk. The linux playground is
large, the OpenBSD area will be huge. As a developper, I usually have loads
of source & binaries lying around... a simple OpenBSD installation can fit
within 300 Mb with room to spare).
Get the display to sectors with u, and jot down the corresponding
information as well:
Disk /dev/hda: 128 heads, 63 sectors, 993 cylinders
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 bytes
Device Boot Begin Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hda1 63 63 2096639 1048288+ 6 DOS 16-bit >=32M
/dev/hda2 2096640 2096640 2201471 52416 83 Linux native
/dev/hda4 2306304 2306304 8007551 2850624 5 Extended
/dev/hda5 2306368 2306368 2443391 68512 82 Linux swap
/dev/hda6 2443455 2443455 3677183 616864+ 83 Linux native
/dev/hda7 3677247 3677247 4193279 258016+ 83 Linux native
/dev/hda8 4193343 4193343 4330367 68512+ 83 Linux native
/dev/hda9 4330431 4330431 4846463 258016+ 83 Linux native
Okay, finally switch to expert mode, and note the corresponding data.
Disk /dev/hda: 128 heads, 63 sectors, 993 cylinders
Nr AF Hd Sec Cyl Hd Sec Cyl Start Size ID
1 00 1 1 0 127 63 259 63 2096577 06
2 00 0 1 260 127 63 272 2096640 104832 83
3 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
4 00 0 1 286 127 63 992 2306304 5701248 05
5 00 1 2 286 127 63 302 64 137024 82
6 00 1 1 303 127 63 455 63 1233729 83
7 00 1 1 456 127 63 519 63 516033 83
8 00 1 1 520 127 63 536 63 137025 83
9 00 1 1 537 127 63 600 63 516033 83
Note that this is STILL the same data. The good point about this last
display is that it is what you're going to see in OpenBSD fdisk !
You will notice that the 3rd primary partition is empty... this is where
I intend to stick my OpenBSD root partition (both DOS and BSD partitions),
and that I have cylinders 602-993 empty... this is where I intend to
stick the rest of OpenBSD.
Before starting to install OpenBSD, now would be a good time to check the document... Especially note the alignment restriction of
partitions (first sector of a partition must be at head 0, sector 1 of a
cylinder). This is enforced by linux' fdisk.
The other point to note is that extended partitions are actually linked
lists. This will also show up in OpenBSD' fdisk.
Your clock and OpenBSD
One last thing you can do before starting OpenBSD: OpenBSD expects your
hardware clock to be in universal time, and uses timezones to give you
local time. With linux, this depends... most distributions use a small
program called hwclock to set up the system time from the hardware clock
when booting... there is a --utc option if your hardware clock is in
universal time, but this is not always the case.
Check your distribution, on redhat 5.1, this occurs in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
which loads /etc/sysconfig/clock which defines a variable called UTC before
calling hwclock.
- ensure UTC is set to true
- adjust your hardware clock from the system time if necessary, e.g.,
hwclock --systohc --utc
Linux fs and OpenBSD
There is a problem with many linux rc that do mount all filesystems even
in single-user mode. After you've installed OpenBSD, if your linux kernel
knows about bsd disklabels, it may insert lots of bsd partitions in its
list. Then at the next reboot, you're in trouble. The simplest way around
that is probably to make sure you have a linux kernel around that doesn't
know about disklabels. Otherwise, you may wish to check your inittab
and your rc to make deadly sure that single-user boot will work.
The OpenBSD installation
If you've got the space, you can install from your ext2fs partitions. This
is what I did, as I have a slip connexion to the rest of the world, and
the OpenBSD install floppy does not include slip.
So you cp floppy*.fs /dev/fd0, then reboot...
First time I booted my system back, I did not get into linux... I forgot
I had installed lilo in the master boot block, and lilo does not heed
the active partition flag. Fix was rather simple though. Once I was into
linux, I just had to edit lilo.conf to read:
(changed were the last 3 lines) and rerun lilo, and voila,
OpenBSD was able to boot !
Linux and OpenBSD partitions
As of 2.0.35/2.1.122, linux does not support OpenBSD partitions. The way
the linux kernel works is reasonably straightforward, code in
drivers/block/genhd.c: when it detects a BSD disklabel, it does read it
and instantiates some new partitions, that will show up in that drive's
partition list. Unfortunately, that check is hardcoded for type A5
(NetBSD/FreeBSD) disklabel, and it recognizes only 8 partitions disklabels
