Portable build framework for OpenNTPD
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Brent Cook 8e4c175c42 update copyright block, patches 10 years ago
0001-include-time.h-for-clock_gettime.patch reorganize and incorporate debian and gentoo patches 10 years ago
0002-removed-unused-libevent-header-and-structures.patch reorganize and incorporate debian and gentoo patches 10 years ago
0003-Use-LOG_NTP-syslog-facility.patch reorganize and incorporate debian and gentoo patches 10 years ago
0004-remove-unused-dns_pid.patch reorganize and incorporate debian and gentoo patches 10 years ago
0005-conditionally-fill-in-sin_len-sin6_len-if-they-exist.patch reorganize and incorporate debian and gentoo patches 10 years ago
0006-EAI_NODATA-does-not-exist-everywhere.patch update copyright block, patches 10 years ago
0007-check-if-rdomain-support-is-available.patch reorganize and incorporate debian and gentoo patches 10 years ago
0008-Handle-IPv6-DNS-records-on-IPv4-networks-more-libera.patch reorganize and incorporate debian and gentoo patches 10 years ago
0009-update-ntpd.conf-to-indicate-OS-dependent-options.patch reorganize and incorporate debian and gentoo patches 10 years ago
0010-add-p-option-to-create-a-pid-file.patch.disabled disable pid file patch for now 10 years ago
0011-Fix-DNS-timeout-lookup.patch reorganize and incorporate debian and gentoo patches 10 years ago
0012-don-t-be-too-stingy-on-braces.patch reorganize and incorporate debian and gentoo patches 10 years ago
0013-rename-socket-to-avoid-a-variable-called-sun.patch add Solaris build patch 10 years ago
0014-add-MAX-macro.patch add ye-old standard MAX macro 10 years ago
patch-imsg.c adjust patch naming convention to match ports 10 years ago