- pkgname=openvr-git
- pkgver=1.4.18.r0.g02bc73b
- pkgrel=1
- pkgdesc="API and runtime that allows access to VR hardware from multiple vendors. Contains API and samples. The runtime is under SteamVR in Tools on Steam."
- arch=('x86_64')
- url="https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr"
- license=('custom')
- depends=('libgl' 'sdl2' 'glew')
- optdepends=('oculus-udev: Udev rule to make the rift sensors usable to the "plugdev" group'
- 'steam: For SteamVR (Duh)'
- 'vive-udev: Udev rule to make the Vive sensors usable to the "plugdev" group')
- makedepends=('git' 'cmake' 'qt5-base') #qt5 for the overlayexample
- provides=("openvr")
- options=('!strip' 'staticlibs')
- source=("git+https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr.git"
- 'https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/commit/0fa21ba17748efcca1816536e27bdca70141b074.patch'
- '0001-also-add-pragma-pack-around-VRControllerState_t.patch')
- md5sums=('SKIP'
- '7350517830b1a0038d30c6ad33b4bb39'
- '8a9379f8cdf9a38f21942f46378714a5')
- pkgver() {
- cd "$srcdir/openvr"
- #echo $(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
- git describe --long | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
- }
- prepare() {
- cd "$srcdir/openvr"
- git apply ../0fa21ba17748efcca1816536e27bdca70141b074.patch #https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/pull/594
- git apply ../0001-also-add-pragma-pack-around-VRControllerState_t.patch
- }
- build() {
- #export CXX=clang++
- #export CC=clang
- cd openvr
- make
- # Valve's build of libopenvr_api.so contains symbols that have no source code available
- # See: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/issues/425
- #make
- cd samples
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/ -Wno-dev .
- make
- }
- package() {
- #make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir"
- #make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir"
- install -d "$pkgdir"/usr/lib
- install -m 555 openvr/bin/linux64/libopenvr_api.so "$pkgdir/usr/lib"
- install -m 555 openvr/bin/linux64/libopenvr_api.a "$pkgdir/usr/lib"
- #make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir" #There is no installer for the samples
- install -d "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
- install -d "$pkgdir/usr/shaders"
- install -m 755 "$srcdir/openvr/samples/bin/linux64/hellovr_vulkan" "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
- for shader in "$srcdir/openvr/samples/bin/shaders/"*.spv
- do
- install -m 755 "$shader" "$pkgdir/usr/shaders"
- done
- install -m 755 "$srcdir/openvr/samples/bin/linux64/hellovr_opengl" "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
- install -m 755 "$srcdir/openvr/samples/bin/hellovr_actions.json" "$pkgdir/usr/"
- install -m 755 "$srcdir/openvr/samples/bin/cube_texture.png" "$pkgdir/usr/" #TODO: fix source code to look in proper place
- install -m 755 "$srcdir/openvr/samples/bin/linux64/helloworldoverlay" "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
- install -m 755 "$srcdir/openvr/samples/bin/linux64/tracked_camera_openvr_sample" "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
- #install -m 755 "$srcdir/build/samples/hellovr_opengl/run_hellovr.sh" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/run_hellovr.sh"
- install -d "$pkgdir/usr/include/"
- cp -ra "$srcdir/openvr/headers"/* "$pkgdir/usr/include/"
- #install "$srcdir/openvr/headers"/* "$pkgdir/usr/include/"
- }
- # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: